
Alpha's Defiant Mate

"Who was that bast***?” He asks cornering her while she rolls her eyes at him.He grabs her chin rather gently than she expected , tilting it up to stare at her brown orbs. “I asked you a question,human” The authority in his voice made her jaw to clench. Staring back at him with equal intensity ,she says coldly. “The man I lost my virginity to. Happy?” His eyes widen in shock at his audacity and straightforwardness, hiding it almost immediately he moves closer to her, making his breath hit the sweet spot on her neck,his next words making her still all of a sudden. “Then I am afraid,the bast*** has to die for you” Enjoying her stillness he places his lips in her neck and whispers in her ear.She recovers from her shock stare replying with redefined coldness. “I don’t care” He smiles and replies, holding up her chin a bit harshly this time. “That’s good or you would have died next by my hands if you would have begged for that bast*** life.” With this,he slammed his lips on her, making her eyes to widen and body to turn cold from shock. ……………………………………………………. He wanted obedience,she gave him disrespect. He wishes for a mate of high rank,she came out to be a rogue with no regrets. He wished for someone who submitted to him,while she revolted his every sentence And while he craved for a beauty in heels and frills,she was a feral in combats ready for a kill. The werewolf king was in for a surprise when he gets mated to the most ill reputed rogue by hands of fate And now it’s for the world to see,how the cold hearted beast tames his savage mate. Or rather how the defiant mate challenges his beasts.

Sukhman_Gill_5407 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The Escape

I wake up to darkness surrounding me, gulping I feel something straining my throat and when I moved my hand to my neck,I found a bandage covering it.

What the sh** is this?

Getting up to look at the mirror,my heart starts beating faster as I saw myself. My neck was swollen and there were bruises. The event that caused this resurfaced in my mind and I cursed that as*****.


The bas**** beast has done this.No..this is not right, he can't harm me like this..I won't allow any fuc**** male to hurt me. Mate or not.

It's not that I can't live without him,I am human and I don't feel anything in this bond.I was under no obligation to stay here.

Go hell with Alexander and his matebond,I am leaving.

Taking out a duffle bag from the wardrobe,I started throwing clothes into it.I am done with this bipolar ass.

I was happy alone, enjoying my freedom without any useless mate in my life.

He can go to hell for all I care.

"What are you doing?"

I head a deep voice behind me,but I refused to turn around. Continuing with the packing, ignoring him.

"I asked you something human,where are you going?"

I still ignore,what does he have to do if I even go to hell.Why can't he mind his own damm business.

Next I know

My body was turned around as he held my wrist, stopping me. I close my eyes, trying to calm my senses before I scream at him.He continues to stare,while I avoided his stare.

"Leave me Alpha"

I say tired and his grip tightens instead.Placing his one hand on my waist,he nearly pushed me towards him, making me stumble and hit his chest.

I look up at him surprised and his jaw hardened.

" Where are you going?"

Sighing I answer,not in the mood to argue with him.

"I am leaving okay? I can't stay with a man like you who hurts women just because she hurted his ego."

His eyes dance between my brown orbs. Expression softening and eyes lowering to look at the bruises and injuries he has left on my neck.

He closed his eyes suddenly and took a deep breath, before opening them and continuing.

"I am sorry"

He sounded angry at something when he said it,his fists clenching as he took a step back from me.Sorry? Like seriously? What good is a fuc*** up sorry? It can't do sh**.

This time I step forward, holding his gaze while placing my hands on my hips.

"Sorry? I don't want your pointless sorry. Now step aside and let me leave!"

I literally scream ,almost pushing him out of the way and zipping the bag closed.I reached the door ,when the bag was pulled away from me and my body jerked back.

"You are not going anywhere,human"

His command was clear,no ends left for negotiation. Anger evident in his eyes, showing he was damn serious about this.

"Since when do I need your permission? It's my choice"

I started pulling the bag from his hand,his death grip on it making me struggle in irritation.Our tug of war would have continued for a few more minutes if I hadn't left the bag.

"Fine! Take the damn bag! I am still leaving!"

I held the door handle and pulled it when ,it was slammed shut by a force behind me.Before I could understand much,my shoulders were pushed forward making my front to hit the wooden door ,I shrieked in surprise as I felt his big frame blocking me from behind, my front tightly pressed to the door.

My palms were placed on the door ,as I held my breath.His breath hitting my ear as I thrashed to let go.

"I hate disobedience human .Even if I have to lock you in the dungeons below with the damn rogues,I wouldn't hesitate to. You know why?"

His breath on my neck ,and his deep husky voice was sending shivers down my spine.I was feeling hot and cold at the same time,what the hell was happening to me?

I tried pushing myself back by putting weight on my palms when both my wrists were grabbed in his deathly grip and bound behind me.

"You assho***!"

I said and his other hand moved to my waist, lifting up my top to sneak in his fingers, making our skin to come in contact.His nose rubbing my ear as another shiver runs through me at his next words.

"Because I own you human and when Alexander Black owns something? He keeps it with him."

"All his life"

A stange sound leaves my lips as he places a feathery kiss on my bruised neck.My body convulsing in pleasure as I struggle to fight my feelings,why am I loving this? I should hate him! Why am I allowing him to touch me?

"You…you don't own me…no man can.."

