
Alpha's Fate

Katrina Crescent has her world ripped away from her in the blink of an eye when her parents the Alpha and Luna of the Crescent Wolf Pack are slaughtered, along with half of the other pack members. Not prepared to become Alpha and wanting nothing more than to grieve, she is thrust into her new position of Alpha. Packs from around the world will converge on her aiming to strike alliances, marriages and remove her as Alpha, but Theo Hemming the packs guard commander will stand by her side while vying for her heart. Little does Katrina know there's another out in the world vying for her heart too. Will her and her mate find each other in time to combat the destruction the packs of the world are about to rain down?

KheringtonBlack · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: Theo

Lucas showing up here is entirely unexpected. If other species show their faces in another's territory, it's to attack, not to talk. The prickle at the nape of my neck keeps my hair on end. My ears twitching with every little sound that might signify betrayal. From what I gathered after that council meeting, no one can be trusted.

We left behind Simon and several other guard members to keep the bloodsuckers company. Only Lucas and his right hand, Danya, were allowed onto pack territory. Stealing her breath, confidence strong in her posture, Katrina led us back to her parents' former home - now hers - straight to the office. It's the only room that's secure enough to discuss business matters.

Nia, our new Commander of the Guard, myself, Katrina, Oscar Divorio, our Omega, Lucas and Danya, filter into the room, my fingers latching the series of locks behind us. Just as he always does, the cool swagger dripping off him, Lucas leans his hip against the desk, as Katrina sits behind it. A rumbling growl vibrates through my chest, his disrespect of my Alpha something I'm not willing to tolerate.

Both Nia and I flank where Katrina sits, Oscar choosing the couch next to Danya, where he continuously scowls at her while she sniffs at the air. The same schoolground behavior that's existed between our kinds for eons. To vamps we smell like wet dogs. For wolves, we want nothing more than to tear off their heads, as that's the only way vamps truly die.

"Well, Lucas." Katrina waves as hand, her demeanor a show for the occupants of the room. A way for him to think she doesn't want her time wasted. But the wiggle of her nose gives her away. The scent emanating from her tangy anxiety. "Talk."

"Now Kat, I would think you'd be happier to see me." His Louisiana drawl pulls at his words, the lilt of his tongue meant to soothe, relax. Where his focus should be Katrina, those shadowed eyes are focused on Nia's lips.

Instantly, the scent of arousal fills the room. The permanence an overwhelming waft in the face. Now is not the time to question Nia or this vamp on why they're looking at each other with lust-filled eyes, their need clear for us all to witness.

Katrina shifts in her chair, her eyes narrowing on Lucas as she leans across the wide berth of the desk. "I won't ask again, Lucas."

"I've come with a bit of a…proposal, if you will." Despite the youth of his features, it's clear Lucas is from another time. Where proper speech and the upper hand was obtained through words, not violence and technology. Slowly, he lowers himself into the chair across from Katrina, his gaze reluctantly pulling from Nia. "Are you interested?"

With a harsh laugh, Katrina slams her hands against the hard surface, Oscar jumping to attention, ready to shift if needed. With a flex of my palm, he calms, lowering back into his seat, as far away from Danya as he can manage.

"Tell me what you're proposing and maybe I will consider it." Fingers linked atop the desk, Katrina leans back into the leather chair. A smugness to her features I know well. I've had to deal with it all her life. It's what always made her the ultimate pain in the ass.

"The entire underworld is after your pack. Including those you may believe to be allies," Lucas croons, picking at dirt under his nails.

"And let me guess, you're offering an alliance?"

For what must be the millionth time, Lucas locks eyes with Nia, their scents rising each time they do. What the fuck is going on here? There's no way there's any sort of relationship going on there. No one hates the Vampires more than Nia. At the ripe age of five, she wandered off on her own and was bitten by one. The only reason she survived is because the intent from whoever bit her wasn't death. It was a bite of claiming... property. A culprit we never found. Now I wonder, could it have been Lucas?

"I am offering a marriage. Between your kind and mine. Sure, we will still have enemies from all sides, but my clan is quite…large. You could use the numbers behind you, those that love killing your kind." A salacious grin pulls at his lips as he cleans back in his chair, the chains from his black jeans shifting.

