
Almighty Coach

How could a poor graduate student without any background or connections become successful? With a coaching system? An upgrade? This is not a computer game, but real life we’re talking about!   This will be a fantasy based on reality. Dai Li will fight back against all those who would mock and humiliate him with his astonishing and awe-inspiring training skills. From a nobody he’ll try to become the most illustrious coach in the sports world, so join him in proving to everyone who’s the real master here!

Victory General · Sports
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626 Chs

The Future King of Football

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Dai Li met Frast and his son in the meeting room.

In the beginning, Dai Li did not pay attention to the boy. He only paid attention to his father.

Frast looked like a rambunctious Argentinian man. If one were to say that he was a sports coach, most would believe it.

In truth, Frast was indeed a football coach, he just wasn't well-known. As such, he was not wealthy. His lifestyle was not yet at the middle-class level. He was just able to meet the demands of life. In Argentina, a lot of people loved football, so there were a lot of people working in the industry. The number of football coaches who just made it past the minimum living standard could be found everywhere.

Dai Li sensed Frast was a coach, so his immediate assumption was that Frast was there to look for work.

It was only when Frast spoke that Dai Li found out that he was wrong.