

As Melissa settled into her bed, she couldn't help but think about the past few days. She had never felt so alive, so free. She thought about Leo, about the way he had made her feel. She thought about the way he had looked at her, the way he had touched her. She thought about the way she had felt in his arms, like she was melting into his embrace.

But as she drifted off into her memories, she was interrupted by her sister's voice. "Hey, Melissa! Want to watch a movie with me and have some snacks?" her sister asked, poking her head into the room.

Melissa smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude towards her sister. She needed a distraction, something to take her mind off of her boss and the suite. "Yeah, that sounds great," she said, getting out of bed and following her sister to the living room.

As they settled in to watch their favorite movie, Bridgerton, Melissa felt a sense of comfort wash over her. This was what she needed, some quality time with her sister and a good distraction. She snuggled up under a blanket, feeling cozy and relaxed.

But as they watched, Melissa found herself opening up to her sister. She told her everything, about the suite and her boss and the way she had felt. Her sister listened intently, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Do you like him?" her sister asked, when Melissa had finished talking.

Melissa shook her head, feeling a sense of clarity. "No, I don't. I'm just grateful for his kindness, that's all."

Her sister nodded, understanding. "I'm glad you're okay, Melissa. You deserve it."

As they continued watching the movie, Melissa felt a sense of peace wash over her. She was grateful for her sister's support, grateful for the distraction from her thoughts. She knew that she still had a lot to process, a lot to think about. But for now, she was just going to enjoy the moment, enjoy the comfort of her sister's presence.

As the movie ended, Melissa's sister turned to her and said, "You know, Melissa, I'm really proud of you. You're strong and capable, and you deserve all the happiness in the world."

Melissa smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude towards her sister. "Thanks, sis. That means a lot coming from you."

And with that, they hugged, holding each other tightly. Melissa felt a sense of closure, a sense of peace. She knew that she still had a lot to deal with, but she also knew that she wasn't alone. She had her sister, and she had herself. And that was all she needed.