
Almighty Slash

Typical Story Mc get transmigrated to another world with a system of course MC is not a cold blooded killer so don't read if you like that kind of thing If you like the novel Don't add it to your library yet because sometimes I revisit chapters and edit my mistakes First time writing a novel BTW Image is not mine

rodel_benalio · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Travel and Ambush

The family then decides to travel to the Royal City where the Heart Academy can be found,they then hired a carriage,This is Elzaio and Ena's first time travelling atlist for El this is first time in this world they didn't hire any mercenary because they didn't need protection. Sometimes bandits try to rob them but Anna is very powerfull that she can detect them from a kilometer distance and she always sent Berto to deal with them.

After 2 days of traveling the family saw a 2 carriage with no one driving it. Anna and Berto then investigate while the children will stay on their carriage 10 meters away. After getting near the carriage ,throwing knives then shoots at them and it looks like it came from the inside of the carriage. The knives didn't even got near Anna as they have been blocked by an earth wall, people then came out from the carriage, 10 people is hiding on the carriage all of them was shocked that their ambush failed but they got over it for an instant and they charge at the mage that cast earth wall, Berto didn't let this happen though he intercepts 5 people by himself he slashed 2 people and cut thems into 2 it happens so fast that they didn't have time to react . the remaining 8 people stop in their tracks and stares at Berto, they were shocked and they started to chant something they then formed a circle and at the same time they sliced their throat after saying "together we are one", Anna and Berto was terrrified of what happens next after the 8 people formed a circle and suicide a 10ft tall Red humanoid thing appears in the center,it has 3 horns,3 eyes,no nose and have a big mouth it also a Tail.From their perspective the demon should be 5th rank. Elite strong they didn't back away , "Abomination"Anna shouted Then starts to fly and chant something and Berto charged at the humanoid . The thing has a giant sword and he swing it towards Berto, Berto rolled towards the thing but surprised because a fist is seen coming towards his faced,he then blocked it with the sword and he was knocked away when the fist collides on his sword, He immediately gets up throws a dagger at the head of the thing which the abomination tried to dodge it by moving its head, the dagger then curved and hit its eye, the dagger was reinforced by mas so it quickly stabs deeper to its eyeballs,

The thing roared so loud and it stops Berto that is delivering a huge sword swing to its head and because he was near to the thing his heard hurts so bad from that roar , He quickly recoverd and dodged the incoming huge sword that the thing swing to his neck after that he throws his sword at the things feet he reinforced it with mas so that it flew faster and it stabs at the knee of the thing he didn't charged at the thing after that and he even rans to the opposite direction.

Anna then finally complete her chant and a thousand small condensed circle of water has come out from her staff and immediately flew towards the thing, the first water hits the Abomination and it tore a hole from its body he didn't even have time to recover because 999 condensed water hit him consecutively until small holes can be seen on its body and Green Blood sprayed on its wounds until it fell over and died.

A few moments ago while the couple is fighting The Abomination , A man take advantage of the situation and attacks the kids at carriage when he open the carriage a fireball immediately blows him and he was knocked 2 meters away from the carriage, he then immediately puts the flames away by spending half of his mas he cursed because he didn't expect a mage is hiding in the carriage. Mage has a devastating firepower that even some higher rank warrior feels danger from low level spells. The man then saw a Boy comes out from the carriage holding a longsword .

After setting their own ambush El then observe the man and he feel a strong pressure coming towards that man this is the pressure that a higher rank warrior emits to suppress lower rank warrior . He was probably hurt from the fireball and he estimates that the man was a 4th or 5th rank warrior ,He immediately got into a defense stance and he provokes the warrior by showing his middle finger towards it. The man was pissed at the 1st rank Warrior kid that is mockering him he immediately reinforced his feet to make his speed faster and charge towards the kid with his sword pointing towards him, Elzaio knows that he probably can't react to the speed of the man and after he saw him move he immediately duck. The man was a few inches away from his target when the kid suddenly ducked and he saw a fireball that is coming towards him very fast that he doesn't have time to react until he was hit again by the fireball after putting the fire out a sword then suddenly a sword stabs him from below and he looks down and he saw the kid, the sword pierced his heart and his beautiful life is finally over

El and Ena was Shivering and they threw up what they ate earlier all that chicken and vegetables was seen coming from their mouth. This is the first time they killed a man and the feeling was terrible ,ending a life like that makes them feel terrible and El saw that his hand is still shaking because he was the one who did the final blow , even for him who lived two lifetimes it was still the first time he take away a persons life.

After Anna and Berto Kills the abomination they immediately come back to their kids and they saw them vomiting what they ate,when they saw a body few meters away from their children they understood what happen and they carry the children back to the carriage and comfort them through hugging because at this point words won't help them feel better they just need someone's warmth to comfort them taking a life is easy but harder to bear.

after two hours they started camping because the stars are out and the moon shines above and after eating the children immediately goes to bed to sleep. Anna then talk to Berto "I'm sorry they were probably sent by my father" Berto then looks at his guilty wife and he hugs her "this is the choice that we make ,I don't regret taking you away from that family, One day we will be stronger than anyone and the time will come that we didn't need to hide from them anymore" Anna looks at his husband and smiles, she chose this man over her family and she even disobey their order and run away with this man if it wasn't for Berto, she would never find happiness to her life. "good thing that the children inherits your suname not mine or they will be schemed and killed once they started learning at the academy if they used my name" Berto then smiled "even you hated your family name and besides my surname sounds cooler than yours " he laughed to break the sad atmosphere "don't worry this handsome husband of yours will protect this family forever"