
Alpha's Bodyguard [BL]

In their world, being top dog can get you on the top of the hit list. It takes money, power, and a whole lot of attitude to get there. Jaxon Angel has been there since he understood what the word respect meant, and stayed there with the backing of Mafia ties and mega-rich parents. Don't be fooled by the name though, the only relation to it is Angel of Death, and he sure as hell earned his black reputation. As alpha, he's always on top, and no way some punk beta is gonna make him roll over. Leon Dare learned from an early age not to trust those in power, that it corrupts and warps a person's character. He learned that through the years of his bastard father's abuse, of both him and his omega mother. When he was seven years old, and his classification came in as 'Alpha', he decided that it wasn't applicable. His mother had gotten her divorce finalized only a month prior, and was so terrified of alphas that Leon hid the results, recruiting his maternal uncle to hack the government database and change his official status to beta, so that his already financially stressed mother would have one less thing on her plate. Though his father had been well-off, his mother got nothing in the divorce settlement except some lousy child support. Now it was his job to help provide, because he was eighteen and it was Leon's turn to take care of his mother now. What happens when shots are fired at the restaurant he waits at, and he knocks the target to the ground, saving his life? When said target's father hires Leon to be Jaxon's bodyguard? What happens when the two alpha male's tempers clash? Read and find out!

seventeenmushrooms · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter Two

Leon Dare**

"You're gonna pay for messing up this suit."

Leon stared at him, still sprawled on the floor, incredulously.

"Seriously?" he said, "I just saved you from a bullet! Twice! And I got shot, not to mention."

"Yeah, but you also got blood on a $120,000 suit, and assaulted me. You're lucky I'm not suing."

He got up to his feet. What was he supposed to do now? He didn't have that kind of money, and with the attitude of this guy, he clearly could sue Leon with a million dollar lawyer. Well, tough. He didn't have any money to lose.

Angrily, with two flags of pink color standing high in his cheeks, he felt himself begin to lose control of his wolf. Shit. He couldn't do that, not here, not now, not ever. Leon took a deep breath in through his nose and released it out of his mouth. He wouldn't so recklessly endanger himself. If the government found out he'd altered his classification, he and his uncle would probably face jail time.

His eyes flashed behind closed lids and he forcibly controlled himself, jaw ticking. He couldn't face this. Oh how he wanted to, he so wanted to. With his level of physical training, he could take the bastard down in five seconds flat, alpha or no. But he couldn't.

The only thing that stopped him was thinking of his mother, and thinking of her, small and blond, and still recovering from the trauma of her abusive spouse, waiting for him at home. He wouldn't let another alpha come in and screw up their lives, not even himself, and with admirable self control, he left the terrace and went to find Ms. Cindy in the kitchen.

"I just heard what happened," she said concernedly, "It's a good thing you stepped in though. You saved a life today. Are you okay though?"

He looked down at his right arm, where the fabric was torn. It was only a scratch, the bullet had just grazed him, but it was bleeding some, and had to be cleaned. Bullets were dirty things. The injury would heal as soon as he transformed into his wolf form, it was so minor, but he had to clean it first.

"Just got grazed by the bullet. Barely though. I'll clean it up, slap a gauze pad on it, and it should heal easily."

"Do you need to go to the hospital to have it looked at?" she asked, looking at the injury sight in concern.

"No, no. Do you had anything I can clean it up with though? I'll also need a new uniform," Leon said, looking at the dirt standing out clearly on the black pants, and the torn fabric at the wound site.

"There's a first aide kit over here, and I have a backup uniform that should fit you. You can take the rest of today off though."

"I can work!" he said, very quickly, "It's nothing serious, I promise. I'll just use the uniform and kit, but maybe it would be better if I worked inside. At least until table seven leaves. Did you hear that he's asking me to pay for damages?"

"I did," she sighed, "I can probably speak to his father though, when the inevitable phone call comes. He's much more reasonable than his son."

"Thanks," Leon said, very gratefully.

"No, it's no problem. Ah, and here's the kit."

A small white box with a red cross printed on the outside was handed to him, and he went once again to the bathrooms to change. This was not his day.


Jaxon Angel**

"What are being paid to do?" he asked his body guards, who'd done nothing while he was being shot at.

"Protect you, boss."

"That's right. And what did you do?"

The guy with the high and tight military crew cut gulped, "We failed, sir."

Jaxon nodded, "Yes. And so you'll understand why I'm firing you both now."

"Yes boss," the two idiots said, one looking like a crestfallen two year old and the other struggling to keep his expression calm.

He didn't need these goddamn bodyguards, especially when they were so clearly useless, and he'd bring it up to his father. He was a member of the gang too, heir apparent, and although he understood the need for team members at his back, Jaxon wasn't about to start dragging useless people around with him. What he needed was competent security.

His lips curled into a sneer, and he said coldly, "You're dismissed," glad to have them finally leave his presence.

Jaxon entered the bathroom, the only place in the house where the cameras weren't constantly monitored and lowered his head. That'd been so close today. The waiter, who Jaxon refused to acknowledge throughout the meal, had remained polite, which he liked. The man knew his place, Jaxon being dominant to him.

