
allure to his darkness

He brought her nothing but his darkness. But then she brought him light. Brilliant light that blinded him into falling for her. Larissa had grown into a beautiful young woman who was admired by many men. Her aunt always pushing her into the ones of the highest ladder but she was never interested until she met him. Good looking he was, but then all his other qualities had a sharp contrast with what she had always dreamt of. A cold blooded murderer whose heart had been frozen upto the point where it could never melt but then she was the fire that slowly melted him. In a society where class mattered and with different races of humans, vampires and witches, she did not reach the expectations when it came to him but in the long process of having to see him every morning, she made a mistake that she should have never committed. She fell for him even though she knew it was a mistake. Was it worth to fall for a person who seemingly carried no emotions within him or was it wise for her to just step away....

Rityshah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

you are hired

At dawn, Larissa had made sure to wake up earlier than usual and once she was done with her usual house chores, she had left the house claiming that she was going to church and it wasn't a lie though because before she could go to madame Minerva's house, she had gone to the church to pray for the souls of her dead parents.

When she got to madame Minerva's house, she spotted the woman at the front side of her small garden tending to her flowers.

"You are early Riss." The woman spoke and placing the water can on the ground she walked halfway to meet Larissa.

"It's better to be early than late." She replied to have the woman's smile widen.

The woman was of average height but she was a little chubby and just like most times, she had tied her blonde hair into a neat ban without misplacing even a single strand.

"You are right because my son is heading towards lensat. You shall be working there."

"Isn't that place filled with vampires?" Larissa inquired skeptically to have the woman wave her hand due to the unnecessary fear that was on Larissa's face.

"There are also humans besides, those vampires are of class they wouldn't feed on you. Today you shall be working there for the first time. If you don't like it there, you can always turn back."

With a sigh, Larissa gave a nod to the older lady's words and just then, madame Minerva spotted his son's carriage.

"You should go with him. Getting a carriage to lensat can be hard."

With a short bow, she walked towards Michael who was waiting for her near the carriage.

Thought she was not properly acquainted to Michael who was madame Minerva's son that well, she had talked to him on a few occasions.

"Good morning sir Michael. I was told that you are heading towards lensat. If it's not that much of a bother, would I ride with you?"

"Riss, you don't have to be too formal with me. Your uncle and I are good friends which makes you my daughter. Come on, get in."

When the journey started, Larissa kept on staring through the window where she could spot the beautiful lush greenery that was everywhere and as minutes passed, her eyes be ame heavy to which she drifted to sleep only to be woken up by Michael upon arrival.

"Riss, we are already here." When she got down from the carriage, Michael further added.

"The Hamilton's house is the one with the black gate."

Once Michael's carriage dispatched, she started to drag her feet towards the prominent large gates.

Unlike her own town where people were everywhere, this place was different and also unusually quiet which made her more worried.

It took her almost a whole minute before she gathered enough carriage to knock on the gates to which not a second after, a large bulky man opened the gate.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

The guard asked in an aloof tone that caused her fists to tightened.

"I came here because I got a recommendation letter to work here. I was informed that the household is in need of a caregiver."

Shuffling through her bag, she handed a parchment to the guard and once the guard had read the contents inside, he finally stepped away from the gate and allowed her to get in.

When her feet got inside the Hamilton grounds, she was fascinated by the beauty of the place. If she did not know any better, she would have assumed it to be the palace.

The front side had a beautiful garden that was filled with variety of beautiful flowers that had refreshing fragrance. Then there was a beautiful fountain that to which there was a statue of a naked woman holding a pot on her hands and in that pot, there came clean water that fell on the statues feet.

All this while as her eyes continued to explore the place, the guard was right behind her and when he cleared his throat, Larissa's preoccupied mind came back to the present.

"Leila." The guard called a maid who was just passing by. "Accompany this woman to the drawing room. Senior Hamilton is waiting for her."


Just like everywhere else, the drawing room itself was large with a chandelier that held multiple candles on the ceiling that was purely white.

"You must be Ms Campbell." She heard the voice of a man who stood in front of the large windows and once the man had fully turned around to face her, she offered the man a bow and when their eyes met, she almost jumped out of her own skin.

The eyes were a dark shade of red that almost looked maroon and the thought that she was in vampire's property made her palms sweat.

"Don't be so afraid. We don't feed on servants here."

The man commented but his words were barely an assurance to her frightened self.

All her life, she had grown up around humans and never had she come face to face with this deadly creatures.


The man's words were not an order but the cold look on his face compelled her to do as told.

Once the man who seemed to be around seventies took his own seat, he was quick to ask.

"Have you ever looked after an old man before?"

"I used to look after my grandpa. That is the only experience that I have."

Larissa stated with hopes that the vampire would let her leave but to her disappointment, the old vampires face beamed with excitement.

"I like training my own caregivers and with your little experience, it will be much easier for you to know my preferences. You are hired."


She was seemingly shocked by those three words and choosing to pick her life over money, she did not hesitate to voice her words.

"I don't think I can work here sir." She softly spoke with hope that she could not irritate the vampire.

"If it is about your safety, you have my word. No one will ever lay a finger on you."