
Alpha's Cruel Addiction

[WARNING: EXTREMELY MATURE CONTENT] “If you ever come near my woman again, I will find you, brutally torture you, and unleash hell's wrath upon you for the rest of eternity." Her story with him should've never been said. Their world was as cruel as it was cunning. Werewolves rained terror upon humans as warriors of the nation. Vampires ruled high society with an iron fist. All her life, Ophelia wondered why the vampires and werewolves in the kingdom never attacked her—only to realize she was declared off-limits ten years ago. Yet, the entire realm was fighting over the rights to her body—or her life. But why? And what for?

Xincerely · Fantasy
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156 Chs

All My Heart

Ophelia could barely stomach her food for days to come. She was queasy and teary-eyed throughout the entire week, weeping in silence and in the comfort of Killorn who took her pain and burdened it upon his shoulders. She was an uncontrollable mess at times, finding herself embroidering to forget the time, but ripping the cloth in anger. 

Whenever she'd prick her fingers, she was reminded of what had happened that night. Of what she lost. Of the drastic changes that came with her sacrifice. Her external injuries were minor, but she discovered she bled red now. Not silver. And her hair had developed an unnatural shade of light blond. 

"They're as beautiful as faded gold tanned by sunlight," Killorn reassured her when he found her absentmindedly touching her braid with a book in her lap. She stared into the distance, beyond the trees, and into a faraway land.