

Leo and Melissa arrived at the mall, looking sharp and professional. They were there to meet their new business partner and sign the contract that would take the company to the next level.

As they walked through the crowded corridors, Melissa couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. This was a big moment for the company, and she was honored to be a part of it.

When they arrived at the meeting spot, their business partner was already there, smiling and confident. They exchanged pleasantries and got down to business, reviewing the contract and discussing the details.

Melissa was impressed by Leo's negotiating skills and his ability to think on his feet. She watched in awe as he effortlessly handled the meeting, his confidence and charisma shining through.

After what felt like hours, the contract was signed, and the deal was done. Melissa let out a sigh of relief and smiled, feeling proud of what they had accomplished.

Oh Polly their new business partner brings out their new collections for Leo to see all their best sellers and to show him that alot of money would be coming to them for their investment.

The staffs brings out a lot of dresses that are part of their collection for the models that they were expected to put on the dresses for Leo to check them out.

Unfortunately the models couldn't make it they were stuck in traffic, they need someone to act as their model, all the staff were in panick on who would help them out

Leo gives a sign to Melissa to come to him, she goes to him and says "yes sir you called for me".

Leo tells her to turn around like give him a "360°".

Melissa felt some how uncomfortable but couldn't do anything but to turn around, Leo stares at Melissa as she gives a" 360".

Leo then let's out a word and looked at one of the staff, "she will do". Melissa still confused by what he meant, the staff drags Melissa by the hand to the dressing room and gives her the dresses to put on.

The dresses looks beautiful and Melissa was somehow pleased to be able to put on those dresses. One by one Melissa puts them on and gives everyone a show, they were so amazed and astonished by how by she was and how the dresses looked nice on her, like they were actually made for her. Melissa has a body of a model, so the dresses fits her so well.

Finally it was time for her to put on the lingerie collection, Melissa told the staff that she can't put it on, she felt uncomfortable and shy. The staff begs Melissa to please put it on and do the final show. Melissa still trying to make up her mind on if she should put it on or not, she stared at the staff that gave her puppy eyes. She had no other option but to put it on

Melissa puts on the lingerie, she comes out of the dressing room, everyone's jaw dropped. Leo looks up and saw Melissa moving in a slow motion, all that was in his head. From the sway of her hair to every step she took felt like he was watching a movie, everything kept moving slowly, it's like time starts moving slowly.

He couldn't help but let out a word, " beautiful". Everyone heard that and just kept clapping, Melissa was like a goddess in those lingerie.

As she was done showing off the lingerie she rushed to the dressing room, she could feel her heart beating fast, it felt like they were about to jump out of her chest.

After changing to her normal cloths, she comes out of the dressing room, the oh Polly staffs thanked her and gave her another round of applause.

Melissa sits down and watches Leo as he was talking to the business partners, after some minutes he stands up gives them a hand shake as they stand to take their leave.

As they left the mall, her boss turned to her and smiled. "You did great in there, Mellisa".

Melissa blushed, feeling a warmth in her chest. "Thanks, boss. I couldn't have done it without you."

Their eyes met, and for a moment, they just looked at each other, the tension between them palpable.