
Chapter 8

I just stared into Orion's eyes until I saw the slow curve of an insulting smile on his lips. if I never change to defend my citizens, the weak creatures, he never changes to hurt those weaker than him.

Nothing changed in Orion's wrong habits. And because of that he was able to release Nebula inside of me who was quietly carrying out his wrongdoings.

"Finally, one of my friend's wolves has come out. How are you, Nebula? Will you defend your weak and cowardly Alec?" After he said that, Nebula growled loudly at him.

I could feel Nebula's reluctance to reveal its true form in front of Orion, because Nebula knew that when that happened my entire territory would feel its power. I know they will be afraid of my wolf Nebula when that happens. I don't want my citizens to fear me or my wolf either, but I know, I won't be able to stop Nebula when what I expect happens.

"Oh? Why? You're holding yourself back Nebula? Don't hold yourself back from doing what you want to me right now. I know you and Alec are the same, you're both cowards!" he shouted loudly in front of Nebula and me.

"Why do I have to do that to someone like you who doesn't know how to be calm?" We were all surprised at what my wolf Nebula said.

"Calm? Nebula, You and Alec are protecting a criminal! And you expect me to be calm?!" And Nebula suddenly growled at him.

"He is not a criminal, Finn."

He slowly approached Orion, to his surprise that he suddenly did what he did not expect. Nebula's size grew larger. I felt the fear of what he would do next. Nebula is my wolf form, he was me in a wolf form and now unleashing his true form in front of Orion or Finn or to someone is what I feared the most. In his quite personality that I was thankful, but there was a darkness that lurked in his shadows. When he was angry, his conscience disappeared. so I'm afraid when people like Orion want to trigger him, because I don't know what Nebula will do to them next.

"W-what? Are you going to hurt me?! Then hurt me! Be a beast that you are Nebula! Be an animal that you are!"

And Nebula stop walking towards him. He didn't say anything but he looked at our right side, and I just saw the fear in the eyes of the pack warriors and other werewolves watching what was happening between me and Orion now.

I suddenly felt pain when Nebula saw their fear. Because he was my wolf form, this is the first time that they saw Nebula. Then he asked me to control our bodies now, I felt bad on him. Because they haven't seen my real wolf yet, I can't let them see Nebula, because even my wolf doesn't want to come out inside of me.

That's the reason why the jerk Orion doing now.

"Are you scared too, Nebula? Like Alec?! You know how funny you two are! I'm so glad because—"

"Shut up, Orion!" I heard someone's voice. we looked up at the second floor and just saw that there were three people standing on the broken wall of that room and they were all looking at me and Orion below.

It's Timothy, Shiena and that man. When I saw him I suddenly felt angry because of Orion. That man, Orion pertaining to him as a criminal. well, in fact, that's not true. I want to check on him too if he was okay, and if he doesn't hurt but I need to deal with Orion first. He didn't listen properly first, he didn't listen to me to call Shiena first because she was the only one who could properly answer Orion's question.

"What the fuck, Timothy? So are you saying you're on his side?!" Orion yelled at Tim who was upstairs.

"You're the wrong here! You're just crazy as you are, Orion!" He screamed again.

I shook my head and fixed my clothes. "Stop being childish, Orion. I know you're only doing this so your eyes can see for yourself the man I brought into my household. And you let my wolf come out of me too. What's really going through your mind?" I said annoyed to Orion who was now gaping because of what I said.

I'm not stupid enough not to know what he's doing.

Why did I still become his friend?

"W-what the hell are you saying?"

"I'm not stupid, Orion. tell me, is this your plan or is this part of what you always want? to see Nebula with your own two eyes?" I seriously asked him.

I didn't like what he was doing but this is me, I did what he wanted anyway. I let him see my wolf, I let him say whatever he wants, I let him hurt Shiena and that young and fragile man. I let him do it without realizing that he is like this.

He laughed softly because of what I said, and then he leaned his face closer to me, as if challenging another fight. "Do you think I did all this just to see your cowardly wolf, Alec? Who are you to waste my time?"

"Yes, who am I? I am the Alpha here and who are you to hurt my people?"

"What?! So you're saying that criminal is one of your people? Are you crazy, Alec? He is not part of your territory."

Yes he is. But while he is inside of my territory. He is still part of my people and they cannot change that.

"You, Orion!" We both looked up when Shiena suddenly yelled. I sighed because I knew she would do exactly what I expected. She's the one who needs to answer all of Orion's questions and not me.

"I need to talk to you, properly!"

"I have a mate, doctor Shiena." What the fuck?

"WHAT? YOU'RE NOT MY TYPE, FUCKING ONION!" She screamed loudly.