I struggle to say and I feel his lips turning up in a smirk. His hand moves higher under my shirt and I gasp.No…he wouldn't…he wouldn't…

"Do you really want me to show you human?"

I wanted to protest,to scream to push him and even kill him if possible,but I was frozen. My skin seems to erupt in fire wherever he touched,is this the matebond that people talk about? But why was I feeling it,I was just a human.

I was so lost in the feelings my body was experiencing ,that I didn't notice something soft touching my fingers and wrapping around my wrists.Only when he stepped back from me and I turned around to scream at him did I found my arms restrained behind me.

"What the-"

He stood there leaning against the table,with arms crossed and an arrogant smirk on his lips.He raised his eyebrows at me, urging me to continue while I continue to twist and turn to see what stopped me.

My eyes fell on the loose top buttons of his shirt and I cursed.His tie…he used his tie to tie me? How rediculous? But the knot was tight,I couldn't fuc*** afford to untie it. But how? His one hand was….well busy ..how did he do it with just one hand?

"Untie me!"

I screamed at him and his smirk widened. Can I just punch this handsome jerk! He was getting on my nerves like no one ever before,not even that bastard Daniel.

I take deep breaths, trying to cool myself while he pours a glass of water for himself, sipping it while looking over his long eyelashes,straight into my eyes.

"Now this is better,with you not trying to claw my face every second. So yes ,where were we?"

He thinks this to be amusing? Calm down Ana,calm down …he wants to anger you.. don't fall into his trap.

"Yes,you were saying something about leaving. Well human I think you are not aware of the rules here. Let me enlighten you a bit. First , people enter this pack with my wish and leave here only because of two reasons."

His voice turning deadly ,as he speaks.

"Banishment or death"

He was not joking,I knew some packs out there are very strict regarding the pack members policies.Daniel's pack was also one of them.

"Second, around here females respect and oblige to their mate's. Their mate gives them protection while the females please their mate's,bear their children and look after the household affairs."

He held my stare, stepping closer.

"They don't disrespect him in front of others,they don't question him and no way in hell do they cheat on him. A female is respected if she is faithful or else as my wolf Demon told you,they are banished and sold"

The words made me gulp,are they living in 16 century or what? What are these useless rules?

Oblige? Respect? Obedience? What about equality? Female empowerment? Independence? Freedom?

I scoff at him while rolling my eyes.His fist tightening and the smirk leaving his lips to be replaced with a cold look.

"So you mean to say,females here warm their husbands bed, make him breakfast the first thing in the morning,take care of his pups all day,them clean his household and at night again ,they please their husbands to relieve their stress?"

He continues to stare,his lips pressed in a line and his aura more dangerous than before.

"And what do their husbands do in return? They flaunt females like toys? Fu** them for their satisfaction? Order them around like their personal maids and if required also vent out their anger on th-"


My words get lost as I see the anger in his voice,did I crossed a boundary or what?I gulped as he took two long strides and stands right in front of me.

"Know your limits. I won't tolerate such nonsense leaving your lips. Women are respected here,they are treated like Queens! All their wishes are fulfilled and no one dares…I repeat no one dares to mistreat them ! They are happy with their lives , what else would they fuc*** need?"

These male chauvinist pigs! With Egoes so big and stubbornness even bigger,they just won't accept the truth.


I say,loud and clear making creases to appear on his head in confusion. I point to my bound hands and look back at him.

"Alpha King Alexander Black. You first cut a bird's wings, making it handicap,then you give it good care and nurture it ,even love it at times. But this doesn't deny the fact that you have done a crime. You have killed her freedom…her dreams…the very purpose she was born with!"

Silence,deadly silence stretches between us we continue to stare. No one willing to back down from this clash of egoes and beliefs. His hand moves up to hold my chin and he tilts it up,with his eyes boring holes into mine.

"You have a really sharp tongue human,and a stupid brain."

"It would be better if you keep these useless talks to yourself and don't infiltrate other women in my pack. This is the world order of us werewolves and a mere human like yourself has no right to interfere. Now be a good girl ,let me take care of your injuries like a mate is supposed to be and enjoy this little freedom you have."

"Or else you would beg for even this ,if I loose my patience with you"

Moving my head to a side,I let his grip on my chin drop, refusing to look at him,I stare at the dark night outside with my chest heaving , trying to control my anger.

He continues to stare at my face,his eyes hardened to slits.And then with a long sigh,he steps back and runs his hand through his thick locks.

Holding the door handle and pulling it harshly,he nearly makes me stumble in front.Thanfuly I managed to balance on my feet with my wrists still tied behind me. I give him a murderous glare as he stops to look at me.

"Dinner will be served at 7 . Here in your room and you are not to leave this room unless I give permission to."

I wanted to scream at him ,but before I could,he was already out of the door slamming the door shut after him.

I hate him! I hate him to the extent I have never hated a man before!

I tried opening the door with my tied hands behind me but it was locked. Damn it! What will I do now!

I thought of sitting down and making my legs pass through my arms,in order to get the knot in front and then open it with my mouth. But the assh**** has tied it so tight that no matter how much I tried there was no escape from it. My shoulders were starting to hurt now and I could feel my arms going numb.

Tired of my struggles,I just lay on the bed and dip my face in the pillows.First tear of helplessness left my eyes and that's when I had decided.

I will escape and no one will be able to stop me.

Not even him.
