
Chapter 9

The room was silent. So silent causing me to hear the small sound from my wristwatch. I didn't know that a lot of minute past after what I did to Orion. Until now I still feel how I am so mad because of him. When Felix, David, Shiena and the five pack warriors are here, they're shock to see what happened. I know that they want to ask what the hell happened, but as soon as I call David to report to me, they didn't try to do it. Because I don't know of I can answer their questions or I will destroy everything here.

They still kept quite. I glanced at Orion and he was currently adjusting, he was healing himself causing me to have a deep sighed. I didn't know I can do that until I did that to him.

"What information did you get?" I asked David who was currently sitting in front of me. he looked at me before answering,

"I haven't been able to find much information about him Alpha Alec. But while I was investigating and asking the other werewolves outside of the Dark Moon Pack, a man approached me." My curiosity grew even more.

"He had the opportunity to talk to me because he said there was a lot of peiply on the side of the road. Because of curiosity he came over to find out what we were talking about. And that's when I told him that if anyone knows the man with the blue eyes, dirty and his clothes were colored brown or did he stumble upon that chaotic and noisy environment or did he live here." I was stunned when David gave me a photo of a man. The man in the picture is old but its face shows that it still has the strength to do various jobs.

"Who is this? does he know that man?" I pointed to the man Orion almost killed earlier just because he wanted to see him.

"Yes. He knows him. He bumped into him once on the side of the road. The description of the man I'm looking for is identical to the man he bumped into." I nodded.

"What is the relationship between the two of them? Does he know him? Does he know where he lives?" I asked David. I was hoping that we could return that man to his owner, but my hopes were immediately disappeared when David shook his head in response.

"I'm sorry Alpha Alec but he didn't know that man. He said he was surprised because of his appearance and after that he left, he gave him bread in a paper bag. He didn't know where it went. That's the only information I got about him, Alpha Alec." David finished what I ordered him to do. I suddenly thought... if he's not from Vinizia City and the place where Omegas like him live, then where does he live?

"Alec," I stopped thinking when Orion suddenly called me who was now looking at me properly. He was able to heal himself. I dismissed David who was sitting in the chair in front of the table and turned to Orion again.

"What is it? I don't want to hurt you again, Orion. So be careful with what you say and ask."

"I know I'm a jerk but I don't think it's necessary to do that again here." He said while looking at our companions inside my office. I noticed the expression on the faces of Shiena, Timothy, Felix and David. I know what happened earlier is what they are thinking, well, I have no intention of doing that to Orion again. Once is enough, twice is too much.

"It's good then. Do you have something to say?"

"Is the man we're talking about here—"

"...That's the man you almost killed." Shiena interrupted what Orion was going to say next. Orion looked at it and I just saw that it raised its hands saying that it was giving up.

"Okay. I'm not going to do anything shameless here again. But I'm just wondering why you seem to be so serious about that man? Why? Was he kicked out of the territory he belongs to that's why he came here? Did someone hurt him too much? Is he special toa all of you for you to take him so seriously?" Orion never stopped asking all of us. I just listen to what he says. I knew he would wonder a lot about that man.

"And my whole face was almost crushed by Alec's punch earlier just because of what I said and Did. I'm really sorry. And you too Doctor Shiena, you cried earlier while saying that I tried to kill him. So why? Is he so special that you treated him like this?"

"Because he was so fucking special that's why we treated him like that. Are you done asking us?" Shiena's answer was serious so I saw Orion's sudden frown at her.

"I'm not done. So what's so special about him? Is he a son of a powerful Alpha outside the City? Is he the lost son of a rich Alpha? A sibling? A husband?"

"Can you please stop guessing things that don't happen in real life?" Shiena said in a sarcastic tone of her voice.

"Hey, Doctor Shiena, I'm guessing or predicting this and that because I don't know what you all... are talking about. so can you even care to tell me what the hell is happening so I won't ask useless questions again and again?"

"Even care to tell you everything? Didn't you know how to listen to Alec when he said he was going to call me first before you rush into the room where the man we're talking about is? The problem here is because you're stubborn! You don't want to listen! You always prioritize your feelings over listening to the people around you!"

We were all stunned by Shiena when she mentioned all that in front of Orion. I held my forehead and rubbed it slowly, my head was starting to hurt because of the conversation that was happening between the two. I don't know if I will get a good word from Orion. I guess... I don't.

"Alec. I don't know if he has the right to know about him. The only thing this man really came for was the unknown creatures that attacked the south three weeks ago. Maybe because I can't bear to talk to with him now or—never to talk to him again. I feel like I'm going to lose my hair because of my stress with him." After Shiena said that, she stood up and was about to leave my office.

He gaped dumbfounded after hearing what Shiena said. I know this is out of Orions knowledge, bringing a stranger inside my house is none of his business. But thinking about that man, that he was part of those creatures is what he supposed to know. Orion just had the wrong chance to find out who it was because he almost killed him earlier.

