

I'm just an ordinary student in the day, living my life as what my parents expected me to do. A normal student, classmate, friend and a daughter but no one knows when the night come. I live my life into another world. A life I never expected that will flip up my entire world into another realm. I know it clearly, I'm just dreaming. simply I'm inside my dream world and yet here I am standing into the unknown reality. A place I never knew existed and beings I never knew if they are real or not. This is not an ordinary dream and it was all because of him, the man that became the key to my sealed doors, he is Almos. *** “Who are you?” I asked him but instead of answering my question he suddenly grabs my hand and pulls me for a run. I don’t know where he will bring me but to my surprised, I let him. We run away from something I don’t know. I just know that there is something that was pulling me through a deep unknown darkness. But he was there and now we are running away. I don’t know who he is yet I trusted him with all my life. For that instant, I knew my heart belongs to him. *** “I didn’t mean to love you yet I love you so much I cannot hold you so tight.” I said those words and I couldn’t stop myself not to feel the bitterness of the truth we are going to face. But still, I hold her hand even though I know that it isn’t right. We run and I save her. Yet, I don’t know it was the beginning and I don’t want to find out the ending. Still, the end is near and I cannot hold her even though my heart already belongs to her.

JZea · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs




"Snap out of it!"


"What!" I was surprised when a hand snaps its finger in front of me. "It's you! Again…" I lazily added the last word and was about to leave him when he unexpectedly pulled me closer to him. "What the hell are you doing?!" I madly asked him but he keeps holding me. "Let me go!" I shouted.


"Do you really think I let you go?"




"Look before you react!"


"Huh?!" I don't know but there's something that caught my attention. I search around only to find myself looking into horizon, a dark wide view it was really hard to see. When I look down, that is the only time I learned we're standing in an edge of a cliff and looking down I couldn't see how deep it is, I don't know if I'll survive if ever I fall down from it. "The hell!"


"Yes, this is hell."


"What!" I turned looking at him. "Where are we?!"


"As you said, we're in hell."


I couldn't believe what I just heard and from the looks of it, he was seriously telling the truth and I cannot hold it. Fear quickly embraces me and my mind suddenly cannot function.


"Hey!" he suddenly shakes me that snapped me out of my fear. "If you have time to feel fear, please, have time to wake up so that we can get out of this place as soon as possible."


"The hell! I don't even know how I end up going here so how can I get out of this place?!"




"What was that?!"


"It's nothing!" he irritably answered.


I hiss. "Sorry if I don't know how to use my skills! So can I have a little patience, okay?!"




'This guy is so annoying, who do you think you are?! He's not even doing anything!'


"Do you think I want to be here too? You are the reason why I am trapped in this place with you. And I don't know why you really brought me here instead of Almos who you should have brought to this place, because I'm sure he knows what to do."


"Are you reading my mind?" I surprisingly asked.

"I can hear every single of your thoughts, so please, stop---"


"You're an Angel?!" I cut him off.


"A former Angel." He said as his eyes avoided my stares.




"Cut it out! This isn't the time to talk about me. Just focus and try to call someone that can help us but please avoid looking through the darkness that surrounding us. They might notice us and I won't be able to protect you…"


I don't know but somehow I sense that there are more words he wanted to speak yet he chooses not to that curious me.




"Don't be too curious. Just do what I just told you. Call a help."


"But how… Oh!" he suddenly grab my face. "Hey! What are you doing?!" I madly said.


"Helping you," he simply replied. "Now, look into my eyes."




"Just do as I say!" he firmly commanded and with that tone I just followed and looks into his eyes and before I knew it, I suddenly see myself standing in front of a tree.



"You somehow manage to escape that hell."


I quickly turned around only to meet Ilmatar.


"You! How did you end---" I just suddenly cut off myself when I finally notice my surroundings. "Is this for real?!" I shockingly asked as I turned my eyes around our school ground.


Now, the question is, how did I end up going to school after I looked into the eyes of that 'Chadd' look alike?


"Don't worry, you're safe now. And also Asim," she added quickly.


"Asim?" I looked back at her.


"Yes, that is his name. Although he looks like Chadd but he isn't Chadd. Asim. That is his name."


Finally, I already know his name but where he is now?


"Where is he?" I asked.


"He might be somewhere out there. And you don't have to worry, he can handle himself even though he's not an Angel anymore, he has some skills and abilities to use because he's still a former Angel."


"Former Angel, I already heard it from him."


"Yes, he's more of a Fallen Angel."


"What happened to him?" I suddenly get curious about Asim and I wanted to know how he ended up as a Fallen Angel.


"Don't ask me, I won't tell anything." She answered. "Anyway, to clear things up. You two were trap in that hell and if it wasn't Asim's help, you two won't be able to escape that place so easily."


Now I remember, it turns out we were trapped in a dark place and just because I looked into Asim's eyes, we got out of that hell.


"But how did that happen?" 'It really puzzles me.'


"Exactly three hours, that is how long you two escape the hell."


"Three hours? However, I feel like it only a second. After looking into Asim's eyes, I just saw this tree in front me." I explained and pointed out to the tree at my back.


"Uhm… it's hard to explain even so, it's your own ability and only you can figure it out as soon as you finally remem—control over it. For now, you should wake up and go on with your waking life."


Before I could answer, I suddenly wake up.



I heavily sighed as I look up at the ceiling and still couldn't believe that it took me three hours before we escape that 'hell' as Asim and Ilmatar told me. I don't know if that place is the real 'hell' although, whenever I remember it. The darkness within gives me chill deep into my bones and it was really hard enough to describe how terrified I am, knowing I unexpectedly came to 'hell'.


"What should I do, Almos? And where are you?" 'Because I miss you so much it suffers me.' I silently added.


*** ***