
Almighty Slash

Typical Story Mc get transmigrated to another world with a system of course MC is not a cold blooded killer so don't read if you like that kind of thing If you like the novel Don't add it to your library yet because sometimes I revisit chapters and edit my mistakes First time writing a novel BTW Image is not mine

rodel_benalio · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


"During ancient time before the world awakens energy, hunting is the main profession of our ancestors be it elf or human bow and arrow was their partner, They take down mighty beast ten times stronger than them using a bow and arrow giving them the position at the top of the food chain. Although accuracy is important but being an archer also requires patience, shooting at the right timing will earn you a prey but shooting at the wrong timing will endanger you life, you must observe your target,the surroundings and the circumstances before draw your bow. A Beginner in archery must first practice their stance although stance doesn't matter for an expert who can even shoot in mid air, A proper stance will make your accuracy get better ,Second is the grip as an archer you must not lose your grip on your bow but don't grip it too hard just let your hand relax while holding the bow" Arah talks for 30 minutes before saying "From now on the lesson will not take place in this classroom but on the first years archery ground, All of you follow me to assess your experience in archery"

As the class enters the Archer ground they notice the Benches full of bows and arrows, different bows with different weight is placed on the back of the room. Arah then says "Grab a bow and their arrows according to what suits you ,Short bow can make you shoot faster but long bow can make you aim further you can also find crossbow in their if you like, Crossbow is easier to use but reloading it is slower than an average bow,you can also see different targets at different distance place, there is the 10 meter target,20meters,30 and so on, you can use the remaining time to practice shooting" Everyone picks their bow and started shooting most of them are missing even at the 10 meter target but there is a few who already has a good aim and can even hit the bullseye.El saw his seatmate is also a beginner at archery and he looked at their teacher saw her observing them and also teaching other people who constantly miss and then he began to pick a bow. He picked a short bow and grab some arrows after that he got into his stance and relax his hold at his bow then he place an arrow at the bow and draws it,He aims at the 10 meter target and released the bow from his fingers. The arrow hits the outer school which is good for a first time he practice shooting for 10 minutes and already can hit the bullseye on the 10 meter target, he then rest in a corner. He snaps his finger and a smartphone appears, he clicked the sword icon and find a skill

*Archery(Beginner)- The skill of using a bow and arrow (use 500xp to upgrade at the next level)

Exp- 1000

He upgrade the skill to the Entri level and hides his smartphone. Information about archery surged on his head and he felt a little headache for that ,he rest for 5 minutes before practicing again he didn't reveal that he can already hit the bulleye of every target until the 40 meter target and just shooting at the 10 meter he shoots 9 arrow at the inner circle before shooting a bullseye.He notice his seatmate who keep missing at the 10 meter target earlier gets better and can consecutively shoot bullseye,his seatmate then moved to the 20 meter target ,after 30 minutes his seatmate can 100% shoot the bullseye before resting. It seems that his seatmate is a genius in archery. He also rest and didn't plan to practice because his arms are sore for shooting the bow for many times in more than half an hour. Because Arah was observing them some tries to show off and and some even manage to hit the bullseye at the 30 meter mark some also didn't plan to rest and just kept shooting arrows because they thought that they can move the heart of their teacher by showing their false Hardwork. Some males also fake being bad at archery so that the teacher will approach them and teach them about it although they were busted by Arah and started to not approach all the boys and focused all his attention at the girls.

Mag notice El earlier, He notice that his seatmate back on the classroom is also good at archery he probably didn't want to show it but even a fool will notice that he can shoot at targets further away because he was shooting at the 10 meter mark at a fast rate, damn his acting is bad good thing the teacher didn't notice it because she still teaching some girls thought by Mag. Mag then approach El "hey I know you can shoot at the targets further away" El was shocked he was busted he didn't think that someone will notice it "How did you know?" He asked. "You are shooting 10 arrows in 13 seconds who will not notice you are faking it" Mag answered. El coughed and said "Well I was practicing Fast shooting" Mag then replied "don't worry I will not tell anyone" He thought that El has a reason to hide his skills because of the 2 tragedy he faced as a child his mind matures faster and also because of having a contracted spirit at an early age much more a humanoid spirit that also raise his intelligence a bit. "I'm Mag by the way nice to meet you" He reached his hand towards which El accepted and shakes his hand "Elzaio Sifer you can call me El".Mag don't know about any noble who has a surnamed Sifer so he conclude that El is a commoner, He approached El because he knows that even he grew stronger he probably can't achieve his goals alone and he needs allies although El is not yet a valuable ally now he probably will grow stronger in the future. El was surprised at Mag talking with him, He thought that he was a very cold guy who will not start a conversation with someone but atleast this guy is not bad for keeping his fake act for him,"next time I will be careful" he wispered to himself. After more than an hour has passed Arah then end this lesson,El then goes to his next lesson which is the lesson about Swordsmanship.