

Allison pov

 I sat next to my dad feeling so bored

"Now the princess and Prince dance"the royal announcer said

Prince Roshan stood up to my side and bought out his hand 

"My lady" ha said

 I put my hand as we both walked to the ball ground 

 " do u drink blood??"he whispered in my ear


 "Yes human blood ,do u??"he asked again

 "No as our deal with the humans ,we drink animal blood"I told him

 "Oh, princess by the rules"

 "Yes I am"

"I'd it because of ur father or ....."he asked

 "No ,I just want peace nothing more,peace keeps the balance" I said 

 "Then u know ur father wants the peace also, by our marriage" he said 

 "I know" 

"Then..... "


"Thank u for the dance,prince"I said and bowed 

 I left and went back to my seat,I saw Lucia giving me a weak smile

 ~~Hayden pov ~~~

 Jackson have been pacing back and forth all. This while wondering how to stop king Daniel

I feel useless not being able to help

 "I know,I will call lura for information" I thought aloud to help

 "No way" Jackson said I think he heard me 

"Uh,why?"I asked 

 "Don't ask me that,y both had a rough end if u go back it won't be right,u will just hurt her the more" he lectured

 "IH stop ,I love her as u live Allison I won't hurt her" I promised 

"OK your choice,I haven't seen Hayden fall in love but maybe lura is the one" Jackson said. And I left

~~few hours later~~


I got to the palace and saw a lot of vampires scattered around the place

 "My gentleman please what is the occasion" I asked a guard

"The king is hosting a feast to keep Gerard kingdom united"

 "OK then please let me in "I told them

 "And u are" another guard asked 

"A friend of princess lura"I lied 

Friendship is not the right word to use

"U wait here we will go ask her highness"they said and left

~~lura pov ~~

 I and Allison just chatted to kill time. until the main event was brought forth

We ate,the advertisers and I just sat there waiting to go to my room and sleep

 "Do u miss him??" Allison asked 

 "Who??" I asked her

 "U know who am talking about he start with a h and ends with a n" she continued

 "Shut it alli, Hayden would never be serious he loves anything with a skirt "

 "My poor thing , you are hurt because of love ,but I think he truly loves u "she said

"Oh please I promise after he came back from his journey he hasn't come to look for me so what type of live is that ??" I told her plainly

 "Well promise me if he comes u will give him a chance "she said

 " whatever I promise"I said and we continued with our meal

 "My princess a stranger at the gate says u invited him to the feast"a guard said

 "Did I ,I don't think so "I said 

I tried to search my brain if I invited anyone

"Well let me go see this young fellow then"I said and stood up to see this stranger

 "I hope it is Hayden"Allison whispered 

"Shut it Sis"I said 

I walked to the gaye to see this young gentleman turning his back with a brown hair laying on his shoulders

 "Young man ,what might I do for u??"I asked and he turned to face me

 "Ur highness"he said and bowed

 "Hay....den...."I stammered

"In the flesh"he cut me off

"How,was Allison right, does he really love me"this where the thought that raced my mind 

"Please come in,open the gates"I ordered the guard and they did

 "Thank u,my legs are chruming for standing long" he gestured as always 

 "Walk with me "I said

"No no,I came here for a feast ,and plus ,I'm starving"he said and whispered the last 

 I laughed 

 "OK let's go,Allison will be stunned to see u "I said as we both walked to the hall with me in front

 "Didn't u miss me ,or are u not happy to see me??"he asked and I halted in my tracks
