
Chapter 615

Finally, someone dropped his weapon and gathered the courage to ask aloud, "Is what you're saying true? But why should we trust you?! What proof do you have?"

Shangguan Xuanyi took out a military token, carved from black jade in the shape of a coiled tiger, with some ancient characters engraved on it.

It's a token that could summon ten thousand troops at will anywhere!

This token was rumored to exist in only two copies, held by the Sixth Prince and the Fourth Prince.

Could this man be a prince?!

They'd been caught mining iron ore in secret by a prince? Wouldn't that be like courting death?!

Over a dozen soldiers immediately put down their weapons and surrendered. Most of them had joined the army initially to protect their homes and country but ended up serving a rebellious general. They had little choice but to toe the line.

Now, with the true guardians of the nation here, they could serve as regular soldiers. Who would want to be subjected and branded as a traitor!