

Melissa shivered under the blankets, her body aching all over. She tried to muster the energy to get out of bed, but it felt like a Herculean task. She was too weak, too tired, and too miserable.

Leo wakes up and goes to the kitchen to get a coffee, he expected Melissa to bring him his usual morning coffee but she didn't come to his room.

As he makes his coffee, he looks around but there isn't any sight of Melissa, he calls her phone but she wasn't picking up then he hears the phone ring tone coming from her room.

Just as Melissa was starting to drift off into a feverish sleep, she heard the door open. She didn't have the strength to lift her head, but she heard the boss's concerned voice.

"Melissa? Melissa, are you okay? I've been calling you, but you didn't answer."

She tried to respond, but all that came out was a weak whisper.

Leo rushed to her side, feeling her forehead. "You're burning up! Why didn't you call for help?"

Melissa tried to apologize, but he just shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I'm here now. Let me take care of you."

Leo goes to the bathroom picks a bowl their puts in cold water, and takes a towel in the bathroom, and brings it to the bedroom.

And with that, he started giving her a bed bath, his gentle touch soothing her feverish skin. Then he places the wet towel on her forehead leaving it there for some minutes, after checking the time, he puts one hand on his forehead and the other on hers, he checks if her fever has gone down.

He let out a sigh as he feels that the fever has gone down, then he goes to make a call to the room service to get a doctor to come to their suite.

Melissa felt a wave of gratitude wash over her, too weak to do anything but lie there and let him take care of her.

As the hours passed, Leo stayed by her side, nursing her back to health. Melissa heart swelled with appreciation for this kind, caring man who was taking care of her when she needed it most.

After what felt like an eternity, the doctor finally came to the suite, he goes to Melissa's room to check her, he checks all her vitals and asked her some questions.

Then he tells Leo that's its just a fever and she is very stressed out, she should be allowed to rest for some days before going back to wor, so her health won't get worse.

The doctor gives Leo some drugs to give to Melissa and he should make sure she eats something before taking the drugs. Leo walks the doctor to the door and thanks him for coming.

Leo then goes to the kitchen to check what he can get to make food for Melissa, but there wasn't anything suitable for a sick person to eat there. He then remembers that his grandma makes porridge for him anytime he falls sick.

Leo calls the hotel kitchen to get him some things he would be needing to make the porridge, after some minutes the kitchen staff brings some groceries to the suite.

After some minutes Leo found himself making the porridge for Melissa, suddenly it hits him and he asks himself what is he doing, he has never made porridge for anyone but his grandma.

The porridge is ready now, Leo takes some to Melissa's room, she was sleeping but he had to wake her cause she needs to eat to take her drugs.

He gently wakes Melissa and tells her to sit up, she tries to sit up but she is weak. He drops the porridge on the table close to him, then he gently helps her sit up, he puts the porridge on her laps so she can eat.

She looks at him, thanked him and tried picking up the spoon to eat but it seems like her hands aren't working wall, the spoon kept falling from her hands.

Leo picks up the spoon and slowly feeds Melissa, he cleaned drops of food that was coming from her mouth, continued feeding her till she was full.

As she was done eating, he brings out her drug and gave it to her, she takes it and thanked him again. The drugs are already kicking in so Melissa decides to go back to sleep, Leo goes to drop the plates.

After taking care of the kitchen, he goes back to check on Melissa, he sees that she is fast asleep. The slowly walks to her so not to wake her up, then he gently tucked her in.