
Almost Forever

Life is full of mystery and surprises, because in life it's very usual to be lied to, used, cheated on and betrayed for. Every time you think it's the end turns out to be a begining line for another adventure. meet Layla Reeds a woman with a lot to tell, whom the world didn't spare or show mercy to. A journey she embarked on her own to find peace, love and most of all an identity for the world to recognise her with. for more tune in, in Almost Forever there's more to explore and a lot more to learn.

Daoist_Mamu · Urban
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10 Chs

2-The Talk

I was currently in my room struggling with a novel in my hands, the chain of destiny by harlequin romance made my mood even more complicated a pure love like that doesn't happen to everyone. I sometimes contemplate if my life was to be a novel, what would it be like to meet some one, The-one?. How does it feel when you fall in love with the right person?.why can't my life be something similar to what I am reading in this book, I close the book since my efforts to concentrate on it are just futile. Asad.. my mind wondered back to the man I was to be married to in less than two months, who is he?, how does he look like?. is he going to be anything like the characters In the books I've read?. what if he won't? I was eating myself about the same issue since yesterday, whoever he is my answer is No! and It won't change for his looks or any other reason. and I plan to make it very clear to him next Sunday.

Muna barges inside my room, I've warned her not to do that so many times "it's a shame an honour student like you cannot understand a simple concept of knocking" she broke into a giggling fit while walking to my bed, she dropped her binders which I realised now she was holding "I love it when you're annoyed, because your eyes pop out, they become really big like humus bowls. my jaw fell open and my eyes widen at her accusation. she laughed even more "you see, just like that" I charged towards her, "take that back!" she runned out of my room with me chasing her behind. I yelled at her to surrender making sure to insert threats here and there. it didn't seem to faze her even a bit because she continued running and I didn't give up going after her "Muna if you value yourself, you'd stop running" I shouted while enhancing speed to catch her "Never!!" she shouted back while laughing. we entered the living room lounge still running and she went on the opposite side of the couch leaving me standing on the other side, I was panting like I've runned a marathon "Don't you dare run Muna, or I promise you, you'll regret it" she stuck her tongue out to me. it irritated me even more I jumped over the couch to grab her but she swiftly waved herself away from me. as if on queue mom walked in the living room too "what's all this shouting about?" Muna runned to hide behind Ummy's back "ukhty is chasing me for no reason" my eyes widen at her playing innocent "for no reason?!!" I squealed "Ummy don't believe her!, she said my eyes are like humus bowls" mom looked at Muna in disbelief "you did?" she asked in a single tone "I was just joking" she pouted her bottom lip like a five years old. she got a scolding from mom and a few playful pinches and I was satisfied "apologize right now" she pulled on her ears and apologized "I'm sure none of you have prayed dhuhur yet just chasing each other like mad cats" I train my eyes to the clock on the wall the time reads 12:57pm and I gasp "I've prayed already" Muna clarified herself "I'm going to pray, don't come to distract me this time" I turn to exit the living room heading back to my room "let's go set the table" I heard mom ushering none other than Muna.

Reciting the Du'a after the prayer, I stand up folding the prayer mat, I go for my Tasbeeh at the dresser walking out with it wrapped around my fingers.

mom prepared mutton biryani, with fruits and fresh fruit juice. I seat on my usual spot at the dinning table, mom and Muna were already seated too. "Bismillah, shall we" mom poured a generous amount of rice on my plate. "where's Abbui? he's not back for lunch yet?" I asked the both of them. we always have meals together on weekends, Dad would go for darsa in the morning then come back for lunch before he goes back for the evening darsa after Maghreb prayer. "No, he's having lunch at a friend's" I nodded my head and dug into my plate. Muna was praising the food to the last lump of it on her plate.

I did the dishes after clearing the table, mom came in with a small towel drying them before arranging them back to the cupboards. "a cold shoulder I see" she spoke coyly, I didn't dare rebuke her statement, it wasn't a lie that I have been avoiding her since morning. I continued to wash the dishes while she kept to drying them. afew minutes later I was all done with the dishes I cleaned the sink. the kitchen was sparkly clean.

