

I'm just an ordinary student in the day, living my life as what my parents expected me to do. A normal student, classmate, friend and a daughter but no one knows when the night come. I live my life into another world. A life I never expected that will flip up my entire world into another realm. I know it clearly, I'm just dreaming. simply I'm inside my dream world and yet here I am standing into the unknown reality. A place I never knew existed and beings I never knew if they are real or not. This is not an ordinary dream and it was all because of him, the man that became the key to my sealed doors, he is Almos. *** “Who are you?” I asked him but instead of answering my question he suddenly grabs my hand and pulls me for a run. I don’t know where he will bring me but to my surprised, I let him. We run away from something I don’t know. I just know that there is something that was pulling me through a deep unknown darkness. But he was there and now we are running away. I don’t know who he is yet I trusted him with all my life. For that instant, I knew my heart belongs to him. *** “I didn’t mean to love you yet I love you so much I cannot hold you so tight.” I said those words and I couldn’t stop myself not to feel the bitterness of the truth we are going to face. But still, I hold her hand even though I know that it isn’t right. We run and I save her. Yet, I don’t know it was the beginning and I don’t want to find out the ending. Still, the end is near and I cannot hold her even though my heart already belongs to her.

JZea · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs




"Who—you?!" I was shocked to see him here. "What are you doing here?!" I madly shouted at him.


"Relax." He calmly answered.


"What!" I smirked. "Are you insane?!"




"Then, why are you here and then…" I look around and still I am awake. "¿No estás en mis sueños?!" 'Is this for real?!' I emphasized my question to myself.






"You're awake." I just look at him with surprised written all over my face. "Clearly awake."


If so, how did he get here if… is he a real person? I didn't care that I pressed his arm just to make sure he was real. "Oh, my God!" I gasped an air when I made sure he is real.


"Are you satisfied now?"


"Huh, ahm! Alright! So…" I swallowed before I continue. "Are you a real person? Not just a dream but a real person?"


He stares at me longer enough to feel a bit awkward and I quickly avert my eyes away from his intently stare. "I think you need to get ready."


"For what?"


"Welcome back." Suddenly I heard 'her' voice once again.


*** ***


Dream World


"The hell!" I exclaimed when I saw Ilmatar, the lady who always saves me whenever I am in a difficult situation within my dream. "Ilmatar? But how?" There are too many questions too much I don't know what to ask first because I'm so confused about what's happening around me.


"I know you have many questions but there is only one thing I can say, I'll not be able to answer your questions."




"Because that is your destiny."


"Destiny? ¿De qué diablos estás hablando?" I disgusted answer to her.


"I'm so sorry." All she could answer, which makes me feel even worse.


I was about to swear when I noticed we were inside the church again and that was also the church we went to before I woke up this morning. Knowing I came back I quickly turned at the altar to see the book that was calling me.


"Where is it?" I asked when I couldn't find it.


"That book will not show up lightly if you are not already set to read the pages."


"But I saw it earlier, didn't I?"


"Yes. It was."


"Then, why not now?"


"Because the book just introduced itself to you and I'm sure the time will also come when you'll be able to touch and read it. For now, all you have to do is to wake up safely and try not to exert much energy so that 'they' won't be able to find you."


"What do you mean?" Ilmatar just smiled before she turned her back at me and walks away. I quickly step forward only to find myself out of the church and…





"Mom?" shock and amazement I felt when all of a sudden I just came back to reality. And as quickly as possible, I try to find 'him' but I couldn't.


"What are you looking at?" Mom asked me.


"No-nothing." Then I look back to her. "Did you feel the earthquake or did you see the man who suddenly grab my hand and pull me away from you?"


"What are you talking?" she surprisingly asked. "I think you were still dreaming." She quickly added.


"Alas, Mom she's just hungry that's why she's hallucinating." My younger brother jokingly answered and that was the time I finally realize, they don't know anything. The earthquake, that 'guy' and my dreams, they don't have any idea of it.


"Jeanne?" Mom waves her hand in front of me that I quickly acknowledge.


"Oh, yeah! Mom! I'm just hungry." I answered and quickly hide my growing fear through my smile.


"I told you Mom!"


"Alright! Then, let's go home and I'll prepare a delicious meal."


They all became excited at what Mom said but not me because of what happened earlier, my mind was still chaotic.


*** ***


Akachi National High School




"You seem to be thinking deeply, Anne?" Rina asked that cuts off my thought.


Rina is one of my classmates that I can call as my real friend. One of the reasons why I choose her to be my real friend is because of her shy type attitude. I can say I was the first to approach her to be her friend and I'm glad I did it.


"Well, I have a question." I seriously replied.


"What is it?"


"What will you do if the man whom you thought was not true is true, what will you do?" she frowned at my question and if I put myself in her situation, I would react the same way. "Alas! Forget what I said!" I immediately retracted what I said.


"It looks like your problem is serious."


"You bet."


"If you want to be sure if he is real or not, why not talk to him himself?"


I look at her seriously. "¿Hablar con él para que él mismo pueda responder mi pregunta? Uhm, I think you're right. I need to face him and talk to him deeply." I decided and whatever happens, I will make sure he will talk to me seriously.


Dream World


"You look so tired, Anne?" Dione said as soon as she sits to her chair.


"Do I?"


"Yes, indeed." She answered that I quickly slumped my face at the table. "What's the problem?"


"That 'guy'."


"Who's guy?"


"The moon 'guy'."


"Oh, that 'guy'."


I quickly up my head and faces her. "Tell me, where can I find him?"




"Please! Just tell me!"




I quickly hold her both hands and said. "I badly need to talk to him! Seriously talk to him!"


Dione stared at me for a long time before she could answer. "You don't need to find him."


"Huh, what! Why?"


"Because he's our classmate, now," she answered that surprised me because I never heard of it. Yet, I am so happy to hear it because it is my best opportunity to finally talk to him as soon as possible.


*** ***