
Witch's Burrow

When Vincent stepped in front of Eve, facing the witch who continued to wobble her head, he said in a low voice, "If it weren't for the reason that I need your help, I would have torn you apart. You ruined my clothes." 

Eve's eyes fell on Vincent's back, where his inner coat and shirt had been ripped from where his wings had earlier appeared. 

The witch grit her uneven teeth and glared at Vincent. She started to run away from Eve and Vincent. They ran after her, following her. 

While they continued running, Eve asked, "Do you think she will help us?"

Vincent pulled out a ball from his pocket and threw at the witch that hit her leg. Soon the witch stumbled and rolled to the ground, hitting one of the nearby trees. 

Vincent smiled and turned to Eve, "Told you she is just feeling shy, and needed some coaxing."