Entering my room I find Muna sprawled on the floor with multiple papers scattered about the place. I stand still beside the door crossing my arms Infront of my chest "what's all this mess" she didn't bother to look up at me, she answered with a pen between her teeth "it's a Bio-chemistry project, I'm just not getting it right"

"lemme see" I studied the project and I smiled a bit "it's kinda similar to my last project of science club on my senior year" I explained the chemicals she had to observe first, and later she had to record the effects of the same chemicals on DNA and other body cells. she seemed to understand because she was listening carefully. I explained some more until she could process on her own "thanks you're a life saver sis" I complimented myself showing off Infront of her before i jumped on the bed with my laptop. I checked my shift at the hospital for the coming week, it was busy!! I had three night shifts and the rest were day time. I checked for other updates and there was nothing new. working as a laboratory technician at Wellstar Georgia hospitalist group isn't a freelance job. the hospital is always busy that sometimes I work late. the fact that my home is five to ten minutes drive to the hospital as I live around north avenue NE in midtown Atlanta makes it easier to commute to work but most of the times Abbui drops me to work and fetches me back home. I stretched my body turning to glance at Muna scribbling away on a manilla sheet, she looked very concertrated and calm. "should I bring you a glass of water?" she closed her eyes shaking her head sideways "but there is a folder in the living room, I'd appreciate it you'd go get it for me" she smiled extra innocently. rolling my eyes at I stood up making my way to the living room.

I find mom on the phone, she was like inviting someone home tomorrow, I didn't really pay attention but then I heard her calling out Abbui to the person on the other line and I knew it was Gramps. she pulled the cell from her ears and she acknowledged my presence, the binder in my arms I turned to leave when she stopped me. "Layla, we need to talk". I bite my bottom lip, a bad habit when I'm agitated. I took tentative steps to the couch sitting at the edge. "my daughter.." she began in a strong voice "I know you are not happy with the marriage arrangement, but you have to know it wasn't my decision". I looked up to meet her eyes which showed sencerity and hope "Why aren't you against it then?" I asked in a calm manner " I tried to talk your father out of this countless times to no avail. Even so I want you to understand that your father is not wrong and I am supporting him" wherever this was going it wasn't how I imagined it to "Ummy, I never claimed Abbui wrong, I'm just against the idea of me getting married to ghurayb, Ummy things have changed so much now days". she paused her lips in a thin line "What are you trying to say?" I waved my hands in the air "Ummy, what I'm trying to say is, I can't start a home with a person I don't love, much less no anything about. an union like that isn't marriage momma it's an arrangement" I huffed out a sigh that I didn't know I was holding in "I can't bring myself to agree with you all, and I don't think I will" I breathed out the last part as I didn't want her to hear it.

momma rised from the couch taking calculated steps to the Arched glass window which showcases the colourful garden outside, she stayed silent for a few seconds, I hope she was taking into consideration what I've reasoned out just when I was about to turn around and disparse from the lounge did I hear her speak. "if I had the same controversial thoughts like yours twenty five years ago, I wouldn't have had the both of you perhaps" she turned to approach me and confusion was evident on my face " a ghurayb came into my home one day taking me far away from my parents, I didn't know his likes, dislikes. his choices differed from mine but in due time he gave the best of life, love,support and two beautiful daughters that I'm very proud of. Abdullah Hussain Reeds the ghurayb that I got married to turned out to be not only the best partner and soulmate but also a husband and a father to you and Muna". she was now Infront of me she held my hands as if they were delicate pieces of porcelain " I was in your position many years ago, when I wanted to disagree with my parents, I thought of all the love, care and sacrifices they made for me and how I can never pay them back, the least I could do is make them happy. and if marrying your father was their happiness I went for it. and I have no regrets to date" a lone tear escaped my left eye and my mom quickly wiped it away "sometimes a stranger can be the best thing that happened to your life, a miracle and blessings the almighty Allah sending your way, rejecting it will be throwing away a gift package from the heavens above. if my mother didn't talk to me, make me understand, then I would have lived with regrets for letting go of a partner like your father". I was glued to the spot I was standing "your father loves you Layla, trust him that's all I'm asking of you, he would never choose the wrong partner for you. do not put him to shame. the rest is up to you" with that she left the living room disappearing to the hallway.

her words were like ringing bells they kept repeating themselves over and over again. I slumped back down to the couch burrying my face between my hands to cry my heart out. what kind of dilemma is this. Deep down I knew what ever mom said was nothing more that the painful ugly, ugly truth.