

I'm just an ordinary student in the day, living my life as what my parents expected me to do. A normal student, classmate, friend and a daughter but no one knows when the night come. I live my life into another world. A life I never expected that will flip up my entire world into another realm. I know it clearly, I'm just dreaming. simply I'm inside my dream world and yet here I am standing into the unknown reality. A place I never knew existed and beings I never knew if they are real or not. This is not an ordinary dream and it was all because of him, the man that became the key to my sealed doors, he is Almos. *** “Who are you?” I asked him but instead of answering my question he suddenly grabs my hand and pulls me for a run. I don’t know where he will bring me but to my surprised, I let him. We run away from something I don’t know. I just know that there is something that was pulling me through a deep unknown darkness. But he was there and now we are running away. I don’t know who he is yet I trusted him with all my life. For that instant, I knew my heart belongs to him. *** “I didn’t mean to love you yet I love you so much I cannot hold you so tight.” I said those words and I couldn’t stop myself not to feel the bitterness of the truth we are going to face. But still, I hold her hand even though I know that it isn’t right. We run and I save her. Yet, I don’t know it was the beginning and I don’t want to find out the ending. Still, the end is near and I cannot hold her even though my heart already belongs to her.

JZea · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs




The words that I last heard were…


'Pray my child. Pray.'


That I done and I finally saw this single light above that will guide me out of this darkness. With my trembling knees and feet I run towards the light. Without even thinking where it came from and what was that light is.


As I finally reach my destination, I found myself standing in front of a huge church and the light that I saw from afar is the cross that was at the top of it. All my fear and all my worries begin to fade although my body feels so heavy as if there is a huge stone pinning my whole body.


I begin to feel numb, to be exact my body from my waking life begins to paralyze, a sign that I will soon wake up out from this nightmare.


Knowing that I will wake up, my mind goes to Almos rather than to worry about my human body that will wake up in pain and yet in silence I pray for his safe return before the light from the cross enlighten my path going back to my waking day.


*** ***


Fabbri Residence


I awake as soon as I came out of my dream or rather my nightmare and as I expected, my body falls into paralyze and it took me a minute to finally move my body. Breathless, I quickly sit down at my bed and as soon as I got up, my whole body aches that made me scream. Luckily I was alone at my house the reason why I'm free to shout out loud as the pain embraces my whole being. In so much pain, I could feel the pain all the way to my bones.


I felt like a hundred needles strikes were done to my whole body and I could hardly breathe because of the pain. Catching my breath, I couldn't help but cry and let myself drown in my tears. Until I slowly begin to feel less pain and slowly my breath begins to get normal. Slowly, I calm myself and the pain finally gone before I turned around and hope I could summon Almos yet I failed.


'I hope you are safe, Almos. Please, be safe.' I prayed deeply.


*** ***




"Anne, are you alright?"


My mom asked me and I know she can sense that there is something wrong with me.


"I don't feel well, Mom." I honestly answered.


"What?!" she quickly went to my side and touch my forehead. "You're hot." She said. "You should not go to school today. I'll call your advisor to excuse you."


"Okay, Mom."


"Alright, go back to your room now and rest. I'll bring you some porridge so that you can take your medicine after I done talking to your advisor."


I just nodded and went back to my room. I just peacefully lay down to my bed facing my face down on the sheet.


In silence, my mind is totally blank. Purely empty, I'm not thinking of anything or anyone in particular. As if, I just get tired all of a sudden and all I want is some peace of mind. Nothing to think I just let it be empty.


That makes me feel light and without knowing I just fall asleep.


*** ***


Other Realm


"How long are you going to do this?"


I suddenly heard a voice and it came from a woman who has a very sweet and soft tone. It's like an Angel's voice and it calms me.


"As long as I can rule the world that I want, I will continue to hunt her and devour her spirit."


Fear and pain that is what I felt after hearing the second voice and it came from a man, with a tone that was so cold and dark. It's hard to describe but I know he is a dangerous man without even seeing his face.


"Älfr weohnata néiat allow ono eom ach sem eom her."


"Älfr can never letta edtha."


"Ono don't kenna how ramr älfr can waíse."


What kind of language are they talking? Never heard of it not even studied, and for some reason, I forgot to ask myself if I'm dreaming… because the last thing that I remember was I went back to my room and lay in bed then…





A faint voice called out on me and as I listen to it, I finally recognize who owned that voice.


Slowly my eyes open and I lifted up my head to look at my mom.


"Did I sleep?"


"Yes." She answered. "Now, sit up and eat your porridge so that you can drink your medicine."


I just nodded as I get up and sit in my bed. "Thank you." I said after my mom gave me my food but before I can start, I remember my faint dream or was that even a dream? I don't know.


"Anne? Are you okay?"


I quickly ignore my thoughts and focus on my food. "I'm okay, Mom." I said and prayed before I start eating.


*** ***


Dream World


'Pray my child.'


Those words suddenly echoed into my head as soon I entered my dream world. I don't know what it causes but maybe because I'm back from where I was trying to escape.


The darkness.


An empty space colored in black. The breeze is too cold even though there's no wind around me. The ground is wet even though there's no water present. From above, I see nothing but darkness yet here I am walking towards a path.


I don't know where it brings me but I continue to follow that path in silence. I don't know why I feel comfortable as I follow that path, as if I knew where it brings me.


Slowly, I just walk in silence until…


"What are you doing here?" An old lady suddenly came and asked me.


"I don't know exactly."


"Then go back as you pray." She said before vanishing.


'What? Pray…'


*** ***