

As Melissa walked into Leo's office, she could feel his eyes on her. She tried to ignore it, focusing on the task at hand - delivering his morning coffee. But she couldn't help but notice the way he looked at her, his gaze lingering on her face and body.

"Good morning," she said brightly, trying to sound professional. "Here's your coffee."

Leo took the cup from her, his fingers brushing against hers. Melissa felt a spark of electricity at the touch, but she didn't let it show. She just smiled and turned to leave.

"Thanks, Melissa," Leo said, his voice low and husky. "

Melissa nodded and kept walking, not looking back. She could feel his eyes on her, but she didn't let it faze her. She was determined to keep their relationship professional, no matter what had happened between them at the suite.

As the day went on, Leo couldn't help but notice her. She was her usual efficient self, handling tasks with ease and professionalism. But he couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. He had expected her to be all over him, to be eager to rekindle their romance. But instead, she was treating him like any other boss.

He tried to brush it off, telling himself he was being ridiculous. But he couldn't shake the feeling that he had missed an opportunity. Melissa was a beautiful and intelligent woman, and he had been lucky to have her in his bed. But now, it seemed like she was slipping away from him.

As they sat in a meeting later that day, Leo found himself stealing glances at her. She was focused on the discussion, her eyes fixed on the presenter. But he couldn't help but notice the way her hair fell in loose waves down her back, the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled.

He sighed inwardly, feeling a pang of regret. He had let his chance with Melissa slip away, and now he was paying the price. He could only hope that someday, she would give him another chance.

But for now, he was stuck in this limbo, unable to move forward or backward. He was trapped in his desires, unable to escape the gravitational pull of Melissa's beauty and intelligence.

As the meeting adjourned, Leo found himself lingering behind, hoping to catch her eye. But she was already gone, disappeared into the throng of staff's milling about the office.

He sighed and rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on. He had never been one for games or manipulation, but he couldn't help but feel like he was playing a dangerous game with Melissa. He was walking a tightrope, balancing his desire for her with his need to maintain a professional relationship.

And he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep it up.

As the day drew to a close, Leo found himself alone in his office, staring out the window at the city below. He was lost in thought, his mind a jumble of emotions and desires.

He knew he had to make a decision, to either pursue Melissa or let her go. But he was torn, unable to choose between his heart and his head.

And so he sat there, frozen in indecision, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the city lights flickered to life.