"Absolutely, not." A roar of my words battling the jarring of my fists against the desk, rattling everything that sits atop it. Nostrils flaring, my breaths escaping in sharp huffs, I lean across the way toward Lucas. "Our kind will never breed with yours."

Not entirely true. There have been several hybrid children throughout history, our bonds choosing a mate not based on race, but a complementary set of genes we're born with. It's frankly, more common than thought for mates to be of other races. It's also something very few of us ever embrace. Those that do, become outcasts, usually living amongst the humans in hiding.

"Are you so sure about that?" With a sly look his gaze returns to Nia, before standing from his spot. Danya returning to her feet at the same time. "I'll give you a week to decide, dove. Then my offer expires and we remain enemies."

"Get. Out. Of. My. House." Katrina's palms flatten against the desk, as she rises to her full height. Her size alone wouldn't intimidate a child, but her tone, the press of her shoulders and the scowl of death surely would. Still, Lucas remains calm as he readjusts his leather coat, throwing a wink at Nia before trailing Oscar from the room.

Trembling like she's been immersed in the cold for days, Katrina collapses back into her seat, as the door closes behind Nia. It's just us again, and despite her determination to remain strong, her breaths are ragged, her body quivering. Not with fear. Not with grief, but hopelessness.

"Katrina, you cannot agree to it."

"I know," she breathes. Hands running through her thick head of curls.

Pushing her chair out from the desk, I kneel in front of her, placing my own shaking hands against her cheeks. "We will figure it out." She nods against my hold, her eyes searching mine before we crash into each other, lips and teeth colliding. Soft lips mold against mine, her tiny fists balling my shirt pulling me closer. For years I've wanted nothing more than for her to want me as I do her. Still, I know it's not right for me to take advantage of her vulnerability.

"Kat, stop." Amber eyes gaze back at me, her lips puffed from our assault on one another, but she doesn't release me. Our breath mingling in the small space between us.


"You're upset and worked up from that… encounter." I wrap my hands around hers, her warmth already making me regret the words I'm about to say. "I won't take advantage of your emotional state."

With an arch of her brow, she pulls me towards her again. "Hey, Theo. Ever consider maybe I'm taking advantage of you?" Then her lips are on mine again, instantly parting to allow my tongue to sweep inside. With the fumbling hands of a teenager, I find her waist, lifting her from her from the firm leather. With a quick rotation, it's now her back to the desk as I drop her on it, my body curved over hers.

She wastes no time, stripping me of my shirt, belt and jeans, our kiss only breaking long enough for each item to be removed. I'm slower with her, running my hands along the soft skin of her stomach before cupping her breasts in my hands. I'm already hard, something she's quite thrilled about, as she wraps her tiny palm around my length, making me hiss.

"Theo, I'm going to need you to move a bit quicker," her words a chuckle against my lips.

I refuse to disappoint, tearing her clothing from her body, instead of removing it the way she did mine. Inhaling her arousal, I touch her for the first time, my finger dipping into her core, her head falling back, exposing her neck for my lips to suck on. Not a single one of my fantasies compares to how she tastes or how she feels. Her tight walls drawing on my finger as I swipe against them. She pulls me closer using my length as a lever.

"Inside. Now," she commands, forcing my hand from her, lining my head up with her entrance.

"Kat, we can take our time."

"Later," she breathes, capturing me in another kiss, pushing her pelvis toward me.

I only hesitate a moment, realizing I am about to take this woman bare, the only one I've ever done this with. Just like any other, we use protection. Birth control doesn't quite work the same for wolf shifters, but condoms do the trick. Although, it's rare to impregnate a woman not in her needing- a feature common across all races and creatures- I've never been willing to take the chance. With Kat, I am though. The vision of her swollen with our young enough for me to push into her, inch by inch.

There's nothing slow or exploratory about the sex we're having. It's animalistic and beastly. Her taking what she needs from me. Me being willing to give her anything she would ever ask. Our hips set a ferocious pace, her meeting me thrust for thrust. The solid desk quaking beneath us. If any of the pack is within a mile of this house, they can hear us, smell us even. Us, claiming one another.

Biting down on her neck, I roar my release, filling her with my seed, her following me only moments later. Secretly, I hope she is carrying my young after what we just did. Realistically, I know I shouldn't hope for such things. Why would my Alpha choose me?