
Rescue from a car accident

"Ye Fan!"

Looking at the miserable situation, Tang Ruoxue was indescribably desperate:

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

"You have ruined so many cars and so many people, how can you be responsible for them?"

She hurriedly unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car.

She thought that Ye Fan suddenly ran a red light, causing the dump truck to lose control, and then a chain reaction caused a series of car accidents.

Tang Ruoxue ran to the center of the car accident.

At this time, the stunned passers-by and car owners also reacted and swarmed around the accident site.

Many women looked at the bloody scene and screamed instinctively.

Ye Fan also got out of the car door.

More than a dozen injured people lay on the ground, wailing, either with broken hands or broken feet.

The dump truck driver also fell in a pool of blood, his body twitching constantly, but he still had a breath.

"Xixi, Xixi."

At this time, a shrill cry sounded, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

A purple-clad woman climbed out of a bulletproof Audi. She was extremely beautiful and covered in blood.

She didn't care and just yelled at the collapsed back seat.

Her baby daughter was sitting there.

But it was crushed by an SUV at this moment.

The purple-clad woman was in tears and pushed the SUV desperately.


A black box with the code 9981 rolled off the seat and fell to the ground.

The purple-clad woman ignored it completely and just continued to push the SUV.

Tang Ruoxue rushed over: "Everyone come here and rescue the child together."

A dozen people ran over and lifted the SUV with force.

Ye Fan also wanted to go over, but he suddenly found that there was a little girl of seven or eight years old in front of him.

Watermelon head, longevity locks, pink dress, very cute.

But the little girl didn't smile, her eyes were empty, and she shuttled stiffly in the panicked crowd.

"Little friend, don't walk around."

There were too many people at the scene, and Ye Fan was worried that the little girl would get lost: "Where is your parents?"

He grabbed the little girl's wrist and felt an indescribable coldness in his palm.

The little girl did not respond to Ye Fan, but just stared at the distance motionlessly.

"Get out of here."

An old lady in red came and saw Ye Fan standing there stupidly, and yelled at him angrily:

"Get out of here if you don't want to help, why are you blocking the road?"

Then, she pushed her butt hard and pushed Ye Fan away by several meters.

The next second, she passed through the little girl, passed through...

Ye Fan was completely stunned.

The old lady can walk through walls? Otherwise, how could the girl not fall? How could she be unscathed?

The old lady in red ignored Ye Fan's shock, but turned around and spit at him again.

At this time, Tang Ruoxue looked back and saw Ye Fan standing there stupidly, with anger mixed with disappointment on her pretty face.

Doesn't this bastard know that it was his recklessness that caused the car accident?

Not only did she not come to save people and atone for her sins, but she also stood outside and watched the excitement. What a coward, and a heartless coward.


Must divorce!

Tang Ruoxue lost confidence in Ye Fan, it was really a hopeless case...


Just at this moment, Audi was pulled open by the crowd to make a big enough hole, and the whole body of the little girl was exposed.

It was just the pale cheeks as white as paper, and the blood all over the body, which made people feel distressed.


Ye Fan's eyes suddenly widened.

Seven or eight years old?

Watermelon head?

Longevity lock?

Pink dress?

He looked at the girl who was carried out by the crowd, and then looked at the girl he was holding, and a chill could not help rushing to the top of his head.

The same person!

At this time, Ye Fan felt the girl in his hand tremble, and her figure became blurred, as if she would be scattered by the wind.

Another person rushed past Ye Fan and passed through the little girl directly.

No obstruction!

Ye Fan was completely stunned.

Then, Ye Fan found that there seemed to be an invisible rope pulling the little girl into the dark.

"Don't go!"

Ye Fan shuddered and held the little girl tightly.

His intuition told him that if he didn't hold the shadow in his hand, the little girl would die completely.


At this time, the ambulance drove over, and the doctor and nurse quickly rushed to the side of the Audi.

A doctor looked at the little girl's eyes, and listened to her pulse and heart.

Then he shook his head helplessly.

Seeing the doctor's sorry expression, the purple-clothed woman collapsed on the ground and cried:

"Save my daughter, save my daughter."

"Whoever can save my daughter, I, Song Hongyan, will be his slave for the rest of my life."


Tang Ruoxue also shed tears. The little girl, like a flower, just left like this, which was really sad.

Others were sympathetic and shocked by the identity of the purple-clothed woman.

Song Hongyan, that is the founder of Wuhu Group, one of the few strong women in Zhonghai, with a net worth of 10 billion.

If I get a favor from Song Hongyan, I will be rich in this life.

Unfortunately, Xixi was too seriously injured and no one could save her.

"Wait a minute!"

Just when the medical staff were about to carry Xixi away, Tang Ruoxue suddenly heard a familiar voice:

"She can still be saved!"

Ye Fan dragged the shadow through the crowd, kicked the black box blocking the way, and then ran to the little girl on the ground and pressed her vital point.

Status: damaged internal organs, three broken ribs, internal bleeding, soul out of the body...

Cause: serious car accident.

Insufficient energy, unable to repair all, can be rescued with the Nine Palaces Rejuvenation Needle...

The white light of the Life and Death Jade is only a piece.

Nine Palaces shit, how can I rescue her if I haven't even started learning medical skills? If I learn medical skills, I'm afraid my soul will be gone.

Save her! Save her! Repair her soul!

Ye Fan roared in his heart.


A piece of white light sank into the little girl's body.

The little girl's face was more rosy.

"Little sister, go back, go back quickly." Ye Fan shouted anxiously to the little girl in his hands. The little girl lay down obediently, but her head was ejected and could not fall down. "Bang!" Ye Fan slapped her forehead with the Life and Death Jade, and directly knocked the little girl's head down. He clearly felt the little girl's body tremble, as if it was superimposed again. "Ye Fan, why did you hit her head?" At this time, Tang Ruoxue reacted and shouted angrily: "Don't you think the trouble you caused is not big enough?" She was full of disgust for Ye Fan. If he hadn't suddenly run a red light, how could there be this car accident? How could he kill the innocent Xixi? She reached out to pull Ye Fan, but he didn't move at all. "Young man, what are you doing? The victim has no chance of survival and cannot be saved..."

"Is he crazy? The doctor said there is no hope for him, what is he doing there? Want to show off?"

"This kid was just watching the fun, and now he shows up, he must want to hype it up."

"If you hype up a car accident, are you still a human being?"

Behind him, a group of onlookers also cursed at Ye Fan, with spit and disdain on their faces.

Song Hongyan lost her mind even more: "Don't touch my daughter..."

She slapped him.

With a crisp sound, five fingerprints appeared on Ye Fan's face.


Ye Fan's body shook, his face hurt, but he ignored it.

He pressed the little girl's head with all his strength to prevent her from bouncing back.

"Go back."


Just then, Ye Fan's palm lightened, the little girl's chest straightened, and a mouthful of blood spit out...

"Quick, quick..."

Ye Fan shouted: "Rescue..."

The doctor and the audience were completely stunned.

They never thought that the little girl who was declared dead by the doctor would come back to life again.

After a pause of one second, the medical staff hurriedly performed rescue operations. As soon as the situation stabilized, they immediately contacted the hospital for surgery.

Song Hongyan was stunned at first, and then she was ecstatic.

She kowtowed three times to Ye Fan, and then followed the ambulance to the hospital.

How is this possible?

Tang Ruoxue was also shocked, as if she didn't know Ye Fan...