
Alodii: lost legends

Evil shall rise again and even greater, the world is torn apart, legends have fallen and heroes are no longer born. The world rely on three heroes of separate parts to help fight evil or evil will dominate once again. They will fight evil created for good, after the heroes and legends are now lost. the mages which have abandoned the people on earth, the elementalist dead and no one to protect the elemental lands. Three warriors from each of the clans.A mage, an elemental and a titan. from the zogans, elementals and the titan clan, the fate of the world depends on the three heroes from each of the clans. It is the beginning of the end, fight from the beginning to the end. An adventure and a fight

Mone_Styles · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Pace for danger

"This is the period where the rear emergence will happen, legends were lost a long time ago and nobody thought they will be reborn but now the rear emergence will change everything.

This haven't happened for a long time, and the people are not expecting it. The dragon lords are one of those emergence that everyone had in mind that will never occur again. They were the first to stop appearing before the elementalist went into extinction and the Alodii spirit was been formed for good and was used to defeat the great titan centro but the mages feared it would be corrupted because of its pure spirit.

The elementalist is the most powerful being the world have ever seen but the titan made him a shadow of himself during the rage war. He wanted to defeat the titan at all cost. The only being capable in controlling the entire twenty elements, the only one able a communicate with the infinite spirits but it was said the elemenetalist named Haria was the only being who had travelled the most and even outside this world.

I am the descendant of the great elementalist Haria and so are you my son. You must tell no one what you are. You mission is to complete what the elementalist was finding before the rage war. He found another world in the time realm, the time keepers will be waiting for you.

Avatar mia of the light element was lost in the time loop during the cold war. Use the Phoenix power in you to clear who tries to stop you and follow the right path and group, the phoenix of strength will give you skill and strength, stamina and vision. You will travel as the elementalist did. That dragon spirit that showed up seventeen years ago is a sign that something huge is coming ahead.

But l know the spirit created for good will eventually be the thing that will destroy the world. I fear it may be the Alodii's spirit itself. Like I said tell no one what you are. And remember finding the third dragon, Aleksia is your cure mission, the dark hypnosis have being finding it for years.

It has the key to something, you will find it all you have to do is to go the land of the giants in the place very close to the zogans. The dragon was turned into a bear by the self-made female mage fillia, the mage of wisdom which was later killed by the zogan mages because she was corrupted.

The elementalist rode the bear and never knew the bear was the third dragon of the elementals. It died In the cold war but the dragon spirit never died. The key is still there. I do not know the particular people that holds the elemental staff but I think you will figure out in your journey." Suloya drew close to Belamie his son after he had told him the long story and advice now that he was ready to go for his mission.

Suloya was already advice in age, his son Belamie was twenty two of age that grew up been born with the phoenix spirit of strength named hindmil, it was the only thing Haria the elementalist could pass on.

Belamie was lucky to have the phoenix spirit. Suloya sat opposite Belamie in the court room in their house, it was time for belamie to follow his destiny now that he has the Phoenix power and spirit .

"I heard you father, I have the map I will be on my way now father and ... what is that?" Belamie sounded surprised looking through the window after seeing a beam which shot from the ground and went into the sky.

Suloya stood up and looking at the beam of light, he was stunned at what he was seeing. He long guess was actually right. It was a dragon lord. "it is the dragon lord it can't be, I know it this is your chance. The dragon lord will help you in your mission but why the dragon lord at this time. Something is about to happen. Belamie you most go now" Suloya said.

Mia and lukeng was seeming to have an endless run, they didn't know what chasing them. The bushes behind them made loud and mighty vibrations like an army was chasing them. Lukeng was alreary getting tired, he stopped suddenly and turned looking at what would came out of the bush.

Lukeng have already picked a spot in the mountains to bury them all. Soon the creatures came out in multitude from the small bush rushing in speed. Mia who had already ran further than Lukeng stopped to see what he would do.

Lukeng hauled the earth around him carraying a huge mass of rock and pushing the ground inside forming a crack, creating a massive hole in the ground ahead of the creatures. Everywhere began to shake like it was an earthquake, all the creatures fell into the huge hole formed by lukeng.

He covered it quickly and sealed it with earth rocks after which he fell backwards like he was exhausted.

"you will teach how you haul earth that way but we have to hurry the sacred pillars should be somewhere around here." said Mia looking at lukeng who was on the flour looking tired, lukeng is one of the children of Lukong. Descendant of the first haulers the earth element.

They are like monkeys because of their hairy bodies but they are some type of them that are fully monkeys but could talk. "I only said that the sacred pillars gives the avatar their full ability of the gods and also it is not compulsory doing it, three avatar never returned from that place.

It is better you do not go, you know you are the avatar so there is no need going to the sacred pillars. Please the world needs you and not your dead body." Lukeng said to Mia looking at her fixed at her eyes.

"oh I see, wait what of that beam up to the sky what does it mean" she said"it means a dragon lord have emerge. But that it is strange, an avatar and dragon lord cannot emerge at the same time." Lukeng said.

"oh look I see it lets go. I can see the pillars from here." mia screamed running away from lukeng heading to the direction where she saw the pillars. She climbed the small hill and after she saw the pillars arranged in a circle and a curse sign in the middle. She stood looking after she went towards it. Lukeng screamed from behind stopping her where she was.

"Mia look, the curse sign will take you to the spirit realm, where you will see the gods and other spirits. You will play a game, or it's like a game where you have to fill all the sacred marks with something before the other sacred spirits.

Mia you might not survive it. It chooses the avatar of the strong spirit, please do not go. If an avatar dies a specie of the lukong descendant go extinct and it happens that my specie will be next." Said Lukeng. Mia was already beginning thinking she was ready to change her mind.

Suddenly the curse mark began to open unknowingly to Mia, she was backing the curse mark. Lukeng saw the mark opening and screamed signaling Mia.

Before Mia could turn the curse mark socked mia into the ground and it closed immediately. Mia opened her eyes slowly like she had been unconscious for a long time. She got up and saw herself on a huge floating rock and so many others in the spirit realm. It was like she was in a void of floating rocks. Then the rocks began to arrange forming something and a light began to approach to come into view, she couldn't see what it was but it was like a human. Lukeng looked at his hands which was already giving out a small beam, it was a pace of danger. If Mia doesn't makes it he would die.