

Leo and Melissa, stepped into the pulsating heart of the club—the air thick with bass and anticipation. The neon lights painted their skin, casting shadows that whispered secrets. The investor, a man of discerning tastes, awaited them at the VIP booth. Melissa stilettos clicked against the polished floor as she leaned in, her voice sultry and businesslike. "Our proposal," she murmured, "is as intoxicating as the champagne." Leo's eyes held hers, a promise of success and something more. The music swirled around them, drowning out doubts and amplifying desire. In this dimly lit haven, they sealed the deal—one that transcended contracts and ignited flames.

After signing the contract the investor said no one is leaving till they are all drunk. Everyone raised their glass, cheers and began to gulp down every alcohol given to them. Everyone is drunk now, then they decide to part ways, Leo walked the investor to the car. Then goes Leo's driver brings his car from the car park, while Melissa waits outside, standing like a tree that's been blown by wind.

Leo tells the chauffeur to go to Melissa and tells her to come in the car, she enters the car and they drive to their suite, the drive was quite cause they were both drunk now.

As they stumbled into the hotel suite, Leo and Melissa couldn't stop laughing, they didn't know what was funny, it's like they stumbled on a laughing gas as they got into the suite. They had celebrated the deal with drink after drink, and now they were both feeling the effects. They staggered into the room, arms around each other, and collapsed onto the bed.

At first, they just lay there, giggling and joking. But as the minutes passed, their laughter slowly died down, and they just looked at each other. Leo's eyes glassy and unfocused, reached out and stroked Melissa's hair.

"You're amazing, Melissa," he slurred. "You're so smart and beautiful... I'm so lucky to have you as my assistant."

Melissa smiled, feeling her own eyes getting heavy. "You're not so bad yourself," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

They lay there in silence for a moment, the only sound their heavy breathing. Then, without thinking, they leaned in and kissed. It was a sloppy, drunken kiss, but it sent sparks flying through Melissa's body. She felt herself melting into his arms, felt her inhibitions disappearing with every passing moment.

As they kissed, Melissa felt like she was floating on air. She had never felt this way before, like she was completely free and unencumbered. She knew it was just the alcohol talking, but she didn't care. For the first time in her life, she felt like she could let go and just be.

They rolled around on the bed, kissing and laughing and stumbling over each other. Leo was heavy on top of her, his weight pressing her down into the mattress. But she didn't mind. She felt like she was drowning in his eyes, like she was sinking into the depths of his soul.

As they kissed, Melissa felt her clothes being pulled off, felt Leo's hands roaming over her body. She didn't stop him, didn't want to stop him. She wanted to feel alive, wanted to feel like she was living in the moment.

And then, without thinking, they were tangled in the sheets, their bodies pressed together in a sweaty embrace. Melissa felt like she was on fire, like her body was burning up with desire. She knew it was just the alcohol talking, but she didn't care. For the first time in her life, she felt like she was truly alive.

As they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, Melissa smiled to herself. She knew this wasn't the start of a romance, but it was a moment of pure joy. And sometimes, that was all that mattered.

In the morning, Melissa woke up with a pounding headache and a sense of regret. She looked over at Leo, who was sleeping peacefully beside her, and felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. What had they done? And why had they done it?

But as she looked into his eyes, she saw something there that gave her pause. She saw a glimmer of understanding, a glimmer of kindness. And she knew that maybe, just maybe, this moment wasn't a mistake after all.

"Hey," Leo said, his voice rough with sleep. "How are you feeling?"

Melissa smiled, feeling a sense of trepidation. "I'm feeling okay, I think," she said. "A little embarrassed, maybe."

Leo smiled back, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Don't be embarrassed," he said. "We just celebrated a great deal. And we had a little fun, that's all."

Melissa nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. Maybe this wasn't a mistake after all. Maybe this was just what she needed, a moment of pure joy to help her forget her troubles.

As they got out of bed and started getting ready for the day, Melissa felt a sense of gratitude towards Leo. He had given her a gift, a moment of pure happiness in a world that was often dark and cruel. And she knew that she would never forget it.