
Almighty Coach

How could a poor graduate student without any background or connections become successful? With a coaching system? An upgrade? This is not a computer game, but real life we’re talking about!   This will be a fantasy based on reality. Dai Li will fight back against all those who would mock and humiliate him with his astonishing and awe-inspiring training skills. From a nobody he’ll try to become the most illustrious coach in the sports world, so join him in proving to everyone who’s the real master here!

Victory General · Sports
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626 Chs

Talk to the Boss if You’re Looking for a Job

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Dai Li felt helpless when it came to dealing with Halls.

Dai Li was similar as a kid. In his youth, kids had been just as rebellious and sensitive as they were today. He knew teenagers were rebellious and thought that every word uttered by an adult was wrong.

Dai Li knew that a few words wouldn't prevent Halls from playing football with his friends every night. He also knew that if he continued trying to persuade him, Halls might rebel even more.

I've got to try and solve this problem another way, Dai Li thought. "Halls, you should know that your father wishes for you to become a professional football player. He thinks you can play in the top five leagues in Europe. It would be awesome for you to make La Liga. Do you know what La Liga is like?"

Halls shook his head.

Dai Li continued. "Have you been to Spain?"

Halls shook his head again.

"Do you want to go?" Dai Li asked.

This time, Halls nodded.