
Chapter 17 : First Transformation


I stared at the empty space that he had left, but there really was nothing that I could do about it. He was gone. He had just upped and left. And I could probably follow him if I wanted, but did I really want that?

Did I really want to face more rejection?

It wasn’t like I had expected him to declare undying love for me, but I had expected a little bit more emotion than what he had just given me. I had just given him my body, for crying out loud.

But I didn’t have the energy to do anything. I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t bring myself to do that. I couldn’t even manage to sit up in bed.

I brought my hand in front of my face. It was perfectly normal now. When did that happen? I tried to think of the claws, but I couldn’t bring them out.

I didn’t try very hard, I was on the brink of sleep. And soon, I couldn’t even work out what I was thinking any longer. My thoughts were just a jumble of pictures and feelings, and anything coherent was beyond me.