
Allure Of Lady Heaven

A story of Savannah Heaven Winston who 'lost' her husband before the birth of her daughter, by lost they got divorced.... her dreams were shattered thinking love was not on her side. "Why do you keep lying to her when she is not my daughter", he yelled with a killer gaze. "Says the person who was pounding in and out of me professing his love", Heaven retorted with no shame stunning Ramiel Daniels. "Have you no shame", he asked gripping her wrist then waist. "Let me go you stupid pervet", she groaned hitting his arm. "You took my chasity right in your college dorm that night and on our wedding night you called me disgusting!" she added before bursting into tears hitting Ramiel to let her go. "Huhn?" he asked confused and before he could ask more questions, she fell unconscious, he had to get her home... Allure Of Lady Heaven Cover not mine

Amh_Yorah · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Savannah Mummy

The crowd went wild with happiness as their goddess was about to step out of the plane. Posters were held high as each battled with each other to catch a glimpse of her face. It was her, their goddess, their beautiful model and CEO to the second largest company in different countries including Orange country. Her legs came out first and the crowd cheered louder and then her full body emerged from the plane, Jeez It was Savannah, the beautiful Savannah Heaven Winston, long name indeed but she deserved it, she was Heaven herself, but she was not alone as a small body followed her from behind holding her leg tightly making her muffle a chuckle, it was her daughter Rietta Winston, who she usually called Alexa as it was a nickname from her grandparents.

She turned her back and bent in front of her body holding a cheek with no pressure obstructing the paparazzi from seeing what she was doing.

"Alexa darling, what's wrong".

she smiled running her hand through her daughter's hair, she inherited from her dad, her dad.... her smile faded as she steered at her daughter with love.

"Mommy, Awexa wants to go to gwandma".

the little one replied holding her mother's hand trying to roll her tongue on the words.

"C'mon Alexa, we will go to gwandma later" Heaven smiled patting her daughter's hair. "Tell me what you want gwandma to get you?" she asked still kneeling in front of her daughter avoiding the paparazzi that was been stopped by her hefty looking bouncers.

"Awexa want Chocoyate, and new toyts".

the little one smiled and hugged her mother, she was scared as he had never been away from Blue Country and now they were in Orange country, things better not go wrong.

Heaven smiled at her daughter's  antics and carried her before hugging her, she walked down the stairs and gave the bouncer the sign to avoid the paparazzi that was bent on asking her question.

"Miss Winston, Is she your daughter?"

"CEO Winston, is she illegitimate?"

"CEO Winston, Are you a mistress?".

the reporters questions Came from different angles and she tried to avoid them, the questions were painful and different memories rushed into her head making her stop while the reporters ran to her side with full force knocking over people one after the other. 

Alexa raised her head and steered at the reporter with anger seeing they had stopped her mummy from passing.

"We need an answer miss Winston".

another reporter and suddenly a fangirl slapped him on his head stunning him as he turned to shoot death glares.

"Why did you slap my head".

The  reporter exclaimed looking annoyed.

"Because I felt like".

The female fan replied stepping on his toe.

"How dare you talk to my Savannah like that".

She asked looking fierce as ever... Heaven turned her head towards the direction and frowned, the fan girl looked familiar, too familiar.


She muttered exiting the airport with her daughter in her arms balanced securely.


Alexa called cleaning the sweat from her darling's head.

"Yes baby".

Heaven replied kissing her palm distracting her from the event that just happened.

"Where are we going?" 

Asked the little one.

"It's a surprise".

Her mother smiled and smooched her chubby cheeks. 


"Wooow.... This is awetome".

Alexa giggles hugging Heaven's hand then resumed to run into the mansion without stopping.


Heaven yelled stumping her feet in the floor like a five year old who didn't get candy and this seemed to bother Alexa as the little one stopped and suddenly went tumbling down falling on the floor. 


Heaven screamed and ran towards her daughter with and heavy heart like she was broken.

It was bad enough she lost the father before she was born to some scandal, and now she couldn't lose the one she fought hard for.

Alexa's low grunts scared her as she carried her baby trying not to touch her scraped knee and elbow, her baby was injured and her eyes watered for the second time in a day.

"Savannah mummy, I have a boo-boo why are you crying".

Alexa state's with a pout, she was the one meant to cry not her tired looking mom.

"I know".

Heaven smiled and muffled her cries, she carried her little angel in her arms and walked into the mansion in haste to be greeted by the short butler who had a grin plastered on his old face.

"Mrs Daniels, it's nice having you over".

The man whispered with a short bow.

"I'll prefer you call me Heaven, Mr Donovan". She smiled and requested for the first aid box before walking into the mansion.

This place... this lovely mansion was gifted to her by her ex husband, Ramiel Daniels, beautiful memories were made in every corner of this house.

Love confession, First kiss, stolen kisses and first orgasm which was almost a disgrace on his

birthday party, they loved each other, but they were never meant to be. They were categorized the campus's loveliest couple even though she was two years below him, they still loved and cherished one another. He had changed her from the paper tigress to a fierce Jackal, how she missed him and the old days. 

With a heavy heart and little Alexa in her arms, she made way to the bedroom they usually shared, the room laced with smell of him each corner filled with memories. She dropped Alexa on the bed and waited patiently for the butler to come.

"When last did he visit".

She asked the butler referring to her ex-husband as she attended to her daughter who had fallen asleep.

"Master Ramiel visited five months ago to install some things in the house".

"Clarify mr Donovan, what things".

"I don't know about that Miss Heaven"

The old man bowed and Heaven sighed heavily in annoyance.

"Thank you Mr Donovan.... and please get orange juice and grape juice for Alexa and I".

"Yes miss Heaven", the short man whispered, bowed and left, immediately he was gone, she picked her phone to call someone who would scold her for sure