
Almighty Athlete (Updated)

This is not my original work, I just wanted to continue this novel so I’m translating it on my own free time. Please Enjoy ________________________________________________ Athletics, sprints, high jump, a long jump he could do it all, breaking the world records was known as the “Emperor Track and Field”; In the arena of basketball with his invincible shots In the football stadium did not lose a game known as “the undefeated king” On the tennis court, he won four Grand Slam in one year. On the track created numerous “firsts” He is the greatest Olympic champion. He has many world records He is the ALMIGHTY ATHLETE

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The Finals Begin

At 23 o'clock on August 22, Athens time, and 4 a.m. on August 23, capital time, the final of the men's 100 meters at the Athens Olympics is about to begin.

The men 's 100-meter sprint final is the last game of today and the finale. Tens of thousands of spectators on the scene sat for hours, mostly to wait for this 100-meter trapeze battle, and more people stood by the TV, waiting for the birth of a new 100-meter trapeze.

At 11 p.m. in Athens time in southern Europe, from 8 to 10 p.m. in Western European countries, it is a good time to watch TV; while on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, American time happens to be a weekend afternoon, and people also prepare a variety of small foods, waiting in front of the TV; but in the far east, it is already the most familiar time to sleep in the early morning, consider to work normally from day to day, so even if one set of programs and five sets of programs broadcast this game at the same time, few people are willing to climb out of bed and watch.

For this 100-meter final, Europeans are more busy watching, but Americans are long-awaited. The U.S. flying people have always monopolized the world record of 100 meters and have won consecutive Olympic 100 meters championships. This time, all three U.S. players entered the finals, so the American audience believes that they have already booked this Olympic gold medal.

Americans have always liked this sport of speed competition, and the appropriate broadcast time of the game, coupled with the US team's competitors is enough to make the Americans give this Olympic men's 100-meter sprint finals great attention, broadcast statistics shows the ratings that came out soared rapidly, already approaching the Super Bowl.

In an upscale villa area on the outskirts of Charlotte, North Carolina, 14-year-old Seth Curry walked into the living room from the yard but saw his brother Stephen Curry sitting in front of the TV.

"Brother, you didn't go to practice!" Seth Curry stepped forward with a puzzled face but found that the Olympic men's 100m finals were being broadcast on TV.

The father of the Curry brothers was an NBA player, and he just retired two years ago. The Curry brothers have also practiced basketball since childhood and are considered to be like fathers. But at present it seems that the brothers have not shown any good basketball talent, even 16-year-old Stephen Curry is already a very good three-point shooter. But in this age of muscle dominance, the thin body of the Curry brothers is not favored by scouts.

On the TV, the athletes were already on the starting line, and the commentator began to introduce the athletes.

The first was Barbados athlete Obadele Thompson. He was the weakest of the eight athletes. The shot was given to the next player for only a brief five seconds. The second is the Ghanaian athlete Aziz Ariza. The narrator did not introduce him more, and the footage also flashed.

The third-ranked athlete wore a white vest, and the three large letters "USA" on the front were exceptionally conspicuous. He was exactly the American player Justin Gatlin. The replay gave the American face and gave Justin Gatlin a close-up of his face for ten seconds.

"This is Justin Gatlin. He is only 22 years old this year. He is the youngest of the three players of the US team. He won the 2002 National Indoor 100m, 200m, and Outdoor 200m championships! In 2003, he won the IAAF Golden League Zurich."

The voice of the speaker was heard on TV, but the Curry brothers did not show too much excitement. At this time, Justin Gatlin was not well-known, and the Curry brothers were not familiar with him.

The fourth track is another American player, Shawn Crawford. The organizers of the Olympic Games put the two American players together, obviously giving the American team great care.

"Shawn Crawford, the champion of the 200m in the 2001 World Indoor Championships. At the age of 26, he is at the peak. We also look forward to his good results in the next 200m!"

"The fifth is the Portuguese player Francis Obik Viru, who is originally from Nigeria and later naturalized to Portugal. He is also the only athlete from the European country in the final!"

The narrator introduced Obik Viru, and there was a warm cheer in the stadium. Obviously, as a European athlete, even if he was a naturalized player, he still got the most enthusiastic cry from the European audience.

After the broadcast screen gave Obick Viru enough shots, he turned to the next athlete. When Seth Curry saw an athlete wearing a black vest, he complained disappointedly: "Why not Maurice Greene!"

"Don't worry, the next one is!" Stephen Curry said.

"The sixth is Asafa Powell from Jamaica ..." The narrator did not give too much introduction to the future world's first flying man, and the shot was quickly transferred to the next athlete because It was Maurice Greene, the defending champion, who came down on the seventh course.

