
ALONE: Retold

"Kelvin... If I leave, Zula will kill everyone," I said in a shaky voice, before breaking down into sobs. I closed my eyes and allowed the tears to flow freely. If I were to leave, then my previous experiences would come to pass. "What are you saying? You don't have to be a hero! Someone else can do that!" His voice was already rising. "I don't need a hero... I-I need my sister," he pleaded in a small broken voice. Hearing his pained voice shattered my bruising heart into a thousand pieces. "I love you all," I managed to say. "What? NO!" he screamed but I cut the connection. *** A ritual has governed Aromes since its existence. Every fifty years, the first born child of a family has to face Zula and die. This year, Xena is chosen. The morning after her eighteenth birthday, she wakes up to meet her home island devoid of all its inhabitants; including her family. She searches everywhere for all the people but she is unable to find them anywhere. The situation is hard for her to comprehend. At first, she thinks its a joke. She hopes its a prank. She refuses to believe that she has been abandoned. Until she finds the first dead body. The dead mutilated body of her father. Then she starts hearing and seeing things that aren't meant to be. Horrifying screams, a manic creature, a cloaked figure that only comes when she takes off her glasses. Only then, does she realize that there is no escape and her inevitable death patiently awaits her.

Lilian_Nkunga · Teen
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65 Chs

Four Days Ago (2)

Four Days Ago...

He moved to my dresser and picked up my perfume bottle, sniffed it. "Eww! This smells like four days poop!" He announced throwing the bottle in the trash can –that was always placed under the dresser –and proceeding to sanitize his hands.

"Kelvin!" I screamed, losing my well-maintained mood.

"What? I am just trying to help you," he said shrugging like what he just did was nothing.

It wasn't nothing! It was something!

He was moving around my private space, touching my private things and he was being careless with them. To top it, he threw my expensive perfume away!

Oh, how can I get away with killing this boy?

My nose was red in anger and I was certain steam was coming out of it. Just glaring at him wasn't going to ease my anger. I balled my hands into fists, pinching the soft skin of my palm over and over just to avoid throwing a razor at his throat.

"Get out!" I managed to say instead, my body shaking with uncontrollable anger.

"Wait! Are you angry?" He asked pretending to be oblivious to my emotional state and failing in the pretense because he snickered!

"GET OUT!" I screamed, yet he refused to move.

Unable to control myself any longer, I moved closer to him and roughly shoved him out of my room. Resting my back on the door, I took three long deep breaths and tried calming myself. I was never an aggressive person but Kelvin brought out the worst in me.

How dare him?

I picked up the perfume bottle he trashed and returned it to its glorious position. I then proceeded to my shoe rack and took out my all-star sneakers. Returning my attention to my mirror, I brushed a little powder over my flushed cheeks to hide my anger.

How dare him?

"Rema would make it all better," I reassured myself out loud.

Taking one final long and controlled breath, I stepped out of my room, my mind still angered by Kelvin.

"Xena if you plan on carrying that long face to see Rema, I think he'll never pop the question," my dad announced from the couch.

"Hey, dad!" I greeted, summoning my best smile.

"Hey, baby girl! Don't let your brother ruin your date. Carry that smile to Rema," he said, flashing me a smile of his own.

Kelvin was a true definition of pain in my butt. But I wouldn't let him ruin my date. "Thank you, Dad!" I blew him a quick goodbye kiss and went out the front door.

Little Gina and her friends were running around our front yard as usual and as soon as they saw me approaching, they ran to me with hopeful smiles.

"Hey, Xee!" They chorused.

"Hey, guys!" I responded, smiling down at them. They could be really sweet –if they are not screaming down the whole neighborhood with their laughter– if they wanted.

"Where are you going, Xee?" Little Gina asked, her tiny little green eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yes, where are you going, Xee?" Her friends echoed after her. All of them mirror her excitement like a bunch of weird clones.

"I am going to the park," I told them. The excitement in their eyes increased by a million percent, "...and I am late, I have to go now." I quickly put it in before they could make any requests.

I started making my way around them. Only the gods knew what Little Gina and her friend wanted this time. Thank God Mr. Patrick and his ice cream truck weren't close by.

"Okay Xee," Little Gina shrugged. "Bye!" She added waving sweetly while her friends followed. Each repeating her words and actions. I could still hear the echoes of their 'byes' as I took the bend to the next street.

The trees that adorn the park entrance came into view as my legs took control of my walking pace and anxiety started settling within me.

What if Rema didn't show up?

What if he had left, missing me by seconds!

What if-

"You came!" A charming voice sliced through my thoughts and my brain immediately registered its owner. Rema!

I turned my head towards him and my heart skipped two beats. A very embarrassing blush covered my face and my legs grew weak. I couldn't move.

Rema took long steps towards me and the more distance he covered, the more butterflies fluttered in my belly.

Stay Alive Xena!

My heart tried to JumpStart me back to life but Rema's presence shut down all my nerves and I just couldn't move. Rema was right in front of me and I couldn't move!

"Hy!" He said shyly, a smile formed on his face, and oh my God!

His dimples!

"I-I thought you wouldn't show up, like last time," he began, "I am so glad you came." I couldn't bring myself to say a word, so I only smiled and his smile only grew bigger.

His dark locks fell in a fringe unto his face stopping at his dark brows. His gray eyes shone under the setting sun, highlighting his cheekbones and red plump lips.

Not forgetting his dimples!

Xena! Say something!

"Huh," I murmured nodding my head like a retard.

What was wrong with me?

"Come," he said offering me his left hand. I moved my right hand to it and he held on to it, "let's go seat by those trees."

The Aromes park was made up of three large sections. The fountain and river section, where the ducks waddled happily about; the playground section, and the tree section. The tree section was made up of two rows of trees lined side by side.

In the dark, the trees gave a spooky feel to that part of the park but during the day, it was a serene and calm place to just seat and have responsible conversations. Or romantic conversations.

It was happening!

He was going to say it!

Rema picked a seat at the center of the trees section and we both settled unto it. A perfect place for a date.

Oh, Rema...

The blush on my face had become permanent by now and I couldn't even deny my excitement.

"Xena... d-did your parents tell you?" Rema asked, his gray eyes suddenly growing clouded.