
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
159 Chs

chapter 9:Gabby’s POV

I sat on the bed with my hands folded across my laps, I didn't know what to do with myself and I couldn't see Kate now till she was brought by her nanny, I was told she had

My eyes wandered around the room, I had never been a room as big and as grand as this before. The walls were painted cream, there was a wardrobe attached my one end of the wall and I saw a door a bit far from it that I guessed it led to the bathroom. The bed on which I was sat was huge and the covers felt soft beneath my touch. There was a dressing mirror and a table on one side of the room and there was a chandelier hanging from the ceilings. Maybe to any other person the room would be plainly simple but it wasn't to me. It was grand and it was fit for a Queen, which I wasn't. My thoughts wandered back to my mate and I was curious as I wondered if he was ever going to love me or even grant me what I asked for.

I hope he did. Even if I was more of a loner and I didn't talk much, I had grown on Andros and I felt like I could trust him. He had been the only nice person I had met in my entire life. He even said he liked me and I blushed remembering when he said So. No one has ever told me that, no one ever likes me. And when I had requested for Andros to be released, he seemed mad at me and he just stormed out of the room.

I stood up from the bed and walked to where the mirror was. It was strange seeing one again as I had hardly ever gotten access to one. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I could only think of one word. ugly. I was ugly and I wouldn't even want myself, that was why no one wanted me. My pale blonde hair was of an uneven length as Alpha Titan loved to drag it for sport and other pack members will attack it with scissors just for the fun of it. My green eyes had gotten duller, not like they ever sparkled. My face was scarred and marked all over, the slap marks, burnt marks and even knife marks and where there were no marks, acne scars and fresh pimples covered them. I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to stare at my ugly face anymore, I didn't want the fact that I will never be wanted cause I was ugly to be more glaring. I opened my eyes again and looked at my body thistime. I was way too bony and skinny to be loved. The skin around my collar bones were sunken and I could see every definition of both bones. Even with the over sized gown I wore, you could tell that I was way less that a size zero. I wasn't thick like the rest girls, I didn't have an ample bosom, I was flat chested, I didn't think my small boobs were even attractive, Alpha Titan said they weren't and so did the other warriors. Anytime I was underneath them, they always reminded me of that, another thing they reminded me of was my lack of ass fat. I was as flat as a board, I had no hips. My hip dips, dipped themselves. My bones around the area poked out. Even my torso, I could feel and count my ribs in a glance. They were extra prominent. I wiped the tears that had already ran down my face was heading back to the bed when the door was suddenly thrown open startling me.

"Always a scared bitch!" It was the Beta. She banged the door shut and walked up to me grabbing my hair forcefully. I let out a loud scream but she quickly clamped her hand down on my mouth, "Scream and I will make sure I leave you dead in this room." She threatened and I shut up.

"You could escape uhn?" She laughed, "I won't rest till you are gone and I swear by the moon goddess next time you wouldn't be so lucky!" I sobbed as she twisted my hair causing my scalp serious pain, "Please let me go!"

"Shut up!" She yelled slapping me across the face and I fell to the ground.

"All because you are in a pretty room and you seem to have gotten the Alpha's favours dosen't mean you can talk back at me!" She barked.

"I am sorry." I crawled away from her, "It won't happen again." I cried with tears streaming down my face. She spat on my face with a glare humiliating me more.

"Just stay the fuck out of my way and always remember this!" She crouched down to my level on the floor, "Lycus is mine! Always has! Always will be! And I wouldn't let some useless rogue and a worthless omega at that come between us." She stood up gave me one more kick before barging out of the room. I struggled to get on my feet and crawled back into the bed. My wounds were bleeding again her brutality had caused them to and they hadn't even healed fullyI lay on the bed coiled up in a ball silenty asking the moon goddess what I did to deserve all these. I had only ever known pain ever since I was born, finding my first mate worsened it and stumbling on the second seems to be harder as he had only proven that he would make my life miserable. I needed to talk to someone, I needed to talk to Andros and I needed to see my baby girl, Kate. Just then a knock sounded on the door and I quickly leapt to my wobbly feet and wiped up my tears.

"Come in." I said trying not to sound like I had been crying, "The door is open."

The person who had knocked opened the door and a hand pushed Kate in. The door was quickly locked again after that. She ran to me and hugged me. Her agility causing me to fall on the bed and I giggled.

"I missed you so much mummy." She said, "Are you okay?" She asked, "You woke up for me.

"Yes, I did baby." I rubbed her hair, "Mummy misses you too, where have you been?"

"I was put in a very beautiful room." She sat up on the bed clutching fluffy as usual and then she began and then she began blabbing about what she had eaten and how she played alone also how the nanny was nice. She kept on talking and after a while we interrupted by a knock on the door. I walked over to it and opened it carefully peeking from the side. First I saw all white hair and then a very familiar face but feminine that resembled that of Aiden . It didn't take too long for me to realize who was standing before me and then I began to panic as I wondered what was going to happen next and how this encounter would turn out.

"Hello dear." She smiled at me and I opened the door wider. She stepped into the room and I finally got a chance to look at her well. She didn't look a day over forty and she was drop dead gorgeous. She had really long white hair and she looked a lot like Aiden and she still had those deep black set eyes. I knew she was lycus's mother and instantly I got all shy and flustered.

