

Melissa's eyes fluttered open, and she was met with the soft glow of the morning light. She was surprised to find herself covered with a blanket, and her mind raced to remember the events of the previous night.

As she looked around, she saw Leo sleeping peacefully in the dining room, surrounded by papers and files. She couldn't help but stare at him, taking in the gentle rise and fall of his chest.

Just as she was lost in thought, Leo stirred, and Melissa heart skipped a beat. She quickly scrambled to her feet and rushed to her room, not wanting to be caught watching him.

She closed the door behind her and leaned against it, her heart still racing. She couldn't believe how sneaky she had been, but she couldn't help herself. There was something about Leo that drew her in, and she couldn't quite explain it.

As she caught her breath, she realized that she was still wearing the revealing nightdress from the night before. She blushed at the thought of Leo seeing her in it and quickly changed into something more modest.

With her heart still racing, Melissa wondered what the day would bring. After taking her shower, she puts on a nice dress just to be ready for any work of the day. Melissa hears a knock on the and goes to open the door, as she got to the door she founds out it is room service, she opens the door for the staff.

The staff comes in with a very nice looking buffet, a lot of her favourites was in the tray, her mouth salivated from looking at those lovely cooked food. As she admires the food Leo comes to the dinning room meeting Melissa and the staff. "Sir this is your breakfast for today," the staff says to Leo.

"Thank you, you can set the table and leave", Leo says to the staff. The staff sets the table and immediately leaves the room. Leo sits at the dinner table to have his breakfast, while Melissa still fantasising about the food that's right Infront of her.

Leo looks at her and was confused by her just staring at the food instead of joining him. Melissa still doesn't know if she should join her boss in his breakfast or just go downstairs and go get her breakfast.

"What are you doing there just staring, aren't you going to eat", Leo says to Melissa. Melissa quickly sits down and joins Leo to have her breakfast.

As they eat the room was silent as no one was saying a thing as they enjoyed their breakfast. Leo secretly stares at Melissa as she eats with so much joy, like a child that was given her favourite dish.

Leo breaks the silence,"we are going to the mall today to go check out some things,oh polly the new blooming fashion brand is going to sign a contract with us and one of our stores in the mall will be given as part of the contract, so get your things ready we will be going after we are done with the breakfast".

Melissa with lots of food in her mouth just replied "okay sir".