
Chapter 13 : Do You Want Him?


The meeting ended very abruptly. Marcus didn’t let anyone else speak after that. And we were all dismissed, the meeting to be reconvened at another time. Before I turned and walked out, Liana appeared at my side, and she walked me out of the room.

“What just happened?” I asked her, very confused.

“Not here,” she told me, shaking her head. “The walls have ears, especially when a Luna speaks. I’ll explain in your room.”

We walked there quickly, with Liana staying by my side the entire time. I opened the door and let her through, shutting it behind her quickly. It really was starting to feel like my room, now.

Marcus slept there, too. But he came in very rarely other than to sleep. I suppose he had his office that he could go to.

“Marcus has the right to pause the council now,” Liana explained. “Jason has called for exilement. Under our pack law, Marcus has to consider his request, and then give a decision about it.”