
ALpha's dangerous Attraction

Laila Hales grew up to believe she was a human, only for her to discover that she was a werewolf... Meanwhile, Christamos Greyold was the the richest and most successful Alpha of his time.... read and discover more..

Royal_Anna · Fantasy
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Chapter 18 Hate to love you 1

(Hate to love you 1)

         Amos POV

For some reason I never wanted her to leave and I would do anything in my power to ensure that. I saw the look on her face and I could feel her anger as well as that of her wolf's, I felt like killing that bitch for what she's caused me now. Then I explained to her the reason i was with billu but it didn't sink well as she still insisted on leaving and then Clark surfaced when she pleaded

"Please let me go."

"No!I won't let you out of my sight, you are MINE." He said possessively and she blushed looking deep into my eyes.

"Give him control please?" She pleaded with clark in an angelic and seductive tone. Clark nodded and gave me control and her smile pulled me towards her

"I'm only leaving because I can't continue staying here. I'm a spinster, I have my home and I'm working and doing well... I don't need a..."

"You need me." I cut her off "you need us, you're doing things to me, things I've never experienced Laila, you are changing me, you're affecting my mind and soul. I don't know what to do if you should leave." For the first time I exuded my emotions as my voice broke. She's really changing and affecting me... I was really scared when her heart was almost ripped off her body and I felt like that was the end of my world.

"Please don't go to a battlefield again." I pleaded, I can't recall the last time I pleaded for something. I was surprised when she hugged me and It felt heavenly. Her b**bs pressing against my hard chest. I was turned on just by her hug. F**k, I'm beginning to lose it. Was this what love felt like?

"I will fight along with you, we were destined to be together remember? Why will I let you die alone?" She said stubbornly pouting and I bit my lips and gulped hard.

"Don't do that." I warned and she smiled and moistened her lips

"Why?" She was teasing me, but unknowingly testing my patience, I can take her here and now and I'm just too rough on bed. I shook my head, imagining what her naked soft pearl creamed body will be like under my hard toned ones. I looked at her as she bit her lower lips, I was about kissing her when she stood up and headed for the door laughing.

"You'd be the death of me." I said giving her a lopsided smile

"I'd just stay for this week, then next week I'd leave." She said and I nodded gently, I should let her leave.

"I hate to love you Chris." She said in a calm tone and left. What did she meant by that? She hate to love me? My heart dropped. Why can't she remove the 'hate to' there. But wait, why do I feel hurt? I don't love her right?

    The next day, I woke up with the same sadness I felt each time I woke up. I ran my hand over my hair as I looked to the direction of the garden, only to see a beautiful sight of Laila and kenny watering the yellow flowers as they giggled. Both on their gym suits, Kenny giggled and Laila tickled her. I just pictured myself with Laila and our kids. It will be beautiful.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Nicky said smiling as he watched them too

"Yeah," I whispered

"What's keeping you from completing the mate bond?" Nicky asked as I scoffed, mate bond? F**k it

"Don't want to be tied to one woman, you need to see how she behaved when she saw Billu and I together." I added with a smile, she was jealous. Just then kenny spotted her father as she pointed towards our direction and Laila turned looked up at me, I felt my heart skidded its beat and i saw her blushed. I smirked, she never blushed about me before, though I had good looks. Just then I remembered I was only on my singlet and I chortled. I just wanted her in my bed. I wanted her badly, she's just so beautiful and tempting. I cursed, why is my life going this way, oh jeez

"Our Luna is a beauty, you should act fast Alpha or someone might just steal her from you." He said and patted my shoulders then left. I stared into her direction and she looked away and pulled kenny to the back door and they left. I never wanted to lose Laila, I won't let anyone take her from me. I dressed up for the board meeting, we had something to do today and I had so many schedules to finish up today.

       Laila's  POV

I dressed up in my palazzo jeans and half top. I carried my handbag, then I went into the car house. I need to use one of this cars, I went to the guards guarding the car and they bowed to me, I just shook my head

"Good day Luna," they said in unison.

"Good day, I need one car, spare me one car." I said to them and they just nodded. They handed me the key to the sports car and I smiled, for once I'm proud that my mate was rich.

I started the car and asked the guards not to come with me.

"Luna, it's under the command of the Alpha." They said and I shook my head in anger

"I'm fine on my own, just leave me alone." I said and zoomed off. I headed to my house, I was glad that I get to drive this costly possession. I started driving to the boarders, I need to leave this boarder to head for the main city. As I drove out of the boarder, my car had a flat tyre, I was surprised that my tyre got flat, was this a trap or what? I opened my car and walked over to my flat tyre.

"What the Fuck?" My tyre burst open

"Yeah, the Fuck right?"

I jolted from shock as I turned to the direction of the voice. They were not rogues, but they look stinkingly handsome. I swallowed hard, am I being ambushed

"Who are you guys? And what have you done to my car?" I asked sassily

"Oh, she's even a pretty one." The one with a long ponytail said... Checking me out, I lunged out my blue claws and he just chuckled. Though he looks good but I won't hesitate to slit his throat.. His companions stuck out their claws too, I know they were no match for me.

"What did you want?" I asked in my commanding tone and he winked at me, I frowned more and I could feel sapphire's anger, she hate men trying to woo us, and I hate it too.

"Oh no no, you won't want to stain your hands with blood again, will you? My brother was killed because of you and I will surely get my revenge on you.. I must," he said flickering his red eyes, I gasped he was an Alpha

"And who is this brother of yours?" I asked gulping hard

"My brother Marcus, though I sent him as a spy to your pack, but that doesn't mean he deserved to be killed because of you!" He was hurt and when he mentioned Marcus name, grief and pain engulfed me. I wanted to plead with him that I will make it up to him and come compensate his pack, but then I heard a deep voice

"She didn't caused Marcus death." Chris said still on his suit with those sunglasses that hid his light green eyes, his hair was packed in a bun. He walked with a possessive aura that made me shuddered a bit. I withdrew my nails and stood transfixed

"Marcus cover was blown already, I knew he was a spy, you were working with my uncle isn't it?" Chris said and I couldn't stop myself from hugging him from behind, I missed him. Sapphire did too as she purred, I glanced at Marcus brother, there was something unexplainable in his eyes like hurt and jealousy, I just shrugged it off and leaned on my mate.....