
Almighty Author

Steven is an ordinary writer, who is accidentally transported to a very different world, and he is given the title of Creator which makes him omnipotent, able to do anything and not limited by logic or logical thinking.

EXMonominomi · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch 26 Original Power

At the center of all dimensions

There were two sentient beings staring at each other it was Jeane and also the God of Void, of course having 5% void power.

"What do you want Jeane?"

"It's okay, it's just that I want to kill you."

"If that's what you want then come, Battle Divinity."

That god gave off an aura that absorbed and pulled in everything like a black hole, those hit by that aura would automatically turn into particles and die being sucked into the artificial void.

"Yeah alright, War Form Divinity."

Jeane changed into her combat mode carrying her two strongest swords, the names of the swords were Umenoro and Umenari.

"This will be a long battle, I hope you don't tire out Jeane."

"Humphh calm down I don't need rest, I don't need to eat, I don't need sleep, I don't need anything, I can fight from the beginning of creation to the end of the world."

The two of them prepared and immediately charged forward to attack each other, Jeane activated the Evil God's Left Eye of Destruction, as well as the Writer's Left Hand.

The battle is still very even because the God of Void has a blessing from the Creator, he has resistance to anything, time stopping, power erasure, attack cancellation, conceptual attacks, elemental attacks, because indeed void can swallow everything.

"Error 3660 Universe."

This was Jeane's time-stopping ability, which would absolutely stop linear time, and it would be impossible to move.

"Looks like this is over. Erasing Slash."

Jeane felt that she had won, but that didn't stop there, the son of the Void God family came to take revenge, but the attack he launched disappeared when it hit Jeane's gaze, even though it was said that attacks from the Void God family could not be canceled by anything.

Jeane created her domain back then, and immediately wrote a story more precisely creating a character that could surpass herself, with power above that of a god.

In this domain, Jeane is a creature that cannot be defeated, let alone killed.

In this domain, Jeane is not bound by duality, non-duality and transduality, Jeane moves independently and has no connection with logic, Jeane transcends the rules of logic and creates logic itself. Jeane exists and does not exist in metaphysical and physical reality. Starting from the beginning of Duality [0 and 1, Left and Right, On and Off, Start and End, Life and Death, etc.] dan Non-Duality [Kesatuan/Keesaan/Completeness/Unity] And Jeane goes beyond that or can be called Transduality, And also beyond all that because Jeane created rules of logic that were already beyond human understanding.