
ALpha's dangerous Attraction

Laila Hales grew up to believe she was a human, only for her to discover that she was a werewolf... Meanwhile, Christamos Greyold was the the richest and most successful Alpha of his time.... read and discover more..

Royal_Anna · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 42 Ran away

(Ran away)

Laila's POV

The next day, I jogged to the gym as usual. I was really looking forward to my wedding and Chris had told me yesterday that he'll send for my wedding gown, that I won't buy it here, I'm really looking forward to it. I went to the gym, after that, I was jogging back home

"Good day Luna," someone greeted, I turned to see a man in a hood with his face down and I sighed

"Who are you?" I asked rudely

"That's no good way to treat a companion." He said and I kept my guard on, I won't give anyone a chance to think I'm weak or attack me

"Show your face." Sapphire commanded and he obeyed immediately, he took of the cap of the hood and lowered the scarf on the bridge of his nose. I was surprised to see that it was Alpha Clinton, Chris told me he's a military, he also told me that he's a secretive yet prosperous Alpha and his pack were also growing fine. I creased my brow not expecting to see the hidden Alpha before me

"How may I help you Clint?" I asked, I already hated this handsome dude for what he did to Flake, he look tough and I am gonna show him just how tough I am.

"Can we talk somewhere else.. Like a restaurant?" He asked and I smirked my evil smirk to warn him not to play games with me. I followed him to a coffee shop and he paid for two cups.

"So what do you wanna talk about?" I asked rudely

"I'm sorry Luna if I have to say this, but you're rude." He said and I tilted my head to a side

"So are you." I answered and he sighed with a guilty expression

"I didn't mean to do it, Jeff took over and I couldn't control him, I can't hurt a woman that way and it kept haunting me all my life, I can't bear this pain anymore." He explained and I scoffed

"Thought you don't talk much, but yeah I'm wrong. Your mistake referred Flake into a business she never would have done, You crumbled her education and yet you called it a mistake?" I asked him and he sighed feeling guilty.

"I know I made a mistake, but I was in heat, and I just wanted to know more about her, she captured by senses, please I'm sorry and I promise to make it up to her." He said and I could hear the desperation and truth coming from him

"And to your son? How would you make it up?" I asked and his eyes softened he was filled with warmth

"Is.. Is he really my son." His voice broke down upon the realization

"Oh don't be a coward, the resemblance everything proves he is your son and he has an Alpha blood in him, trust me, he is really a hard nut to crack.. I don't think he'll be running to you any moment, Gray doesn't talk much and I think you should get to know him before it's too late." I warned and he smiled

"I have a son?" His voice was low and for a reason unknown to me, I felt he'd be a good father and husband to both Gray and Flake

"I have to go now." I stood up to leave

"Wait, please, I want to ask a favor off you." He stated and I turned to him

"What favor?" I asked

"I want you to help me get flake and my son back, I promise I owe you whatever you ask." He explained and I sighed

"Flake and Gray are hard to convince I don't think I can be able to convince them else they see you change, they need love and care, I think you owe them that." With that, I left, jogging back to the palace, I hurriedly got dressed for work on my white blouse and black palazzo trouser.

"There you are, been searching for you." Chris said and I happily hugged him, he chuckled

"I missed you," I said to him

"Then prove it." He stated

"How?" I asked with a smile, tracing imaginary lines over his hard chest.

"You know how..." He said in a deep whisper as warmth filled my body.

"Oh come on Chris, I'm gonna be late for work." I said and he shook his head locking the door.

"It's my company right? I'll be the one to pay and run everything... I can provide whatever you need, why don't you stop working?" He asked and I smiled at him

"I want to earn my own money." I said to him and he shook his head

"I'll double your salary every week if you want." He said

"I want to use my gift Chris." I stated and he smiled at me

"Then work from home." Chris suggested and I frowned

"I love my work babe." I said and he sighed and stood up. I straightened my cloth and followed him to the door

"You should consider working from home, I can't take it anymore with you working everyday." He said and I nodded, he drove me to work, I decided to talk to him about Clinton later, I smiled at him and he pecked me as I walked into the building, I spared him a backward glance and he was staring at me, I felt shy like a highschool teenager again.

I later finished the new design I had been creating for weeks.

"Ma'am," my secretary Tina called and I turned to her

"What's the problem?" I asked

"Someone wants to see you."

"Who could that be?" I asked

"It's me." I heard a feminine voice stated looking up, Sapphire growled at the sight of Cherry.

"Let me at her." Insisted Sapphire and I sighed like I don't give a fuck about her she sat on my office sofa and I didn't bother to look at her.

"Look at me!" She commanded and Sapphire growled at her making her flinched, I smirked and walked towards her as my elongated blue claws tightened round her cheeks, I raised her jaw to look at me. She growled and clawed my face with her black sharp claws, I tasted my blood and anger filled my system, she shifted into her wolf form and I growled at her, she bit me and immediately Sapphire took over, I clawed her fur and threw her to the office wall. I shifted to my human form, knowing she was weak as her breathing were slow, I lifted my claws to dig out her heart

"Stop!" I heard Clark growled at me and I stopped immediately. What he did next pierced my heart as he licked up her wounds and she gave me a winsome smile. I growled and left the office immediately

"Laila!" I heard Chris called but I was already hurt to listen to him. He's my mate and should tend my own wounds not hers. I entered the elevator and I hurriedly rushed to the garage as I drove off, I already healed yet I wished he was the one that healed me

"Calm down Laila, you might have an accident." Sapphire popped in

"He hurt me again argh." I was sad, and Sapphire whimpered

"I know, but mind how you drive." Sapphire warned. My phone started buzzing and it was Flake.

"Hello girl," I said with a smile and she sniffed, I frowned

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Gray, Gray and I got into an argument about the man at the party and he ran away..." Flake broke down.

"Where are you now?" I asked her

"I'm at home." She sniffed

"I'm coming over now." I said as I reversed my car. She hung up. My phone started buzzing again. I peered at the screen and it was Chris, I sighed and continued driving. I got to her house and packed my car...