
Almighty Author

Steven is an ordinary writer, who is accidentally transported to a very different world, and he is given the title of Creator which makes him omnipotent, able to do anything and not limited by logic or logical thinking.

EXMonominomi · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch 19 Out of Context III

Early the next morning, everyone got up on time on the wizard tower clock tower, and everyone put on the gray wizard apprentice robes and hurriedly rushed to the wizard tower on the cliff! White stone steps lead up to the heights step by step, like a pilgrimage road. Everyone ran and looked up at the tower above, until everyone gasped, they reached the top step, when thoroughly Standing in front of this wizard tower, I can feel its majesty. A thousand artificial ant craftsmen, a work that never sleeps, takes half a year to build, and if humans complete it, I don't know how much manpower and material resources are needed, and I don't know how much time it will take.

Everyone passed through the hall on the first floor and went to a bright room on the 2nd floor. The whole room was like a small theater, big and comfortable, surrounded by a podium, and everyone sat down in turn.

One part of the Dream World, Witch Main Library

A place where stories are fully placed, countably infinite of them to be exact. Unforgettable places to sit, silent, and appreciate just how infinite stories it holds. An excellent and sacred place for a very noble cause, to study all the different worlds with a renewed light and set a fire in the minds of the people to be aware of the possibilities and to work together to make the fate of a novel better than the fate of the world itself. A place of profoundness, beauty, and wisdom that can never be adequately expressed through text or verbally.

Maybe that means a cinema that shows only silent films, or a photography gallery that only shows images taken by the camera in 1918 that were never seen again after that. Maybe that means a bookstore where one could buy the first edition of Moby Dick or a Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind hardcover from the '70s. Never mind the quality or the time, what matters is the place itself. The Great Library is an enigma that no one can grasp or explain but has gained a place in the hearts and minds of countless beings. Everything one could hope for in a world full of possibility.

It is where space and time converge and are completely balanced. It is the place where the door to the dimension of silence is wide open. And it is where stories wait for you and welcome you home with their absolute freedom. A place of completeness, greatness, and awe.

The Creator's Absolute Territory

The Creators have a Territory that will always exist wherever the Creators are, and the distance between The Creators' Territories/Domains is very wide, Covering the entire World, Realms, Dimensions, Existence, Layers, Whatever it is, which even exceeds the area of the Omega World.

Within Creator Territory, the Creator can do anything without being limited by logic, any logic is irrelevant for The Kreator, Zero can create logic itself, even formulas in physics & mathematics are irrelevant for Zero, if he says 666 is the biggest lift, or whatever.

There is no word "Limits" for The Creator, maybe it should be set but Steven really doesn't have any boundaries, everything can't bind Steven.

Steven is truly "Exist" as an individual who stands independently, stands alone, has no attachment to anything, he is the one who created everything, even logic and logical thinking is "A" that Steven can create alone.