
ALpha's dangerous Attraction

Laila Hales grew up to believe she was a human, only for her to discover that she was a werewolf... Meanwhile, Christamos Greyold was the the richest and most successful Alpha of his time.... read and discover more..

Royal_Anna · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 21 Life goes on

(Life goes on)

  Laila's POV

The next day, Maria took me to a bungalow building, painted in a royal blue spotted with gold. We entered the building and there was an older lady in her early 40s

"Good day Mrs. Helms." Maria greeted and I greeted same time

"Good day Maria and who is this beauty we have here." She asked

"Good day Mrs Helms, I'm Laila." I greeted and she nodded.

"Mrs Helms, she's my cousin and I'd love her to start work  here. She studied industrial designing and she's worked at the Moon light industry before she came here." Maria said and I nodded and brought out some of my certificate and documents.

"Wow, you really worked for the Moon light industry?" She asked and I nodded, I was glad that I worked there, at least she won't underestimate my abilities.

"Yeah, as a production designer." I answered with pride.

"Gosh! Such a fine position. Wait you produced those latest designs? They were so good and quality...when will you start work?" Mrs Helms asked

"Maybe... From next week." I said and she nodded

"Why did you leave the Moon light industry?"she asked me and I sighed, remembering Chris and my friends

"I ran away from my husband." I said and she nodded not saying another word, the day went smoothly as she showed me around the building, it was big though and neat. Plus the workers were  hardworking and were serious with their job. She made me an interior designer in the company, I accepted it that way and my pay was a bit bigger though.

I followed Maria to her shop. She was an hairstylist and had a big shop at the estate. The environment here was cool and calm and I loved it here, she had much customers and she was a jovial and interesting person. I assisted her with the little I knew, since hairstyling was not really my thing though...

"I love self-employment.. I've been running this shop since I was 18, I lost my parents at my early teens and my brother had tried his best in giving me what I needed. I studied a course that won't eat much of his money and I will assure you that I'm the best stylist in this city." She flattered and I chuckled, she's really funny.

"What about cherie?" I asked

"She lost her mother last year, and.. She's a nurse, she's already engaged to Sam, her boss's son. Her luck is good and she's been my bestie since college." Maria stated and I remembered my friends, my mood soured, I've only seen Angel but not Flake and Amore

"You know, I had friends too, I've known Angel since we were toddlers, I know her in and out. Flake the parrot one, I met her in my 5th grade, and Amore, she's from Spain... But I met her at middle school, they were all fun to be with, with my brother Blake, a handsome one and Nina, my little sister." I was feeling blue now, I missed them badly.

"And.. Your husband? Wanna talk about him?" Maria inquired as she started braiding one of the customers hair and I shook my head, she nodded and we continued chatting.

I helped her with somethings in the shop, for once, I wanted to believe that this is my new life now and Sapphire felt comfortable here. She promised to tell me what happened when I'm done with all my routines today, Maria was a great hairstylist and she's got so much customers both rich and poor. I love her handwork and admired her

"So... Your brother, is he married?" I asked as we cleaned the shop. We were done for the day, I cleaned the tools she used while she swept the floor humming happily

"Yes, his wife just gave birth to a boy." She announced and I complimented

"Wow... That's a good news, congratulations."

Soon we walked home as the house is not far from her shop. I got the full view of the duplex building, we climbed up the stairs to our flat. The door was already opened  which denoted that Cherie was already home. The house smelled of bacon and eggs with sauced veggies, my mouth watered as I walked to the kitchen, cherie was cooking

"What a great cook you are." I commented and she shyly muttered a 'thank you' I guess she was the shy type. This girls are really friendly and I think I love them

"Can I join you?" I asked and she nodded. I started chopping the tomatoes and she giggled

"That's not how to cut it, in this recipe, you cut it round." She implied and I nodded

"You're beautiful, why would you come here? You deserve to be a queen." She complimented and I chuckled, if only she knew

"Sometimes, life don't go as we think it to be... But still, life goes on. I thank you and Maria so much for helping me, I promise I owe you guys a lot." I said and she walked to me and held my palms

"It's okay, you can stay here as long as you want, you're lucky Maria likes you, you know, she's got trust issues, but she trusted you the moment she saw you." Cherie stated.

"Thanks, I still owe you guys." I said

"Get back to the tomatoes." She reminded and I laughed.

      Soon, we ate our dinner... It was delicious, I must comment, cherie was a great cook

"Wow.. Cherie, this is delicious, you're good in cooking, unlike me." I stated as they laughed

"Cherie's parents were great cook, I bet she inherited it." Maria said as cherie nodded proudly

"So.. You got the job?" Cherie asked and I nodded

"She's a brain, stole Mrs helms heart." Maria said as cherie shook her head in amazement

"Wow, that's good." Cherie said and patted my hand.

Soon we were done with our dinner as I headed for the bathroom, I took my shower and washed my mouth. Then I wore my night dress, and picked up a book to read. But my mind was not in the book.

"Okay now Sapphire, what really happened?" I asked and Sapphire sighed and sat straight

"You never listen do you?" She asked.

"Please tell me."

"Okay, he said he hated us, he almost killed us and he even said we're the cause of all his problems, he said he don't want to see us again and that we're like other women that clung to him for his money." She said as I gasped. How could this be?

"I don't think our mate loves us Laila, let's not make a mistake. Whenever you see him again, reject him okay?" Sapphire said sadly

"Okay, whatever happens," I replied with a smile and lay my head to sleep

"I just hope Kenny's not heartbroken, we could have said goodbye first." I said to Sapphire

"We didn't get the chance okay?" She stated and I sighed.

"Well... Life goes on." I said to her

"Yeah, we can get married to someone else and have pups okay?" Sapphire said and I shook my head in tears

"No, I want to remain single all my life. I can just adopt you know." I sniffed. It was heartbreaking that the people I loved don't love me, they just wanted me for their benefits.

"But we're still bonded to him by the bite." I said as I touched my neck. The mark was gone, what? How?

"I went to a strong witch that helped us erase it so he don't find us." Sapphire explained.

"He really hurt you badly didn't he? I promise we'll never go back to him again, never." I promised as Sapphire whimpered sadly. I remembered Angel and for a moment I felt like I hurt all my friends. But I had to, Chris hurt me terribly and staying with him meant that I wanted to continue getting hurt. Besides, my life is getting more interesting now and I valued my dignity. Too bad I'd have to be a virgin forever, well if so, then let it be.....

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Royal_Annacreators' thoughts