
Alpha's Marked Mate

"I'm a monster of my own making,I dont need saving!"Killian roared in anger at kyra,she could feel his powers circling around her choking her to death, she was the only one who could get close to him but his powers were too overwhelming to bare "Do..it..for..my..sake..ahh!"she struggled to say as blood streamed down her nose,it was hurting inside she felt as if her bones were been crashed mercilessly "for you?who the heck do you think you are huh?"he said with a cold expression as he moved close to her,he knew just how his powers affected her but he couldn't care less she was getting in his way "The world would be..destroyed..even me too"she gave out a sarcastic laugh and stared at him, her eyes were bloodshot red from the pain "choose him and be saved, I don't need redemption"he got back to normal and the invisible hand choking kyra left her as she fell to the cold ground. Cursed from birth but not by choice, hidden among the rest as he awaits the day he would turn into a vicious monster capable of killing his own kind however with just her love she can save him. He is the werewolf alpha the king to the entire world born with a curse but can only be saved by her. kyra a spirit dragon not aware of her abilities, her fate is to free him but there is always a price to pay for everything.Her fate is to save him from himself, would kyra sacrifice her life to save the one she loves or would fate play its part and destroy everything she worked hard to build. ♥Warning♥:Every scene in the story is a work of fiction,from my imagination.

♥Fairylove♥ · Urban
Not enough ratings
99 Chs

Her healing powers

 "Kyra, why aren't you eating?Is the food not nice?"Queen Azure asked kyra who was just staring at her food getting everyone's attention

"It's nice I promise we are not typical wolves really,the food is human"Amira said while chuckling earning a slap from aidan and she kept quiet

"It's nice i'm just wondering..why the Alpha isn't joining us"she looked up and queen Azura's eyes lowered while Aidan smiled faintly

"He isn't feeling like it kyra"Aidan said and queen azura nodded while Amira continued to have her food quietly,they were used to kullen's cold nature by now and knew when to say anything to him

"Oh okay"kyra averted her eyes from them and stared at her plate,why was she feeling uncomfortable,she didn't know why but something in her told her kullen was I trouble but what,she had no reason to ask about him in anyway

"Eat up Kyra"queen azura said with a smile and Kyra nodded,she had to admit queen Azura was very nice all of them were nice but why was kullen so bitter.