
Alone forever

A tomboy who is very quiet but a basketball prodigy is very distant with other people. Until she meets a certain someone who changes her life but doesn't realize how much he needs help himself. Will she be able to help him or will she only bring more suffering upon him.

eddiechang24 · Urban
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Madoka's POV

The sun's bright lights hit my eyes causing me to wake up. My eyes flutter open and I yawned and sat up but then I realized that I was naked. Then my blankets moved away from me, I turned and saw Homura sleeping in as he pulled the blankets away from me.

I yawned as I got up and stretched from the long night we had together. I still couldn't believe I did it with him but whatever, it's not like we're going to be dating anyways plus I really enjoyed it, something I enjoyed doing for a long time. I got dressed and opened the door to leave but once I stepped out I saw Kenji leaving his room from across Homura's door.

He looked at me, hood over his head, eyes all tired. He looked at me then at the door behind me and his eyes widened just a bit before looking away. He waved a bit and left before I could wave back but I didn't even want to wave in the first place. I was more worried about him telling others that I just came out of Horuma's room.

I just left the boy's dorm and headed over to my dorm and quickly showered to get ready for class. My hair was short on the front but neck long in the back, my hair usually covered my right eye making me look even more emo and a tomboy.

I put on a black sports sweater, black sweatpants, some black ultra boosts, a white hat and a black fanny pack with my bag.

The first bell rang and I had calculus as my first period so I headed towards the math building. There were a lot of people on campus, I wasn't really used to being around this many people in my life. Even though I live in a city, it wasn't this crowded at all, this felt out of my circle.

I got to the building and looked for my classroom until I found this huge auditorium with stairs covered with desks. Sadly it wasn't a single desk, it was a long desk where at least 4 people can sit in. I made my way all the way to the back corner where the window was and took a seat.

Others began piling in and began taking seats, one boy sat next to me but I just ignored him since he had his friends with him. Class started but the last person to enter the room was one of my teammates. She looked pissed off about something because the way she walked in was very aggressive.

She and I made eye contact and suddenly she glared at me catching me by surprise but I didn't care. If she's mad at me for something she should just talk to me, not give me damn signs and leave me clueless.

I just decided to ignore her so I continued focusing in class but before I knew it, the bell rang and we got up to leave. I left the room but then the girl who was glaring at me pushed me but I didn't fall.

"You bitch you slept with Homura?!" she yelled

That got everyone's attention and I hated it so much that I just ignored her and left.

"Why you little-"

"Get to class!" yelled a teacher

Thankfully because of that I lost her thanks to the people around me. But word spread really fast, people began pointing at me and chit chatting amongst one another. I knew who told the people, it had to Kenji who else, I was pissed off at him now.

The rest of the day was kind of miserable since word spread so fast, even the teachers overheard but I guess they deal with this kind of situation a lot since none of them cared.

Now it was the end of school and I had practice so now I had to deal with the girl who I have no idea what her name is, Homura, the coach and that bastard Kenji.

I was first in the locker room so I quickly got changed and headed upstairs into the gym where Kenji was standing shooting around. I wasn't good at approaching people but I was kind of pissed off that I approached him and snatched the ball out of his hand.

He looked at me and for the first time I saw how he looked, he had slightly long hair long enough to touch his eyes but they were neatly combed, a slightly pointed chin, clean skin, thin long eyebrows and narrow brown eyes. To be honest he was better looking than Homura but I just glared at him and he looked confused.

"You don't know how to keep things to yourself huh?" I asked

He looked at me and back at the ball in my hands and he had the audacity to leave and get another ball from the cart.

"You're not going to answer?" I asked

He sighed and looked at me.

"What do you want?" he bluntly asked

"What do I want? I should be asking you why the hell you wouldn't keep your mouth shut." I replied

"About what?" he asked

"Don't play dumb." I said

"I don't even know you." he replied

"Why the hell did you tell everyone that I slept with Homura?" I asked

He looked at me and he literally had a confused blank expression on his face.

"I didn't say anything about that, the boys on my team probably did especially the seniors." he replied

I couldn't tell if he was lying or not.

"I wouldn't tell anyone about you and Homura." he said

He went back to shooting and missed.

"Then what about that girl?" I asked

He stayed quiet but looked at me.

"This girl on my team, a senior about 170 cm tall, brown hair." I said

"She's his girlfriend." he replied

I felt terrible, what the hell did I just get myself into.

"You made a mistake." said Kenji

He dribbled the ball between his legs.

