
Chapter 16: One's own sin, one cannot live_1

Translator: 549690339

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"Boss Chen, this is not quite honorable of you... I've already done the job you asked me to do, see? I even got this big bump on my head. Don't you think you should compensate me for some medical expenses?"

It wasn't until Chen Pangzi caught his breath that Mouse Qiang squatted in front of him, patted Chen Pangzi's greasy cheeks with a grin, while his two underlings behind him sneered and flexed their wrists from time to time as if they were itching for a chance to teach Chen Pangzi a lesson with their fists and feet.

These small-time thugs had no other skills, but they were adept at bullying the weak and fearing the strong, especially when outnumbering their victims. With Chen Pangzi's build, he might not be able to withstand their harassment.

"Brother Qiang... the money... didn't I give it to you already?"

Chen Pangzi's face scrunched up in fear, as he subconsciously clutched the pocket that held his day's earnings. Although not a huge sum, it was not insubstantial either.

"What? Boss Chen, didn't you understand what I just said?"

At Chen Pangzi's response, Mouse Qiang immediately lost his good humor. His smile vanished, and his face darkened, "We took your money and did the job for you... But now I've been injured, and you should at least pay for my medical expenses, right?"

"Brother Qiang..."

The moment Chen Pangzi realized what Mouse Qiang meant, his already fearful face contorted even more, almost on the verge of tears.

"Cut the crap! Hand over the money..."

Mouse Qiang was not someone to be trifled with. After all, he did get beaten up for sticking up for Chen Pangzi, and he was already in a bad mood. Seeing that Chen Pangzi was ungrateful, he could not bother to waste more words, stood up, and kicked Chen Pangzi, signaling his two underlings to hold Chen Pangzi down as one of them started to search through his pockets.

"So it's turned into a mugging? Poor thing..."

Qin Fang, sitting in the dimly lit area across the street, saw the whole scene clearly. This was a secluded area with few people around, and Qin Fang was not someone to show mercy to his enemies, or else he wouldn't be preparing to take care of Chen Pangzi himself.

"Please, Brother Qiang! That's all my hard-earned money..."

Chen Pangzi was genuinely scared now. His corpulent body struggled violently even with one henchman holding him down. His movements were too much for the two thugs to handle, but he kept screaming like a slaughtered pig, hoping his cries would attract passersby to rescue him.

Unfortunately for him, although there were passersby, it was his enemy Qin Fang, who considered not joining Mouse Qiang in beating him a favor, let alone saving him.

"Motherfucker, looking for death!"

Mouse Qiang was not a patient man. Seeing Chen Pangzi's continued "disobedience," he lost all pretense of politeness. With a hard kick aimed at Chen Pangzi's twisting body, Chen Pangzi immediately choked up, curling into the shape of a plump shrimp, his throat raw but unable to utter a word.

The two thugs immediately took the opportunity to fish the wallet full of bills out of Chen Pangzi's tightly guarded pocket, but they didn't touch the belt pouch for collecting money.

"Damn, only one thousand yuan..."

However, after Mouse Qiang took out the money and counted it, it turned out to be just over one thousand yuan, which twisted his already gaunt face into an expression of rage, his eyes flashing with ferocity.

"You fat bastard, stop playing dead. Did you hide the money somewhere..."

Kicking Chen Pangzi, who clutched his belly and curled up into a ball, Mouse Qiang's face was incredibly gloomy.

"Brother Qiang, this really is all I have. Business is really tough now; otherwise, I wouldn't have asked for your help..."

Chen Pangzi covered his stomach, his obese face now as pale as snow. With the heat, sweat beads as large as beans kept dripping down, and he was almost ready to cling onto Mouse Qiang's legs and beg.

"Don't give me that crap. If you don't cough up ten thousand today, this isn't over..."

Reason with Mouse Qiang?

Must've had his head slammed in a door!

Mouse Qiang was notoriously ruthless, the type that would do any dirty deed. That year, his old man called him a loser, and Mouse Qiang beat him so bad, he nearly died.

Mouse Qiang wouldn't hesitate to lay hands on his own father. Let alone someone like Chen Pangzi. Didn't you see those kicks just now? All given with vicious force and without a shred of mercy.

"I really don't have it..."

Chen Pangzi's fat face scrunched together as he was on the verge of crying out, a clear sign he was indeed out of money.

Qin Fang guessed as much, since he had followed Chen Pangzi all the way without seeing him stop at an ATM, just heading straight home where Mouse Qiang had cornered him.

"You don't have it, huh! Beat him..."

Mouse Qiang let out a cold laugh, no longer polite with Chen Pangzi, and started to beat him with punches and kicks. The other two thugs were not to be outdone, continuously beating Chen Pangzi with their fists and feet.

"Brought it on yourself—live with it!"

Qin Fang watched coldly from the sidelines. Chen Pangzi had tried to scheme against him but failed. Instead, he was the one being extorted by Mouse Qiang. Unable to extort the money, Chen Pangzi now endured a severe beating, which eased the pent-up frustration in Qin Fang's chest, brightening his mood a bit.

"Ow, owww..."

The screams echoed one after another on such a quiet night, carrying far and wide. Unfortunately, no one was willing to intervene, leaving Chen Pangzi to endure the beating in silence.

As for fighting back...

Clearly, he lacked the courage, the guts, and the strength to take on three opponents. At least Chen Pangzi had that much self-awareness.

While enduring the beating, Chen Pangzi did not forget to plead with Mouse Qiang, begging him to let him off the hook... But as for giving up money... sorry, he really had none!

Chen Pangzi was in pain, but he was not stupid. He knew that if he could just survive this ordeal and make it back home alive, everything would be easily resolved, and he would no longer have to continue being extorted by Mouse Qiang.

Even better, Chen Pangzi had already planned to book a plane ticket as soon as he got home and leave Ninghai City the very next day. This way, Mouse Qiang would find it difficult to trouble him.

He was just a small snack vendor. Ninghai might be bustling, but there are plenty of other bustling cities out there. He wasn't going to hang himself on one dangerous tree.

Qin Fang had been sitting across the street the whole time, watching how things unfolded. Although he had no intention of doing anything serious to Chen Pangzi, at most leaving him with a lump on his head, the turn of events still surprised Qin Fang, especially what came next, which he found problematic even after days of pondering.