
Alpha's Destined Mate

"I love you, Veronica." He murmured. He grabs her hand and places it on his chest, "Listen to my heart, it's screaming your name." "You are my other half—my life, my world and I can't live without you." He exhale deeply, "I love you, my love." Veronica listen carefully to his heart, it's like telling her how longing he was for her touch and hug but she's still afraid to trust him especially one of his race killed her former lover. But her mind and heart telling her opposite, it pursuing Veronica to gave him another chance to prove how worthy he was. Veronica remove her hand from his chest and look into his eyes which she saw how desperate Raver was. Is it worth it? Is she ready to forget everything and let him become part of her life? What if Veronica has a blood of his most rival and worst she's the daughter of the hunter who killed half of his race? Will Raver still accept her as his mate? But what if discovering his mate's identities will lead to their separation? Will Veronica be able to handle another heart break after he left her without any goodbye?

Unbelievablesmile · Fantasy
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12 Chs




"Do you really want to do this?" My father asked me for the third time today.

I just smiled at him before jumping out of his car. I don't want him to worry so I insisted to go to school. This is the only way I have to kill my boredom, especially since he wouldn't stop talking to me.

"Yes, I insist. Besides, I need to catch more subjects."

"We can pull over and stay at home."

"No dad, I am fine, and don't worry about me because I'm a big girl."

He let out a deep sigh before handing me my books, he smiled at me and that was enough response for me to know he's trusting me.

"Don't be late," He warned.

I chuckled and salute him, "Yes, sir!"

"I love you, my little angel."

"Dad!" I shouted at him because he was making me embarrassed.

But he just laughed before starting the car to leave my school, I felt relief to have a father like him because after all of the crazy things that happened to me. He stayed beside me.

I started my step inside the building and walk like normal people but couldn't deny their judgemental gazes. I ignore those sharp gazes and continue my way inside my first subject which is history.

After what happened, my father insisted me to live with my grandma, which I quickly refuse because I don't want to be their main suspect and felt I'm responsible for what happened to my boyfriend two weeks ago.

Every step I made, the students start making whispers to one another and it gave me an ease feeling. I sat down on the empty chair and ignored my seatmate because I know he didn't like to be seated beside me.

"Ignore them," My seatmate said causing me to look at him.

"Pardon me?" I asked because it was the first time I see this guy, well actually this is my first time going to school again.

"Ignore them. That's the best thing you can do," He repeated what he just said.

I scoff softly, "I know what to do."

"I'm just saying," He shrugged.

"Are you a new student?"

"I don't know, do you think I'm new?" This guy bring back what I asked him.

Is he trying to be friendly or does he just want to annoy me?

I was about to speak again when the teacher came inside. Everyone greeted the professor but his gaze landed on me, and not surprised to see me.

"Before we start our session. I want all of you to meet our new student, Mr. Wilson, please proceed to the front."

My seatmate stood up from his seat before walking in front of the class, and I saw clearly how mesmerizing his looks were. He has deep blue eyes and his appearance makes a huge impact in the class.

I suddenly felt hypnotized by his calming and comfortable aura, but why I'm feeling this?

"I am Raver Wilson, my family and I arrived in this city five days ago. I'm hoping to have a lot of friends in this school," He stated.

"Okay, you may be seated."

My eyes followed him until he was finally seated beside me, he smiled at me causing me to realize what I'm doing.

I focus my eyes on the board just to make my mind occupied, and remember why I choose this situation.

"Well, Miss Harris, you'd gone almost a week and now your sitting on that chair like there are no problems between us."

I chuckled nervously, "W-what do you mean? I hadn't done anything."

"Don't play safe, Miss Harris because it won't help you get out of this situation. Since Raver was a new student and he missed a lot of things, I presume you wanted to meet him and make a project?"

"What? But, I don't know him well so why do you want me to create a project? Which is not right," I replied, trying to calm myself since I had just started my day.

"That's what I want you to do, know him well, and boom! You'll make the greatest project in the world," Mister Gomez said as if it's kind of an easy task.

"But, Mister G—"

"Uh-uh, no buts."

I closed my mouth slowly as he motioned me to zip it and be quiet and suddenly felt uninvited into his class because our professor wanted to start my day with this kind of situation.

I sighed, asking myself when did he treat me like this? The last time I checked he was my favorite teacher but now he was included in the list I made, the list of hated professors.

This is not the first day I thought, and I could still see their sharp glimpse like they were accusing me of something. I hugged myself trying to comfort my mind because from now on, my life wouldn't be the same.

"Glad to meet you, Miss?" The Raver guy lends his hand in front of me with a sweet smile flashing on his face.

I looked at his hands before looking at him, I still cannot forget the calming aura he had, but I shook my head for thinking that.

I accept his hand, trying to be friendly, "I am Veronica Harris, nice meeting you too."

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful lady like you. Doesn't surprise me."

I smiled forcedly because I don't want to be rude since his pick-up lines are kinda s*cks and it made my day worse. I let go of his hand.

"So, I think we're partners now?"

Oh, god.

"I think so..."

This wasn't the day I thought, I want to start again but our professor made my day worse. I averted my eyes so I can ignore his unease gaze, I sighed secretly and force my mind to focus on the lecture even though I can't.

I wish I can bring back the past and make everything right...