"Hey! Repeat that again!" Orion yelled but he stopped when Shiena landed in front of him gracefully.

Then she looked at him, pissed. her yellow eyes are glowing right now. "You hurt my patient, Alpha Orion and I won't get over what you did. If you have a lot of questions about the man I'm talking about, it's better to ask me than Alpha Alec." After Shiena said all that to Orion he turned to me. I nodded at him and at the same time I'm hoping that all the misunderstandings here can be resolved quietly.

But what Orion did to the room on the second floor caused a lot of damage. I ordered the other she-wolves from the kitchen of the house to go with the man Timothy was with now to accompany him to the other rooms at the second floor and don't ever leave him there. While the other pack warriors are repairing the damaged room and I asked Timothy to go with me to see what questions and answers will happen between Shiena and Orion.

They thought that they should talk in my office, I just let him do whatever they want. but I will not allow Orion to do that again within my territory.

"Do you think there won't be a second mess here when the two of them talk?" The nervousness in Timothy's voice was obvious when he told me that.

I was just holding back from attacking Orion earlier, but if he makes another mess, I'll have no choice even if he's my friend.

"I don't think I'll let him do that, he hurt Shiena and that man too. I can't let him do that again a second time."

"So what do you want to say to me, Doctor Shiena?" asked the man in front sitting on a sofa.

I was just looking at what Orion was doing, the more I let him, the more I pissed off. Eventually, Shiena got up on her seat, walked towards Orion and what she did next surprised us, even Orion. Shiena slapped him so hard, just as Timothy was about to pull the two of them apart, we saw Shiena pull Orion with his collar. Her eyes are glowing, it means she was so fucking mad right now and the reason is the man in front of her.

"How dare you! You tried to kill him by letting him feel your power and authority. You tried to kill my patient, Alpha Orion!"

My eyes automatically widened in shock because of what I learned from Shiena. Orion let go of it forcefully and almost cried when she sat down at the chair behind her.

"He almost died because of you, Orion! He's still recovering and weak! but what did you do?! You walked straight into the room with nothing but yourself and you suddenly strangled him without saying anything else" Shiena's cried looking at Orion.

I almost stopped breathing from what I heard. This is what Orion did when we entered the room I saw it with own two eyes that he was holding the man's neck, trying to get out of Orion's hand. Suddenly my anger returned and I couldn't stop myself from rushing at him and punching him hard in the face. he didn't do anything but be surprised by what I did. I'm angry I want to kill him I want to tear his whole body to pieces until he completely suffocates in front of me.

I don't care if he is my friend or if he is an Alpha of the west. I don't care if I can kill him right here, right now.

He hurt him. He hurt the person I want to protect.

"Alec! Alec! Stop! Fuck! Shiena call the other pack warriors or Felix and David! We need to stop them! Everything will get even worse when Alec kills Orion! now!" I could hear Timothy's voice with nervousness as he tried to separate me from Orion who did nothing but accept every blow he received from my fist.

We fell to the floor and I didn't stop punching him in his fucking face. I'm so fucking mad. I'm so pissed! I want to hurt him so bad!

"Shit! Alec! Stop! You'll kill Orion!" Timothy shouted at me but he can't stop me.

I was about to punched him again when he suddenly kicked my stomach that's why I stopped punching his face for so many minutes.

"D-don't be exaggerating, Timothy. No one can kill us even an Alpha like Alec. Only silver can kill us, Timothy." Orion is right.

I can hurt him all I want, but I can't kill him because only silver knives, bullets can kill us. I looked at Orion very tired, but I held him tightly by his clothes and whispered to him. "I don't care if I can't kill you now, Orion. when I find the chance to do so, I will never hesitate to kill you!" After I said that I stood up from sitting on the floor. I stared at him and it lasted a few seconds until he laughed like he was going crazy.

"That's the Alec I want to see! I've seen the strangest Alec I haven't seen in a long time!" and then he grinned but also winced because he just now understood that his nose and lips almost bled because of me, "You actually... punch me so hard. you're so mad just because I tried killing him—"

"Orion! Why were you born with a bad mouth?! Are you crazy?!" Timothy replied to Orion.

He helped him to sit on the floor while I tiredly sat on the chair in front of the table. soon the five pack warriors arrived with Felix, David and Shiena whose eyes were still swollen from crying.

When they entered my office, they were all surprised by the appearance of Orion who was now sitting in a chair. After looking at Orion's face full of bruises and wounds, they turned to me. I saw that they were looking at one of my hands and that's when I noticed that I still have blood stains on my knuckles from punching this bastard. I didn't even bother about it or looked at someone who has this blood on me, I wiped it using a tissue before I looked at David.
