

Melissa was deeply engrossed in her work at dinner table when her phone suddenly rang, breaking the silence of the room. She picked up the call to hear the receptionist's voice on the other end, informing her that there were boxes of important documents waiting for her to collect.

Curious and slightly intrigued, Melissa wondered what these documents could be and why they were so urgent. With a sense of anticipation, she quickly made her way to the reception area, her heels clicking against the polished marble floor of the hotel.

As she approached the front desk, the receptionist gestured towards a stack of boxes neatly arranged on a trolley. The boxes were labeled with her name and Leo's name, indicating that they contained confidential materials that only the two of them needed to review.

With a sense of purpose, Melissa wheeled the trolley back to the suite, the weight of the boxes a physical reminder of the responsibility that came with her role. She knew that these documents held the key to the upcoming project that she and Leo had been working on tirelessly for weeks.

As she began to unpack the boxes and sift through the documents, Melissa eyes widened with realization. The information contained within was crucial, outlining the details of a potential merger that could change the course of their company's future.

With a renewed sense of determination, Melissa set to work, poring over the documents with a laser-like focus. She knew that the success of this project hinged on her ability to analyze the information and present it to Leo in a clear and concise manner.

Hours passed as Melissa delved deeper into the details, her mind racing with ideas and strategies. Finally, as the sun began to set outside her window, Leo comes into the suite, he pulls off his coat and looked around then he sees Melissa so focused in what she was doing.

He then goes to make himself a coffee, so as to join Melissa in what she was doing. After some time Melissa notices that Leo was in the room, she rushes to show him what she has been working on.

She takes some papers and went to meet Leo where he was making his coffee. Mistakenly Melissa slips and was about fall, Leo sees that and trys to catch her. Melissa falls on Leo, she starts to apologise without even noticing that her boobs was all over Leo's face.

As she apologises but didn't get a reply she looks down and sees her boobs all over Leo's mouth. Like a movie or an imagination, Leo starts to suck on her soft boobs, she couldn't understand what was going on, all she knew was that she felt good as he sucks every bit of her boobs.

After minutes of sucking Melissa's sucklent boobs, Leo goes straight to kissing her, now Melissa's body was already on the cold floor as Leo touches every part of her as he kiss her.

He slowly moves his hands on her private area, and played with it gently, making her moan and wanting more. After minutes of touching her but not fucking her, he kissed her on the lips, stands up, goes to his room.

Leaving Melissa all wet and craving for more on the floor. After some minutes and waiting for Leo on the floor she notices that he wasn't coming back.

She felt awkward and ashamed, she stands up, picks all the documents on the floor and went straight to her room feeling somehow confused on what's going on.