I shook my head because I suddenly clenched my hand in anger and annoyance building up inside me. He has the right to know, and I hope, maybe, he can help us too.

"Shiena," I called her. She stopped in front of the sliding door. "He has the right to know. Tell him everything." She quickly turned in my direction and her face showed that she's not okay or that she was not happy with what I said. I realized that he also needed to know that to reassure Orion that that man was not among those who invaded the south.

"But Alec,"

"This is not the time to do that, Shiena. You need to tell him the information about that man."

"But he's not part of the Dark Moon Pack!"

"You want to let him to kill that man again, Doctor Shiena?" I asked her in a serious tone of my voice.

I saw Orion looked at me, I could see the confusion on his face, "I'm not going to do that! I know it's my fault and I'm so sorry for doing that!" I didn't give Orion another look because I was waiting for Shiena to say what she want to say next.

She needs to do this. I have a plan.

"Okay! I will! I'm going to tell him about him!" She shouted.

The side of my lips rose because of her answer, I succeeded. She walked back to her seat next to Felix and when she sat down she looked straight at Orion. "I'm not telling you to believe me or anything. It's up to you whether you believe me and Alec, but I want you to know that I am a doctor here in Dark Moon Pack and that man is my patient."

I saw Orion nod, I just hope that when he finds out the truth about that man, there won't be another mess. Because if he does the same thing as he did earlier, I will not hesitate to attack him again and expel him from my territory. I don't care if William gets angry, I don't care anymore.

"That man is an Omega." after Shiena said that, I was looking at Orion and waiting for his next statement or expression. but I was surprised because his face was still serious while waiting for what Shiena would say next.

When I turned to Shiena, she was looking at me, waiting for to say if she would continue with the information that she could tell Orion and those who were with us in my office. Because this is my decision... I nodded. Which means he can continue with what he has to say. Shiena glanced at Orion once again and she told the man in front of her about the strange young man that we help.

"He was an Omega so he was... so fragile and weak. Felix and the other pack warriors saw him outside of the east part of Dark Moon, lying on the floor and unconscious. When I checked him, I'm so... shock to see his body. His body was so thin, pale, small and he had so many wounds and bruises. There were dry wounds, there were new ones and the worst thing I saw was the big bruise on his back."

"I didn't expect that with the small body he has, he will receive the kinds of wounds and bruises from whoever he is with or whoever... owns him." silence prevailed between all of us after Shiena said that.

No one dared to speak, but, just a minute later I heard Orion's surprising answer. "He was an Omega, Doctor. So it's normal for him to receive something like that,"

"Normal? So do you think it's normal for Omegas to receive such violence? Do you think they deserve to be hurt because they're Omegas? No, Orion. no." I breathed deeply. I know where Shiena's feelings are coming from. Orion's words were triggering her, she doesn't like it when someone who was weaker than her is being punished or hurt by anyone.

Is my decision is right to let Shiena tell that to Orion? Do I make my decision right?

"Doctor, we are in reality. Omega's are born to be like that. They're born to please everyone, they're born to play with. So why are you—" Orion was stunned when we saw Shiena stand up from her seat, doesn't left a word and then she leave my office.

We were left stunned and silent. I know I succeeded but it didn't even cross my mind that this will be the outcome, and I don't think if Orion can help us too. I don't know why he said that, and I don't think if I can take it any longer if he says something useless again. Orion turned to me confused and Timothy who was surprised by what he found out. I guess, I don't expect the same reaction from them.

"W-wait I didn't say anything wrong? right?" I held my head and suddenly leaned on the chair. I feel tired. Tired because of this conversation between us.

"Is it true, Alec? that he was an Omega?" I looked at Timothy and nodded my head.

"Yes. Je was. That's why we, as an Alpha, we can't just let him smell our scent." after I said that, Timothy was even more dumbfounded while looking at me.

I felt nervous, which made me stand up from my seat and approach him. "why?" he looked at me nervously.

"When you fell down together with Orion after he did that, I was stunned because I saw him shaking and panting on the floor. Like he was... he was clinging into Shiena's coat as if it was his only reason for not dying. And and then Shiena suddenly yelled at me to hide what I was releasing from my body and it's my scent. I didn't know he was affecting too much because of my scent that's why I back away and tried myself to not let him smell it. While Shiena was giving him instructions how to calm himself down. I felt bad while looking at him..."

"What the hell dude? So you felt bad because you just—" this time I didn't back away from Orion. I grabbed his collar hard and forcefully. I'm done with every word that comes out of this man's fucking mouth, I can't bear to hear what he has to say anymore.

"If you can't stop saying useless things, shut the hell up, Orion." My jaw tightened and I forcefully pushed him away from me.

I did everything to hear what he wanted to say but it's useless. His words are still fucking useless. I was about to leave my office to follow Shiena and see that man when someone suddenly opened the sliding door of my office. I looked there and did not expect the new guest to arrive.

"Hello boys, so, what's happening here?" she smiled widely after that.

It's Ria. Luna Ria and a Wife of Orion. the Luna of the west.