It just sucked that he'd rescued him, like he was a goddamn knight in a princess story, with him playing the part of damsel in distress. Being a member of the Mafia, he was obviously combat trained, but it'd all been useless today, with a man holding a gun on the building adjacent to him.

Jaxon gripped his hair in his hand and sighed. His father could pull up the security tapes from the other building, and likely could discover the identity of his assailant, but for now, he didn't have a clue who was targeting him. The why seemed obvious, but he never trusted the obvious choice, because although when chance was tilted in one direction it was the likeliest outcome, that didn't mean the unexpected didn't happen.

Until he knew why someone was attacking him, and who they were, any attempt made to counteract the threat would be useless. He remembered the attack. The sound of a gunshot coming at the same time he was knocked to the ground. Being stunned momentarily as he landed onto a well muscled body.

Against his will, he remembered the way the black uniform had fit the well muscled man. The way his pale green eyes looked, sharp and bright with his striking black hair and pale skin. The contours of the muscles he'd felt as they flexed, rolling him over and pinning him as another shot was fired.

He hated being in a weaker position, but in that moment, the man above him was so beautiful and powerful, that he didn't seem like a man at all, the entire situation unreal. That was why he hadn't immediately pushed him off.

When the sharp green eyes had met his, and a low, firm voice broke in, saying, "Are you okay?" he'd finally been released from his paralysis. Jaxon had shoved the waiter off him, and demanded to be paid for the damages to his suit, needing to save face.

It was embarrassing, and he'd been so uncomfortable he'd spouted off the first thing that came into his head. Of course he wasn't actually going to press charges, and at least he'd never see the other man again.

He'd planned to quietly leave a large tip, but a different waitress had finished serving him, and he didn't want other people to know he'd regretted his behavior. After all, he had his image to protect, and no punk ass beta was going to top him. A flush entered his cheeks at the brief image that flashed in his mind, and he let his anger, at himself this time, simmer it away.

Jaxon was always ruthless, never affected by anything except his temper on occasion, so why was this encounter getting to him? He'd been shot at before for pity's sake, and been around attractive people (too many, his dad was somewhat obsessed with him choosing a girlfriend) before.

He was just starting to think about a shower when his phone rang. Caller ID read Dad.


"Jaxon, please tell me that you did not just ask a person who saved your life twice to pay for your damaged clothing, and then threaten to sue them for assault?" his father's stern voice asked.

"Sure. I definitely did not ask a person who saved my life to pay for my damaged clothing."

"Really. Then explain to me why the manager and your bodyguards- excuse me, ex-bodyguards, both say that you did?"

"Come on Dad. That's preposterous," Jaxon said, hooking his thumb into the belt loop of his dirt covered slacks, "I didn't ask. Their hearing must be faulty."

"Then, dearest son of mine, explain to me what did happen at the restaurant today," his father's unamused tone made it clear he wasn't in the mood for Jaxon's usual jokes.

Tough luck.

"Well, someone shot at me, the waiter knocked me to the ground and cushioned my fall with his body, then they shot again and the self same rescuer rolled me out of the way, saving me again, and after that he asked if I was okay."


"Then, I shoved him off, got to my feet, and demanded he pay for dirtying my very expensive suit."

"So, before, you were lying to me," his Dad said, sounding very bored, already knowing Jaxon's routine after 22 years with him.

"Of course not! I never lie to you."

"Ah, of course. My honest, considerate son, who has always been the very model filiality."

"Yes. I am he," Jaxon said, somehow managing to keep a straight face in order to keep the smile from his voice.

"Then explain to me how you haven't lied."

"Well, you see, I never asked him. I simply told him in a threatening manner that I expected him to pay for the damages."

In answer, his father let out a tired sigh. After all, when you have a smart ass for a son, eventually you learn to just roll with the punches.

"Ah, of course," his father said in a silky voice, and Jaxon could tell something bad was about to come, "And since you feel so strongly about the situation today, after all, you don't want some random person saving your life, I'm going to hire you a new personal bodyguard. Since the danger around you has increased, he'll be very carefully selected, and I want you by each others side every minute."

"Dad-" Jaxon said, appalled. He didn't need a goddamn babysitter.

"Every minute! You'll go everywhere with him, sleep in the same room as him, always be within his sight. This is for your own protection Jaxon. How do you think I felt hearing that my only son nearly got killed? Twice? And had to be saved by a man no one's ever even heard of, because he's a waiter.

"What do you think went through my mind when I was told over the phone that my son had nearly been killed, and not even by my son. By the manager of a restaurant that I barely even know."

Jaxon stayed quiet, then said softly, "I'm sorry Dad. I should've called. Must you insist on hiring a babysitter for me though?"

"Sorry kid. It's happening. I need someone that I can fully trust looking out for you. If all goes well, you'll meet him tomorrow. Until then, I don't want you to leave the house."

Jaxon bit his inner cheek to prevent himself from saying anything. His Dad must've been through hell today.


"Yeah Jax?"

"About the attack, could you bulk up your own security as well? We can't be sure I'm their only target," Jaxon said in worry.

"Already done. Your mother's too."

"Good. Love you Dad."

"Love you too Jaxon. You be safe. Goodbye."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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