


The bell on the door chimes as a woman walks in.

An old woman sprays the glossy white counter and wipes it off.

"Welcome to The Luckiest Bean! How may we assist you- Ibi?! Is that you?" The old woman's eyes light up as she sees her eldest daughter walk through the door of the café.

"Hey, ma! How've you been?" The blonde woman smiles.

"Oh just wonderful! Even better now that my beautiful daughter is here to visit me. Is Sonny here with you?" The old woman glances around the entrance.

"I haven't even been here a full minute and you're already asking about that brat! She should be coming. We drove here together since we moved closer to each other." Ibi rubs the back of her neck.

"Wonderful! I've been dying to see you two! And now that you guys are all grown up, you can help me run the shop for a little while." The mother chuckles.

"You're always putting us to work, ma. Give us a break." A brunette walks in with a suitcase in her hand.

"You better be greatful I'm still alive after all this time!"

For todays assignment, I was told I needed to do a report on a café in Veckton. My boss seemed eager while he handed me the notebook of information on the shop.

This will probably be the most important job I have assigned to you.

I looked at him with confusion. I had no problem with the jobs he's assigned to me. Besides, I've been working here for about 2 years? But what exactly makes this one...important?

A family of 4: 2 girls, a boy, and their mother. I want you to stay there for at least an hour and write as much on them as you can.

So now I'm headed to that exact café. I hope the coffee's good.

A bell chimes when I walk into the building.

As I walk in, a woman greets me with a warm smile. She has blonde hair and she's dressed in shorts, a top that ends just above her stomach, and flip-flops.

"Hello." I crack a small smile.

"Please order at the counter!" She smiles widely, showing her teeth.

I walk up to the front counter and scan the menu for the most basic item.

I didn't see any coffee options...

"You guys have coffee here, right?" I ask the old woman working at the front desk.

"Someone has been stealing our equipment. At the moment we only had pre-cooked foods and milk." The woman smiles.

No coffee at a coffee shop? Should I write that down?

"...Well then I'll just have warm milk." I say pulling out my wallet.

After paying, I look around the room. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary. There were few customers.

The bell chimes. I turn around to see the person. She was tall. She had a purple bra on with a bandage covering the rest of her stomach. Corners of the bandage seemed to be stained red. She wore gray sweat pants that desperately hung on her hip bones. Her hair covered her face. I grimaced at the terrible smell that came from her.

I should definitely write that down.

I took my milk and sat down at a table, observing her. It seemed like everyone else in the café did the same.

The family exchanged nervous looks as they tried taking her order.

As I went to write in the notebook, I heard a scream. I jumped and whipped my head up.

The blonde had been stabbed.

With what exactly? There was no sign of a knife? The tall woman pulled her hand back. Long and thick gray nails had grown out of her fingers. The blonde's body had twitched prior to being stabbed vigorously in the throat. The brunette had screamed and sobbed on her sisters body, signaling for her mother to call the police.

"I-i-i-..." The old woman froze in shock as her eyes darted around the body.

The tall woman shot claws out of her fingers at the people trying to escape. I quickly crawled under the table.

What the hell!? What do I do?! Should I call someone?

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed an experienced gunman that worked on the job. Next thing I knew, a thick dark red nail shot right through the middle of my phone. I panicked and bumped my head under the table.

A few nails stabbed through the table and it flung across the room. Before I could process exactly what was happening, she grabbed me by my neck and lifted me up to her eye level. I widened my eyes and gasped for breath. Her grip was so tight... I could feel my thoughts jumble around inside of my head. Her eyes examined mine before throwing me into a wall. I coughed and winced.

Did she let me go?

I stumbled my way to the front door as I tried to escape. A claw shot into my leg making me cry out and grit my teeth.

The woman held the brunettes neck and ripped her head off in one try. She shot claws into the old womans eye sockets.

The only two that was left were me and the monster.

Loud sounds of a motorcycle felt dangerously close to my ear. I blinked slowly and winced at the pain I felt all over my body. I sat up only to see a tall figure blinding my view. I looked around and nearly fell on...on what? Where even am I!?. That was when I soon realized, I was of obviously on a motorcycle.

"WHA-" I held onto the person in front of me for dear life as we rode at crazy dangerous (crazy illegal) speeds.

"You're awake." A man says.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I scream, hugging him tightly. If it wasn't obvious, I've never been on a motorcycle.

"I'm taking you somewhere." He says, calmly.

"Where the hell am I?! Was it a dream?" I squint into my thoughts.

"Do you still have that notebook with you?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Notebook?! What is going on? Am I being kidnapped?" I blink anxiously.


"Don't give me a simple answer at a time like this!" I punch his back.

"Make yourself at home."

We had drove to a remote place with one small house for thousands of miles. The house had been made (terribly) with wood.

"You're not going to do anything to me, right?" I hesitate entering the building.

"No. I'm going to tell you why I killed my family."