
Almighty Coach

How could a poor graduate student without any background or connections become successful? With a coaching system? An upgrade? This is not a computer game, but real life we’re talking about!   This will be a fantasy based on reality. Dai Li will fight back against all those who would mock and humiliate him with his astonishing and awe-inspiring training skills. From a nobody he’ll try to become the most illustrious coach in the sports world, so join him in proving to everyone who’s the real master here!

Victory General · Sports
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626 Chs

Skill Upgrade

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Although Dai Li was muttering his complaint, he was satisfied with this reward item from the bottom of his heart. Athlete patches were the reward that would bring essential changes. The cost of 10,000 points of experience might be high, but the earnings were far beyond that cost.

After some transient surprise and delight, Dai Li then put patches aside and looked at another reward item. No one would be unfamiliar with it, if he or she had studied at a primary school: an extra book cover used to wrap up the textbook. But there was no design except for two big words on it: cover upgrade.

Cover? Upgrade? He didn't know what it meant.