

Leo went to his room as they got to the suite and Melissa went to hers, she felt happy to be able to rest after the long day with the meeting with the investors.

Melissa walks into the bathroom, saw the bath tub and felt more happy, she slowly goes into the bath tub cause she hasn't used one before but felt happy to finally use it. After the lovely bath, Melissa checks the cloths that was giving to her for a night dress, all the dress was revealing but she has no other option.

Melissa blushed as she put on the nightdress, feeling a bit self-conscious about how revealing it was. But she couldn't deny the excitement she felt at the thought of wearing it for her boss.

As she made her way to the dining room, she was taken aback by the spread before her. Candles lit the table, and a delicious meal was laid out. Leo smiled, gesturing for her to take a seat.

After dinner, they cleared the table and got to work on some projects. Melissa was impressed by Leo's dedication and focus.

As the night wore on, Melissa's eyelids grew heavy. She settled onto the couch, feeling the softness envelop her. Before she knew it, she was drifting off to sleep.

Leo still busy with his work, didn't even notice Melissa wasn't sitting close to him. After hours of working, Leo turns to see what Melissa was doing. He looks at Melissa as she sleeps like a baby,Leo goes to his room and takes a blanket, Melissa felt a gentle touch as he covered her with a blanket. She smiled, feeling safe and cared for.

As she slept, she was unaware of Leo's gaze upon her. He watched her, his expression soft and thoughtful. For a moment, he forgot about work and just appreciated the beauty before him.

The night wore on, with Melissa sleeping peacefully and Leo working quietly beside her.