
Chapter 18 Girl Xiao Xue_1

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After making that call, Mouse Qiang and his two companions stopped harassing Chen Pangzi. Instead, they threw him in a corner. The three stood there smoking cigarettes, but their gazes were fixed on him, not giving him any chance to escape.

Qin Fang didn't leave in the end. He couldn't have cared less about Chen Pangzi's fate, but he couldn't guarantee that Mouse Qiang and his gang wouldn't do something utterly despicable. Living alone, there was no difference to him when he went back, so he might as well continue to hide in a corner and wait for the situation to deteriorate.

Chen Pangzi's home was not far from here. Before long, Qin Fang saw a slender figure slowly walking through the alley. From the silhouette alone, he could tell it should be a girl.

It was already very late at this time, and this area had long been empty of people. A girl wouldn't come out like this without a good reason, especially on such a secluded path.

Obviously, even before seeing the person, Qin Fang knew that the girl arriving must be Chen Pangzi's distant niece.

Almost as soon as Qin Fang made this judgment, the girl had already walked out of the alley and appeared before his eyes.

The girl's attire was simple—a pair of black trousers, a dated floral blouse, and a pair of common slippers. She wore simple street vendor clothes, but they did nothing to hide her beautiful, delicate face. With a little effort on her appearance, she would be a beauty second to none compared to Tang Feifei.

"Looks like this might be big trouble..."

Not knowing was okay, but now that Qin Fang had seen the girl's looks, he couldn't help but wryly smile.

Mouse Qiang and his gang were obviously no saints. They dared to harass Tang Feifei even in broad daylight, so one could only imagine what they might do in the dead of night...

Qin Fang didn't dare to contemplate further. He could only wait silently, hoping the situation wouldn't be as bad as he imagined!

When the girl stepped out of the alley, she looked around the corner, probably following the instructions Chen Pangzi had given her on the phone. Hugging her stomach tightly, even from a distance, Qin Fang could see her clothes bulging over her belly, where Chen Pangzi must have asked her to hide the money.

"Xiao Xue, Xiao Xue... I'm here!"

Chen Pangzi, huddled in the corner, called out immediately when he saw the girl appear. Mouse Qiang's party extinguished their cigarettes, picked up the rotund Chen Pangzi, and walked towards the girl. They were exactly opposite Qin Fang, only separated by a road that neither pedestrians nor cars traversed.

"Cousin, you..."

The girl looked at the approaching Chen Pangzi, her eyes full of confusion. His face had swelled from a pig's head to that of an elephant's, barely resembling his original appearance. She seemed quite shocked, but upon seeing Mouse Qiang and his two obviously dangerous companions, she couldn't help but step back a little.

"Let's not talk about that now. Did you bring the stuff?"

Right now, Chen Pangzi just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. If he hung around any longer, there was no telling how much more he would get beaten. His cuts hadn't even fully stopped bleeding yet!

"Oh, it's here..."

The girl quickly pulled out the well-wrapped money from the hem of her blouse. However, as she did so, she accidentally exposed a bit of her snowy white skin and cute belly button. This sight immediately caught Mouse Qiang's attention—he had already noticed the pretty but plainly dressed girl, and his eyes gleamed.

Such a look terrified the girl, causing her hands to tremble. The packet of money almost dropped to the ground. The blatant gaze of Mouse Qiang had frightened the inexperienced young girl.

Chen Pangzi, seemingly oblivious to this, simply bowed his head, hastily took the package of money, and then carefully handed it to Mouse Qiang, "Brother Qiang, all the money is here! Can I... go home now?"

Mouse Qiang didn't say anything, accepted the wrapped money, and then tore off the newspapers around it. Inside there indeed was a wad of cash. He weighed it lightly; it seemed to be about ten thousand. Mouse Qiang knew that Chen Fatty wouldn't dare to play any tricks, or else he would come back to settle the score.

"Alright, you can get lost now..."

With the money in hand, Mouse Qiang waved dismissively, immediately telling Chen Fatty to beat it.

"I'm going, I'm going..."

Relieved, Chen Fatty muttered to himself as he looked down, preparing to leave with the girl named Xiao Xue.

"Hold on..."

But just as Chen Fatty took his first step to leave, Mouse Qiang suddenly shouted from behind, "You can leave, but she... must stay!"

Almost at the same moment Mouse Qiang uttered these words, his two henchmen, already burning with desire, immediately blocked the girl's path, one in front and one behind.

"Brother Qiang, don't... don't do this... I've given you the money..."

Chen Fatty's face immediately blanched as he stuttered.

"You gave me your money, so I naturally won't trouble you. Get lost quickly, or else... I'll really make you bleed!"

Mouse Qiang was not the kind to be swayed by mere begging. He pulled out his dagger again, threatening Chen Fatty, who was backing away, and began walking toward the girl.


Chen Fatty had already been scared witless, torn as he glanced at the girl. But as soon as Mouse Qiang brandished his dagger, Chen Fatty immediately remembered the bloodletting he had just experienced, screamed in terror, and dashed into the pitch-black alley.


The girl, also full of terror, almost instinctively tried to run away, but the thugs were not pushovers. With a quick step, they blocked the girl's intended escape route.

"You... don't come any closer..."

Xiao Xue appeared very frightened. She hadn't been in the city for long and knew very few people besides Chen Fatty's family. Now faced with such a threat, even the strongest girls would crumble, and tears began to involuntarily fill her eyes.

"Little sister, don't be scared. Brother here isn't a bad person..."

Mouse Qiang fiddled with the dagger in his hand while approaching the girl with a leering smile. The other two henchmen wore similar expressions, one of them brazenly shouting, "Boss, after you've had your fill, let us two brothers have a sip of the soup..."

They were accustomed to life on the streets, and even if they occasionally had a go, it was only with women who had been used up by others, like common buses. But the girl in front of them was pretty, and clearly a virgin... This was exactly what they wanted.

"Looks like I have to take action..."

Qin Fang had been closely watching the unfolding situation from across the street, and the terrible scenario he'd anticipated had finally occurred. A young girl was about to fall into the hands of three villains and suffer abuse. Qin Fang knew he couldn't just stand by idly. He stepped forward quietly, cautiously moving towards the three thugs who were so fixated on the girl that they hadn't noticed him rushing over…