
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
159 Chs

Chapter 11

Avery opened her eyes. It was dark in the bedroom - the only light came from the glow of the embers in the fireplace across from the bed. She moved her upper body experimentally, groaning softly when it made her back throb and ache.

There was soft snoring above her, but she didn't need to look up to know that she was back in Tristan's bed and plastered against his naked body. He was lying on his back and she was sprawled naked across him on her chest and belly. His large thigh was wedged between hers, and his hard hands were resting on the backs of her thighs. She licked her lips. Although her back was still burning, she thought that she might not feel as weary as she did before. She stared at the palm of her hand. The wound from the splinter had disappeared and she gave a small sigh of relief. Sleeping on Tristan was helping. It just hadn't healed her completely yet. She put her hands on the bed beside him and lifted herself a little. She gasped sharply, tears coming to her eyes as another short but brutal burst of pain went down her back. She could feel wetness on her back and knew that it was bleeding. She had felt very little pain since her monthlies had started, and her ability to withstand it had become nearly non-existent. Moaning, feeling stupid and weak, she let her head drop back onto Tristan's chest. Tears leaked from her eyes and her body trembled as her back ached and throbbed miserably.

She opened her eyes and stared at Tristan's chest. If she touched him, if she kissed and caressed his warm skin, it would help heal her faster.

"You cannot," she whispered. "You told him never again. You made him promise."

He doesn't have to know.

She stared blankly at the wall, her mind racing. Never before had she intentionally used another person's body without their permission or realization, to heal her own. Forget that she had told him she wouldn't sleep with him again. If she touched him now, while he slept and without his consent, she would be no better than the Lycans who purchased humans for their own breeding benefits. Don't be foolish, she scolded herself fiercely. Tristan wants you as much as you want him. Do you really think he's going to object to a little groping while he sleeps?

She closed her eyes, trying to ignore the pain in her back as she warred within herself. She knew perfectly well that Tristan would sleep with her if she asked him to, but she wasn't sure she could bring herself to use him that way. Besides, her body was starting to heal. She would sleep, lie against Tristan for the rest of the night and in the morning, she would find Maya. Maya would help her heal completely. Her mind made up, she decided to shift into a more comfortable position. She twisted her body to the right so that she could curl up next to Tristan on her side. The twisting brought on such a deep, intense pain between her shoulder blades that she began to cry helplessly, her hands clenching in the bed sheets. Panting, trying to stop from crying, she collapsed back against Tristan. He slept on, oblivious to her struggles, and after a moment she moved one shaking hand and caressed his chest. Hating herself for being so weak but unable to stand the pain any longer, she nuzzled her face into his neck and kissed and licked his skin. She ran her hand down his abdomen, tracing the hard, ropy muscles with one trembling finger.

He moaned in his sleep and moved slightly under her, his hands tightening on her thighs. She held her breath but after a moment he relaxed, and she slipped her hand across his flat stomach to

his hip. She ran her fingers lightly back and forth over his hip bone as she kissed and nuzzled his neck. It might have been her imagination but already the pain in her back felt less.

Wake him up. Wake him up and ask him to kiss you, touch you, make love to you.

She groaned softly, her stomach clenching with pleasure at the thought of Tristan's mouth on hers. No, she wouldn't – couldn't – do that. It was bad enough she was using him because she was weak. She would not humiliate herself further by begging him to fuck her. She would touch him for a while longer, just until the pain was not so bad, and then she would stop. He shifted under her and she sucked in her breath when she felt his cock brush against her hip. He was hard and throbbing. She glanced up at him, expecting to see him awake, but his eyes were closed and his breathing deep and even. A surge of warmth went through her at the realization that her touch had aroused him even in his sleep. The warmth was starting to blot out the pain and quickly, before she could change her mind, she reached down and grasped his cock. She ran her hand lightly up and down the shaft, remembering the way it had felt when he had entered her. She was growing wet and she rubbed herself gently against his hard thigh. It brought a fleeting but delicious feeling of friction, and she clamped her mouth shut around the moan that wanted to escape.

Enough. Your back is not nearly as painful. Stop before he wakes up. Her lower body was now the part of her that was throbbing, a slow and exciting aching need, but she forced herself to let go of his cock and move her mouth away from his skin.

"Don't stop now, girl." Tristan's deep voice, hoarse with desire, washed over her. She jerked against him in surprise, letting out a low moan as the pain in her back flared. She stared up at him, her eyes wide as he moved his big hands to her ass and squeezed. Avery was staring wide-eyed at him and he squeezed her firm ass, relishing the feel of her smooth skin.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

He bent his head to kiss her and she twisted her head so his lips glanced across her cheek. He growled low in his throat and cupped the back of her head, forcing her head still.

"Why do you stop?" He whispered against her mouth before licking her upper lip.

