
Almighty Slash

Typical Story Mc get transmigrated to another world with a system of course MC is not a cold blooded killer so don't read if you like that kind of thing If you like the novel Don't add it to your library yet because sometimes I revisit chapters and edit my mistakes First time writing a novel BTW Image is not mine

rodel_benalio · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Finally it was El turn to fight,When Shin called their number both El and the red haired boy step forward ,his opponent first introduced himself "My name is Anthony Hit from the house Hit, I'm 10 years old and I'm second rank warrior".El notice that he was shorter than his opponent, he's just 4'2 feet tall while his Anthony is already 5'1 feet. He then spoke "I'm Elzaio Sifer, 10 years old and also a second rank Warrior" He notice that his opponent didn't underestimate him when he learned that El was a commoner, His opponent even got to his fighting stance , his knees were bent down and his stance looks like the move of a runner before running .Anthony is preparing to charge the moment the fight started.

Shin then anounce the beginning of the match and after he spoke , Anthony immediately charge at El ,he was fast and he attempts to grab El. Before the fight started ,El makes a boxing stance and as soon as the opponent charge and tries to grab him, He sidestepped with his footwork and gave 2 jabs and 1 straight at his opponent biceps because he was too short and the opponent is not facing towards him when he dodged he can only hit the biceps of his opponent.Anthony then infuse his mas towards his feet and makes a side kick towards El which El easily dodged. Anthony knowing that his kick missed he then change its direction and sweeps it towards El.

El can't dodged the unexpected move this time he just crossed his arm to block his opponent's feet.The moment the kick connects ,his arm then feels numb and he almost lost his balance and he now realized that the opponent cultivates a technique that is focused on strength and power. Anthony follows up with a tackle, El dodged and he immediately back away for atlist 2 meters and he then observe his opponent once more and notice details that he didn't notice while they are fighting . The muscles of his grew bigger and his opponent also grew taller when he reinforced mas to his body. He actually has a bad luck and was faced against a monster like Anthony , He was excited,his fighting spirit grew when he realize that his opponent is very strong and this time he is the one that charged towards Anthony.

Anthony tries to meet his charging opponent with a punch but El ducks to dodge his opponent ,Anthony saw this move before and he immediately cover his eyes with his hands . El then use mas to strengthen him and lowers his body and made a jumping uppercut towards his opponent's jaw "Shoryuken" he shouts and boom his fist connects to Anthony's Jaw . Anthony didn't expect that El can deliver a powerful blow with his short body and the punch sent him very dizzy he steps back for atleast 2 steps and tries to recover from the impact of that punch to his jaw. El then runs behind the Big guy He holds his opponent's waist and lift him up and slam him

,This is his favorite move of a certain wrestling shows that he always watch on his previous life GERMAN SUPLEX!!!!!!!!!!. Because Anthony is still recovering from his Shoryuken he didn't manage to react to El's German Suplex and after his body got slammed to the ground ,El then place his feet towards the neck of Anthony and says "you lost" Anthony admits defeat he still has a chance next year so there's no point struggling when he's down. This is the first time Anthony lost to a boy with the same age as him and after admitting defeat he stands up and he reached his hand to El "Good fight".El then grabs Anthony's hand and shakes it "Good fight" he responded . Anthony will remember this fight he now has a goal he will trains very hard and challenge El to another fight in the future, he now considers El as his rival and although he didn't got accepted to the academy he was still happy he experience a great fight and suffers a great loss.

Ena was cheering and shouting while her brother was fighting. She felt pain in her heart when Anthony connects his kick to her brother, she clench her fist and prays that El will be fine. It is very hard to watch his brother get hit but when El made a comeback She was smiling and laughing like an idiot ,his stupid brother didn't have to shout words after making a move and what's that Shoryuken it was a very interesting move , because when El attempts to use Shoryuken to his father while sparring he didn't succeed because his father dodged and counter this move on the first try that's why Ena didn't saw this move before. She felt that the german Suplex requires a very close body contact that's why she immediately lost her interest towards it.

"Elzaio Sifer wins " Shin announce , he wonder how a certain co teacher of his will react if he saw 2 member of his family got defeated consecutively.

El got his emblem from the dean and together with Ena they came back to their parents delivering the good news that they both pass and became a student on the Heart Academy.

The family went home and celebrates the success of their children. Laughter and Chuckles can be heard as El tells his parents about the fight He even made some hand gestures while telling the story "I'm telling you father he was this big and he became bigger when he uses mas to his body ,Thank God your son is so handsome and strong that I can take down a giant with my Bear hands" El continues to brag about his fight .Berto then thought that the move El used was very flashy but can be easily countered. "This kid still has so much to learn " He thought. Berto and Anna will turn 30 next year and they plan to join the war together to strengthen themselves so that they can return to Anna's family and take vengeance from trying to take their lives and kill their children