There were cheers no less than that of Obik Viru, and the audience was still very interested in defending the champion. The Curry brothers in front of the TV were also excited.

Maurice Greene once won the World Championships double champion in 1999, and broke the world record of the men's 100 meters at that time, and won the gold medal in the Sydney Olympic Games. In the United States, Maurice Greene's popularity is not inferior to the top stars of the four major leagues.

"Stephen, I guess Maurice Greene will win the championship." Seth Curry said.

Stephen Curry nodded, obviously agreeing with his brother's idea.

The retransmission screen has been staring at Maurice Greene, and the narrator has also introduced Maurice Greene to them endlessly. After a majority of the group, he moved to the left reluctantly and gave the athletes of the eighth track...

"An Asian!" Stephen Curry in front of the TV suddenly widened his eyes. The black man has been dominating the 100-meter sprint for more than ten years, and the top seven players in the shot are also darker than Curry's skin color, the sudden appearance of other skin tones made Curry feel a bit irrational.

"How is this possible? A yellow man, how did he get into the Olympic 100m finals?" Seth Curry was also surprised. He has been training basketball since he was young, and his training partners are mostly black, and there are many Hispanic races, and there are relatively few white races. As for the yellow races in the school, they are not good at sports but instead are more interested in taking part in some study groups.

The voice of the narrator also came at this time: "In the eighth line is the 18-year-old Guan-Zhang from China. He is the current Asian men's record of 100 meters."

"This stupid commentator. According to the Chinese name, he should be called Zhang Guan. The Chinese name is first, and the name is behind." Stephen Curry said.

"Stephen, this Chinese is only two years older than you." Seth Curry said.

Stephen Curry showed a very unwilling expression on his face, and he understood what Seth Curry meant. The Chinese, who is only two years older than himself, has stood on the stage of the Olympic 100m finals, competing with world-class strong players such as Maurice Greene, while Stephen Curry is still playing for the school team.

Among the players of the same age as Stephen Curry, Derrick Rose has always been the object of media attention; Russell Westbrook has also made a name; Kevin Durant of Oak Hill High School hopes to enter this year's high school. The best lineup in the United States; the California twins, the Lopez brothers, got the opportunity of Adi training camp, and Kevin Love was hailed as the best high school student at that time; as for Greg Oden, no one would compare monsters with high school students. But when it comes to Stephen Curry, the only thing you can think of is the son of Dale Curry.

Thinking of the coach's evaluation of himself, Stephen Curry shook his head in disappointment. Compared with his peers, his body did not have many advantages. He was too thin, ff not for the coach of the school team who knew his Dad, he may not even have the chance to play.

"Hey, maybe I am not suitable for playing basketball at all!" Stephen Curry smiled self-deprecatingly, and then looked at the TV in front of him again.


"Hello everyone, everyone. Now the live broadcast is the men's 100m finals of the 28th Olympic Games. It is worth mentioning that our Chinese player Zhang Guan entered the men's 100m finals unprecedentedly. An unprecedented breakthrough in China's sports career. However, in the Olympic 100-meter finals, there are strong players. If Zhang Guan wants to win a medal, it is still very difficult. Zhang Guan can enter the final and has created history here, we also wish for Zhang Guan to achieve good results. "

The narrator's tone seemed very calm. After all, it was more than four o'clock in the morning in China. This narrator also worked continuously for more than 20 hours. It would be false to say that it is not tiring. But as a professional commentator, he still strives to cheer up the spirit and not let the audience hear his fatigue.

However, in the Athens game scene, although it was late at night, the audience was as excited as ever. This will be the last contest in the track and field competition today, and the most exciting contest in the entire track and field event.

Eight athletes stood on the starting blocks, their faces dignified, waiting for the sound of the starting gun.

The Jamaican trapeze Powell on the sixth track seemed very nervous. Although Powell is also a very experienced athlete, he will still feel nervous in the Olympic finals.

The two Americans, Gatlin, and Crawford started running side by side, but there was no verbal communication between the two. They both knew that they were the biggest competitors, so they simply kept silent.

The defending champion Maurice Greene's face was slightly dignified. He could feel that his physical strength had not fully recovered to the peak state. The semi-finals consumed too much energy. I am afraid that it is difficult to run into within 9.8 seconds with his current physical level, but he still has to win the championship.

As for Zhang Guan, who is in full condition, of course, his confidence is bursting at this time. He can't wait to start the game as soon as possible.

"On your marks ..."

At this point, the starter finally gave the preparation instructions.