She hesitated. "I'm just using you, my lord. My back – it hurts and I cannot stand the pain. I was touching you as a way to feel better. I'm sorry. I should not have done that without your permission."

"And did it work?" He licked her mouth again, his hands threading through her long hair and she moaned and opened her mouth. Instead of kissing her, he took her lower lip into his mouth and sucked gently. She dug her hands into his sides as he tugged her head back and kissed her throat. He licked his way down to the hollow of her throat and across to her collarbone. He nipped lightly at it and she jerked again.

"Well, did it?" he asked again.

"Aye," she moaned.

"Then why did you stop?"

She gasped as he reached between them, arching away from his chest so he could more easily

cup her breast. "Because I'm just using you. It's not right, my lord."

"Tristan," he demanded as he tugged on her nipple, rolling it between his thumb and


"It's not right, Tristan," she moaned again, her thighs clamping around his when he suddenly pinched her nipple.

"It is," he whispered. "I like making you feel good, Avery."

She arched her hips against him. "I don't want you to get the wrong idea that I'm going to – to have sex with you all the time. Do you understand?"

He nuzzled her throat. "I understand perfectly. You're hurting and fucking me will literally take the pain away." He kissed her mouth. "I'm willing to let you use my body tonight, but you have to make me dinner later."

She giggled and he grinned at her before falling solemn. "I want you, Avery. You have no idea how much. I don't care if you're just using me." He shifted her until she was straddling his waist and then sat up, threading his fingers through her hair and kissing her deeply on the mouth.

"In fact, whenever you're in the mood to use someone, you are to come to my bed and no other's. You belong to me and I will allow no other man to touch you." He ran his thumb across her bottom lip and stared at her.

"My bed and only mine – do you understand?" He raised one eyebrow at her.

She nodded. "Aye."


He could hear the smug satisfaction in his voice, but before she could protest, he kissed her.

She met his tongue with her own and they kissed hard for a few moments. He kissed down her chest until he could suck one throbbing nipple into his mouth. She arched her back and stared up at the ceiling as he pulled on her nipple. When he took her thighs in his hands and pulled her further into his lap, she thrust her hips eagerly at him.

He moved his hands to her hips, tilted her up easily, and entered her with one hard thrust. She cried out, her hands digging into the hard muscles of his shoulders as he pulled her flush against his chest. He moaned at the feel of her nipples rubbing against his chest and tugged on her legs.

"Cross your legs around my waist," he instructed.

She crossed her legs behind his back and cried out again when it opened her up even more to him, and he sunk his cock into her completely.

"So warm," he whispered.

With a small cry of excitement, she started to rock against him. He groaned and slid his arms around her. Being careful not to touch her back, he cupped her shoulders in his hands and holding her steady, thrust roughly in and out of her.

"Am I hurting your back?" he asked.

"No," she moaned breathlessly. "Please don't stop. Please..."

He leaned back and took her wrists, pulling her arms down straight until they were next to his

legs. Holding her tightly, he rested against the headboard and continued to drive into her. She rode him helplessly, her legs squeezing his waist and loud moans of pleasure erupting from her throat. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her face flushed with colour as she bit her lip and panted and moaned.

Her full breasts bounced appealingly as he moved within her and he watched for a moment, feeling his groin tighten and his cock throb as her wet, tight core slid up and down him. With a small groan he looked down, his breath catching in his throat at the sight of his cock disappearing inside her warm body.

"Avery," he groaned. "Look at me."

She opened her eyes and stared at him. He knew his eyes were glowing, but no fear crossed her face as he reached between them and ran his fingers over her clit. At the feel of his fingers, she cried out and arched against him, coming immediately. The same intense surge of pleasure roared through him and like before, he was helpless to stop from climaxing with her. He gave his own hoarse cry of pleasure, his hips bucking against hers and his fingers squeezing around her wrists as he came inside of her.

Gasping and panting, she collapsed against him. He stroked her back and allowed her to catch her breath before sitting her up.

"How's your back?" He rubbed her wrists, frowning at the red marks he had left there. "I'm sure it's fine."

"Let me look at it."

She yawned. "I'm tired."

He grinned a little. "I know. I'll make it quick."

He lifted her off his lap and, muttering under her breath, she curled up on her side with her back to him. He scanned her back anxiously, frowning when he saw the bruises still on her skin.

"Avery, it's still bruised." He ran his hand lightly over her back.

"Not bleeding," she murmured sleepily.

He looked again. She was right. The bruising was still there but where the skin had been

torn and split open was now completely healed.

He curled his body around hers, pulling the covers up around them before sliding his hand up

to cup her breast and resting his chest carefully against her back.

"Good night, Avery."

Mostly asleep, she made a soft snorting noise in response. He sighed and kissed the back of

her neck before closing his eyes and letting sleep overtake him.