"H..i." I managed to say but it came out as a stutter, damn it Gabby! So fucking pathetic you can't even say a Hi! I chided myself, "Hi." I tried again and this time it came out more formidable. And she did something that shocked me to my core. She pulled me into a bone crushing and loving hug. One that I had never gotten in my entire existence. so this is what Kate feels like when I hug her, I thought to myself as I tried to wrap my head around the fact that she had me in her arms and it felt reassuring, peaceful, it felt like the hug saying that she was here for me no matter what.

After quite a while she pulled me away softly with her arms still on my shoulders, "Finally glad to meet you Aiden." She smiled, "I have waited for thisfor long honey."

"Who.a..re..yo..u?" I stuttered as I was shocked by her warmth despite knowing that she was definitely Aiden's mother.

"I am Aiden's mother dear." She grinned.

"Hi." Kate gained our attention, "You are beautiful."

"Hey sweetie." She smiled and walked to the bed to join Kate, "How are you?"

"I am okay." Kate said, "Meet fluffy." She poked

her teddy in the woman's face.

"Awwn.. Fluffy is cute...nice to meet you fluffy." She cooed and I smiled at their interaction a glad that Kate was working on her communicative skills and she wasn't a coward unlike me.

"Could you excuse us for a moment?" Aiden's mother said to Kate, "I would love to talk to your mother for some time."

"Okay." Kate said with a shrug, she picked up fluffy and raced out of the room shutting the door behind her.

"Come dear." She said to me and I moved to join her on the bed, "I would love to havea little chat with you."

I nodded.

"My name is Helena." She began, "As you already know I am Aiden's mother, ever since he told me about you, I have always wanted to meet you."

"He talked about me?" I was shocked, "Why did you want to meet me?"

"Cause you are ny son's mate, silly." She giggled and I liked her already.

"Aiden doesn't want me." I shrugged, "You must know that."

She sighed and reached out, taking both my hands in her, "He would want you eventually dear, he has been through a lot, just give him time."

"You don't understand." I pushed her hands away,

"No one wants me. Look at me." I stood up gesturing at my body, "I am ugly, scarred, used, abused and what not?" I said, "I wouldn't even want myself. I can't be his Queen, I am wealk. I am not what other she wolves are. I am a cursed abomination." I broke into tears as I spoke and she stood up and pulled me into another warm hug.

"You are not what you think you are my dear." She said rubbing my hair, "You are beautiful and I know you would be a wonderful person. Just give him time and stay strong."

I nodded erying even though I didn't agree with her.

"Just know that I am here if you need me." Her kind words made me tear up more and I ended up crying out with my head laid on her shoulder and her arms around me.

Helena left after quite some time and Kate hadn't come back. After laying down on the bed for a while I decided to go out and look for her. I left the room despite Aiden's wishes for me to stay put. I was scared of what he will do if he found out that i went against his wishes or saw me outside but on the other hand what will he do other than beat me up or torture me, I was already used to it. I won't harm you, His words rang in my ears and I still didn't believe them. He was going to despite him saying that.

I got out of the room and closed the door behind me. I didn't know where to go, if i'd go left or right as there was a long hallway and all doors were similar to mine.I turned back and studied my door properly to ensure that I knew which one it was to avoid a case of me returning to the wrong room and after I was satisfied with knowing the door, I decided to go right. I walked down the hallway and then got to a stairs. I followed it downwards, it was long and spiral. After some time my legs had begun to ache but I kept on moving. I got to another hallway, went through it, got to a shorter stairs and finally I reached the kitchen, a very huge kitchen. It was filled with people to my dismay and each of them threw disgusted glances at me. I began to panic real hard as I thought of how to make it past them without getting hit or insulted. I gulped and began to move. They were all silent but still watched me with disdain. i am moving freely? Why aren't they hrting me? Insulting me or throwing things at me? And then it happened.I tripped and fell to the ground hitting my head on the tiled floor andI felt my skin crack. The whole kitchen bustled with laughter as I struggled to get on my feet.

"Next time watch where you are going omega!" The girl who had purposefully tripped me over chuckled, "And try to eat more, you are all bones!" She threw some of her food at me and the rest followed suit. I ran out of the kitchen crying as they had a great time laughing at my misery. I got out through the open back door into a field and I began to walk with my hands wrapped around my thin frame sobbing. I hadn't walked too far when I saw Amara lying on the floor holding fluffy as she started at clouds.

"Kate." I called hastening towards her.

"Mommy." She sprang up excitedly and ran to meet me hugging my legs, "What happened?" She asked looking up at my messed up state.

"Nothing dear." I said picking her up and heading towards the house. I reached the hallway where my room was without any qualms aside from somefrom some snide remarks and curses thrown at me. I had a hard time finding my room which was soon rectified as I saw Aiden standing in front of a door. finding the room isn't so hard now, is it? I got afraid as I took in his form. He was mad, very mad and the aura emanating from him was so strong and his hands were fisted by his sides. He looked like he wanted to wrench my head off my shoulders and I knew that I was in so much trouble.