

Melissa contemplates on going back to work, feeling like she'd been put through a wringer. She couldn't believe she'd been caught red-handed, and by her boss of all people!

As she gets into her house, she couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt and embarrassment. She knew she had let Leo down, and worse, she'd made a fool of herself.

When she arrived home, she flopped onto her couch, staring blankly at the ceiling. Should she even bother going to work tomorrow? She knew she'd face a stern lecture, and possibly even a write-up.

But then again, she thought, maybe this was a chance to own up to her mistake and prove herself. She could apologize sincerely and work extra hard to regain Leo's trust.

Melissa sighed, weighing her options. She didn't want to face the music, but she knew she had to. With a newfound determination, she decided to show up at work the next day, ready to face the consequences and start fresh.

After all, as the saying goes, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." And Melissa was ready to make a whole pitcher!

Melissa wakes up immediately after the first ring of her alarm, she stands up, goes straight to freshen up and get ready for work. Melissa gets to the bus station before the bus got there, she had already prepared her mind to make amends of her mistake.

Melissa got to the office, she saw Mathew, she greeted him and asked of the boss. "Girl the boss got to work very early today, I came to work and found out he has been in his office for long, I think he has alot to do today, maybe you should check is schedule and find out what's up" Mathew says.

Melissa checks Leo's schedule and finds out there is a lot to do today, she rushed to get him coffee, to start up the day well. "Knock knock", Melissa knocks on Leo's office door." Come in" Leo says.

"Good morning sir, I brought your coffee" Melissa says as she slowly enters the office and drops his coffee.

"Go to team 3, ask for everything concerning the Madonna's hotel project, print it all out and get ready we are going to Madonna hotel". Leo says before Melissa could alter another thing. All she could say was okay sir and walk out of the office, as she left the office she let out a huge sigh.