"Everyone knows about Homura." continued Kenji

"But I'm a freshman." I replied

He seemed a bit surprised.

"Since you're new you should know that Homura always picks one girl to sleep with every year." said Kenji

I wanted to gag and throw up but at the same time I don't know if I was supposed to feel good about it.

I just left him all by himself and started doing drills until the rest of the basketball team, both boys and girls came. Homura came and once he saw me he smiled and waved, I didn't want to ignore him so I just waved back.

"Okay girl team gather up!" yelled Coach Yamoto

We gathered around but I could feel all the girl's eyes on me.

"Today we'll be doing scrimmages so that I can determine your position." said Coach

We all nodded and sadly I was paired up with the girl.

'I still don't know her name.'

She glared at me and we started, I usually play the center since I'm tall so I blocked most of the players driving into the paint, but there was one freakishly tall girl who was 193 cm tall who made it a bit harder for me. During offense, I usually either shot threes or drove it and took jump shots and rarely some layups.

I could feel Homura's eyes on me but I was more focused on the game than on him. The boys were also doing scrimmages but I could see Kenji struggling a bit but he seemed relaxed.

We were up by 5 points and the next point we won, the girl, Homura's ex, had the ball so she shot a three but missed. I got the rebound and put it back in and we won the scrimmage.

"Good work, I've already decided your positions." said Coach Yamoto

He began calling out names of the members went out one by one while the others waited on the bleachers. I watched the boys playing their scrimmage, Homura got the ball, drove in and dunked on the hoop.

The girls stayed quiet but I just quietly clapped as the boys cheered him on. Next Kenji got the ball and he wasn't bad with dribbling, he drove to the left side of the court and stopped, dribbled between his legs and then did a spin move and shot the ball but missed.

Most of the girls began chuckling or snickering when Kenji missed. He sighed and shook his hand but then I noticed that when the other team members miss they cheer them up but when Kenji misses they don't do anything.

"Madoka!" called out Coach Yamoto

I got up and left the gym and he went through his papers.

"Madoka you'll be a power forward and backup center." said Coach Yamoto

I nodded, not really surprised by the fact that I got those two positions. I went back inside the gym and he called out the name Ayaka and it turns out to be Homura's ex. She purposely hit my shoulder while walking out but I just ignored her and sat back on the bench.

Now the boys were having a full court game but Kenji was sitting on the bench drinking his water. For some reason I felt attached to him, maybe it's because I kind of saw him beforehand but I shouldn't care about it.

But then Homura sat next to me catching me by surprise but I just let it slide since I didn't care about him.

"Hey did you enjoy last night?" he asked

I nodded but I felt uncomfortable talking about it in public.

"Can we not talk about this where a bunch of people can hear?" I asked

"Sorry sorry but come over to my dorm tonight." said Homura

I nodded since there's nothing to do after practice and plus I wanted to talk to him about what Kenji told me. But then I saw Kenji join the game but he didn't acknowledge anyone on his team.

"What's up with Kenji, he's trash." I said

"Kenji? I don't know I guess he's not in a good mood or something, I didn't really interact with him last year." he replied, "But he's not trash, he was the best three point shooter out there, I don't know what's got into him."

I didn't believe that he was the best three point shooter and Homura seemed to notice so he pulled out his phone and showed me a video of a game.

"This was our finals last year, we were done by two points." said Homura

I watched and saw our team run down the court and one of the boys passed the ball to Kenji, number 7 as he caught the ball and once he caught he jumped up and shot the ball a bit further away from the three point line and it was a clean shot and that was it, game over.

"He saved our ass that day." said Homura

I gave his phone back not really caring, he probably got lucky or some shit.

After practice and shower I followed Homura to his dorm and we began having sex again. But this time I heard something in the distance while doing it.

"Wait what's that noise?" I slightly moaned

"Must be Kenji playing the guitar and singing again. Damn he's so annoying with that shit." replied Homura

But it sounded really nice, very elegant and peaceful and it suited the environment around us. We continued our amazing session before I remembered to ask him about Ayaka, his ex.

"Kenji told me about you picking girls every year." I said, "Is that true?"

Homura raised an eyebrow as he kept penetrating me.

"No, I never did anything like that the fuck. Kenji's probably just jealous that I was able to get his crush instead of him." he replied

"What about Ayaka?" I asked

"We broke up in the summer." he replied

'So Kenji's just a damn liar, a fool of me for feeling some sympathy for him.'