
ALpha's dangerous Attraction

This book is based on a seasonal Fantasy Season 1 Laila Hales grew up to believe she was a human, only for her to discover that she was a werewolf... Meanwhile, Christamos Greyold was the the richest and most successful Alpha of his time, he was known to be a merciless and ruthless Alpha of his time. But what happens when he found his mate? What happens when Laila discovers more about this mysterious Alpha? Season 2 Here, we have Liam Greyold, said to be the most handsome and strongest Alpha of his time, he happens to fall for Lily Cavan, who happens to be his Mate but rejected him because of the unfinished battle between the Werewolves, Witches and Foxes.. Read to discover more fantasies...

Royal_Anna · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 16 Jealous


I was angry with her, it was all her fault and to think that she was crying over another was tearing my heart apart... I can't let her ride me, I'm the man and I'm the Alpha

"Oh really? I never knew you were this heartless, I never knew I was mated to someone who derives joy from killing innocent Young men.. You're heartless Chris, so heartless." She raised her voice and referred to me in that name that I so much detested, I growled and threw the huge table to the wall as it smashed to the wall, shredding into different pieces. She growled at me angrily.

I watched her climbed up the stairs, I could fell her pain. I don't know if she's noticed the bite yet but I'm pissed I had bitten her, now I feel my blood boil, why did I gave her the bite? It was the only way I could drain her pain fully. I tried to avert the bite part, but I just had to do it, in order to save her and now I could feel and hear everything about her. Her pain, joy, sadness, and thoughts... And worst of it all was that I'm being drawn to her.

*fuck* I muttered angrily.

             Laila's POV

I was boiling in anger, tears streaming my face. I was the cause of a woman's son's death, Marcus died, and it's all my fault. I felt like I hate him now but I just couldn't help but want him. I wanted him like my life depends on it, I had my shower and wore my night dress and went to bed

           I woke up in the midst of fire, there was fire in the entire village, everywhere was full of blood in the midst of flames together with the screaming of women and children. I was scared when my feet stepped on a pool of blood, I was about to run away when a hand pulled me, I turned to a huge animal, standing on twos with it's horns and ugly face.

"Come with me Laila, let's rule this kingdom together.. Come with me..." The creature said squeezing my breast. As i cried out

"No! Let me go! Let me go, sapphire, please take over!" I pleaded but got no response as the creature laughed

"Here, you're all alone..." It let out the most horrific roar I've ever heard and pulled me to a dark room with stinks of alcohol and dried blood. I cried, trying to recall how I ended up here but I couldn't get myself to remember anything... The creature threw me to a hard bed and roared

"You are mine!" It yelled and with it's long fingers, reached for my panties..

I screamed as I struggled with the creature. It slid it's fingers into my c**t and an excruciating pain filled my body as I screamed

"Arrrrrrgggghhhh!" I screamed as I woke up with a start and looked around... It was a dream... It was a dream right? I was precipitating and panting heavily, i saw some familiar worried faces and it dawned on me that it was just a dream. I peeped at my panties from under the bed sheets in presence of everyone and I was not hurt at all. I heard someone sniffed and hugged me

"Luna! Please don't die Luna!" A childish cute voice said and I felt my heart melt. I was being loved by a kid, I looked at her and remembered I had seen her before

"What's your name?" I asked

"Kenny," she replied and I felt a warm hug beside me. I turned to Angel

"Angel what's wrong?" I asked her worried as her eyes were puffy from crying and I cringed

"You slept for 2 days, what's wrong Laila?" She said almost in a whisper looking at me as I felt my eyes welled up in tears, 2 days? Again? I heard them leaving but I didn't mind... My happy life is now something else, why's all this happening to me?

"What's happening to me?" I asked no one in particular as I felt a warm hand around me and his intoxicating smell hit me again... I felt lost in his arms, I'm falling for him. I pulled myself from his embrace

"Please leave me alone," I said in a shaky voice and felt his hands pulled me to his hard chest. I felt his erection poking me from behind and it really awoke something in me. I wanted him to kiss my neck but instead he left me there and walked away.

I decided to visit the gym to erase my mind off my problems... I showered and switched into gym clothes, my dream of last night kept repeating in my head. I walked downstairs and when I didn't see him I was relieved. I headed for the door when one of the guards said

"We were given orders not to let you out Luna." He knelt before me and for some unknown reason, I became guilty again. I felt guilty and went back to my chamber only to see the little girl dusting my makeup table while humming... Makes me remember my little self. Always dusting the sofas and mopping the floor while assisting mother as I guide Blake on what to do

"Hello girlie.." I said and she flinched at first before she gave me a cute smile and sat on a stool, she looks so much like Selena, one of my new friends now and she's got Nicole's eyes behind those glasses

"Good day Luna, she greeted and I smiled at her cuteness

"Oh good day,kenny right?" I asked and she nodded making me smile and brushed her hair with my palms.

"Can I ask you a favor?" I said and she nodded with a smile

"Go ahead," her high ptched girlish voice rang out

"Can you please stop calling me Luna, you can call me aunt Laila okay?" I said and she furrowed her brows

"You are the Alpha's mate right?" She asked and I nodded

"Argh, the kid is too smart." I heard Sapphire's voice as I smiled

"She's just cute sapphire," I enunciated with a smile

"I will always call you Luna, even if you might not like it but you're my luna and I love you." Kenny said making me smile and Sapphire purred as she fell for the little Girl's charms. Kenny's eyes widened in amazement and excitement

"What?" I asked

"Was that your wolf? what's her name?" Kenny asked with a wide smile and I giggled.. She was too smart for her age and I loved it

"How old are you kenny?" I asked and she giggled

"3 years old." She answered using her small fingers to indicate the three.

"Wow, that's so smart of you." I too was bewildered to how a 3 years old kid knew so much as to mate as well.

"What's your hobby Luna." Kenny asked as I giggled, I sat on my bed and brought her to sit on my laps as I brushed her hair with my fingers while she giggled

"Well, I love singing, dancing, painting and sports." I answered "and you?"

"Well i love doing the chores, singing and reading." She said as I adjusted her glasses and chuckled at her matured behavior making her look cute. "You are cute." I said and pecked her on the head as Nicky and Franklin knocked on the door

"Come in, I said and they entered both wearing a smile on their faces

"What?" I asked them

"You'd be a great mother one day Luna." Frankie said and I groaned

"I'm not your Luna, stop calling me that." I said as kenny giggled making me smile and I helped her down as she hugged me tightly

"I love you Luna." She said and ran to her father with a smile on her face. They left, leaving me in the room alone, i heard Angel clapped and smiled at me

"I can't wait to see my godchild." She said making me recall those days in high school when I promised her that she'd be the godmother to my child, making me scoff...